Royal LePage Meadowtowne releases app for iPhone and iPad Milton /May3, 2011 Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty has launched an app ta enable consumers ta search for homes on their iPhone or iPad devices. This application is provided for free and lets consumers view ail Meadowtowne listings anytime and anywhere. This app isalso searchable at iTunes. Anyone who searches for Mississauga, Milton or Georgetown real estate will be brought directly to the application created by Hilîside Software of Denver Colorado. Sellers listed with Meadowtowne will have the unique ability ta have their listings featured through one of the greatest and fair reaching mobile platforms in the world. Home buyers with iPhones or iPads will be f irst in the marketplace ta have full mobile access ta ail of the company's listing inventory including interior photos, Walkscores and GPS mapping. According ta a news release from Apple on March 2, 2011, Apple has sold over 100 million iPhones and 15 million iPads. Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty is a full service real estate brokerage with offices in Mississauga, Milton and Georgetown Ontario, Canada. For further information contact: Alex Ocsai, Broker/Owner or Gloria Riddall, Broker of Record/Owner Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty, Brokerage 475 Main Street East, Milton Tel: 905.878.8101 ROYAL LEPAGE Mnadowtine Reatty tiif F Inrk:t On '~I Real Hoe I ro T l SàIPS~ ONLINEli;liP adRfltei EBT% BEST110=Es ,~ TH KEY TO *,*** NE HOME! :; * * *~ Create a 'garden of eatin' Wtth the cast af foad an the nise, there's no better tome BIBER start grawtng yaur awn argantc herbs, fruits and vegetahl sonnap.The best part ahaut incarpararmng edible items inta the g i905f469-888 den (astde framt the taste and health benefits) is that y t(mi302M9Sunn ONE 0F A KINO GEM dan't need ta be an avid gardener ar have a large gard Stnigcontomporary design, customr bill herne on upp. 4.3 ocres of lard space ta get started. wilb pond. Over 3000 sqi.ftl ranch style bungalow elUr exceptioeul baor plan, Herhs and vegetahles can easily he grawn right in yc qlisy bul, prieute urd largo seny indos. Corrplotely rrreshed basemont hackyard garden an in cantainers an yaur patia ar balca' elirh ganre, pary room and spa erlh elurîpsol, sura, 3pcs bath and walk-ep. Ceti l deal properly to live, enjUy and enlerlair surrseodoid with trunquility ard Cranitems such as îamataes camne in a vai-iety af vihra natere. Access from Ulb Lire UUIy. Pieuse cauh Sonia for personal veig. calaurs and when mixed in with traditianal flawers a Asbing $1.199.000. 1plants, make far hreathtaking dispisys. ta es. ar- au en Ur ny cnt nd 1, - Visit the nursery at your local OSE UDY24P Lowe's store ( und ffDAEU,-OKI* check aut the wide variety of Bannie plants and seeds ta help yau get started. Papular varieties ta include are: - Oregana * Chenry tamataes - Sage iMINISTER/REBECCA ePeppermint : o ith .îAiyeieed bd..,m Ï,dipe * Dili Ml--tül ina / nieehi,.db Thysne ivctc bckt( Mie Rcrmi Srt;ofn Peppers inr )mdî.n.ini; n ,,i bah h - Seed variety packs .,,,,d dotibl, grge ttu,, p ixal of - , Fruit huches breef$6855000 Lot Us HeIp You Find Your Dremam Home in Bet HOMes REAL ESTATE SECTION IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Executive 4 bedroom, 4 bath ail brick borne witb double car ga- ruge, hardwood and profesoion- ally tinished basemneot. Family- friendly creocent. Walk to schools und park, easy acceoo to 401 and 407 for commuters. With 9 Foor ceilngo On Main Level Lecated ln Mat- tamyns Oesiable 'Mll Pond' commenits. Tastefei Oecorated & Movnt o eady Lecated On Premium Lot Pucino Weeded O eentpuce. Levno inino Room Hue New Ouk Harwend, Puteo Doo Accent Té FulIy Penced Rea Vurd. 2nd Pl Laendry. Al Bcdrnnm W Wulk-I o eet Manter W Upu aded 5 PC Ensaite And Whirpont Tub. Oreat Ce b Appeal W Puteo Stone Walkway & Oewuy Accomedates 3 Caos CIickon Featured Properties -J