PFA22 Ontario St. S., T emkx@ESTATE C ENTREI. ON477 K "A fruit trees. Feattires include 4 bedroonis, fainily rooni with fireplace, oak hardwood floor, new herber carpet and large cat in kitehen. Lots of parking. Cali Julie for a personal tour. If you con afford ta rent chances are you can cifford to buy your own born. Start building equity for your future, and flot for sommeoe else's benefit. Consider bow mucb mortgage you could afford given the current amiount ofE rent you ore paying: Consider how much martgage yau could afford given the current amaunt of rent you are paying: Current Rent John Cavan, Mortgage Agent Archiets B.okerage#10287 Askyour local moi~ mortgageplanner Comparable hiortffl* Assumes a 30-year amartizatian; 5-year term at 4.O%t $1,250 -z$202,936 $1,500 -b$255,510 $1,750 -b$308,085 $2,000 - $360,659 t Rate OAC and subject ta change. *Assumes 5% clown with insurance premium of 2,.95%. Based on martgage payment plus heat and praperty taxes of $285 per manth. John Cavan is an Approvcd Mortgage Planner with Mort gage Arc hitects. Mortgage questions and concerns can be directed tojohn Cavons office, located at 14 Martin St., Multon. John con be reached by phone: 905-878-7213 or by ernail: John Cavons website is Contact john today about your stressfree mortgage opportunities. -IA