'OPIION 1Resolution Must z be fair, balanced We're.resigned to tIhe tact proccss by taking its devcl- that the development ot oprnent plans te the IMilton Heights - first envi- Ontario Municipal Board ssened sn a 2004 secondary (0MB), residents' participa- Iplan - is inevitable. tien in the process could hc But hepefully that does- limited. n't mean the changes in A balanced approach store for the area wiil be dis- must be taken - one that pieasing fer the approxi- carefuily considers the con- mate 500 people who live in crso eiet n h tthe ciose-knit cômmunity cerns et residents ath In a stery on the issue in need s ean ewrneas Thursdav's Chiampion, a Iempas.ayevromna spokesinan for a resoclents' WIm hpac ir. sout greup didn't sounri ail that Wehpafiresutn sure the cencerus ef Milton - one thats acceptable te Heights dwellers are being ail sides - can be reached addressed. before an 0MB hearing. And with the decision by Otherwise, we fear that bai- the Milton Heights ance may end up being Landewners Greup te, try te, tipped tee much in one speed up the lengthy direction. Readers Wri«te Emeul letters toed tenal@naoltencenachenchaempon.cern. Letters, which mey be edted, must mnclude the writer's nain, address antd phone number. Hornby dean-up volunteers persevered DEAR EDITOR: In spite of the postponed rain date and then a cold, wet merning the feilowing Saturday, hardy vol- unteers in the Hornby Ci'ean-Up Day persevered and continued the area clean-up. Ahl and ail, in excess et 250 bags et garbage and thousands of pounds et ether materiais were removed trom roadside ditches and creeks in the Hemnby area. We applaud our volunteers for their tremendous etfort on such a cold day and we aIse wish te thank our ce ordinater, Peter Vaughan, Halton Hilis Mayor Rick Bonette, Councilior Jane Fegal and Town statt for their support et this event anad for the use et Hornby Park as a staging area and Councillor Bryan Lewis's participation on April 23. In addition, we would aise like te thank our sponsors - Agram Meats, Metro Georgetown, Mapie Lodge Farmns, Pepsi, Supersor Celove, Hornby Gien Golt Couîrse, the Gcoigetown i idcpetidenit, the Clsampios, Tim Hortons and tirst- time sponsor M&M Meat Shops for their continued support, which heiped te make the Hornby Clean- up Day a tremendous success. Being the il th year et ths event, there was a noticeabie reduction in the ameunt et trash per kilometre et roadway. On the increase is the amount et con- We haveqt contributed enough already The tellewing letter was addressed te Ontarie Premier Dalten McGuînty and a copy was fiied with the Champion. DEAR MR. MCGUINTY: Thank you fer yeur recent letter requesting a donation te, the Liberal Party ef Ontario. Untortunately, 1 can't send you a donation because over the last four years my wife and 1 have paid $900 per year fer yeur Ontario Heaith Premium, which isn't a tax. Aise, recently I got my heating oul bill and paid more than $70 in HST on an ameunt that aiready inciuded $200 in fuel taxes. Over this past winter, my heating coats were about $3,500, which inchuded $400 in HST and $1,100 in fuel taxes. 1 haven't mentiened my hydre, bill that went up by $47 per month in 2010, .Se yeu can see, Mr. McGuinty, since we're sen- iors and on CPP and OAS, neither my wite ner h have funds that we can donate te the Liberal Party et Ontario and we feel the more than $4,500 we have paid you recentiy sheuld be a sufficient contri- bution. DAVID GREENFIELD BURLINGTON struction/rcnovation-ty pe dtsmped trash. Most disturbing was the more than 20 gallons et used motor oul tound in leaking galion contain- ers. The used oul with ail its con- taminants couid potentiaily tind its way into our drinking water, bc it ground or lake-based. Qil can be dropped off at the Regionai hazardous waste site or many automotive suppiy retail outiets. Let's net dttmp this into our drinkong water and poison our families, lriends and neighbours, please. Last but net Ieast, we thank our corporate velunteers inciud- ing Bahr Saddlery and Trans Canada Power Generation tor their etforts te dlean up the envi- ronmnact. We extend an invitation te ail volunteers and supporters to join us again su April 2012. ERIK KOWAL, PRESIDENT HORNBY ASSOCIATION 0F RATE PAYERS sXE(O. UND Yà Y 0F MILTON CANADOA SYMCA isoardo MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE e - zbr c~anablin QDampion Mflton's Community Nevvspaper Sinte 1860 555 Industneal Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mültoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Debbi Koppejan Editor in Chief J7l Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tim Colas Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare On Lina Sales Manager Danai Colaman The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Thursday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Lsd. Advertng os accepted on the conrdition that, in the event of a typographical error, that portion of the advetîs ing space oocupied by the erroneous item, together ourth a teasonable alloouance for signature, wuil flot be charged for, but the balance of the adoeetet ourl 6e paid for at the applioable rate. The prublisher reserves the right to oategorze advetisemetor deline. 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