Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 2011, p. 51

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i Li I LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGING & REWARDING EMYMENT OPPORUNITY? S The YMCA ut Hamiltn/Barlington/ 1 Brantord os ofitnring part-lime.Ultoçy iI IPositions prosidisg licensed care ts children * betwees the sous of 3.8-12 pears. The ouccesofal candidates milI bu untbusiaotic, g creative, cbild tocsed and uble 10 work 1 mithix a flexible ochedule. Ruoponoibilitiex Il Iiscladu froxtlinn oupervixion of chiudres, 1 asoveil as, progrars duvelxpmesî, *administration and workisg as part of the 8 YMCA Sebool Age Cbild Cave tsars. If ynu: 1 Hase a diploma in E0E, I Cbild and Yosth or Recreatiox i * *Or bave fao or more peurs espuriuncu S workixg with cbiidresf in a * rucreatios or child cane outtiso 1 Are 18 pearsof oage or older 0 Ersail your reume and cover lutter tir a SACCjabs@ymca.ca or mail 10: *SACCJOBS * c/o Ron Edmardo Farsily YMCA *500 Drsry Lune Bsrtingtos, Ontario L7R 2X2 I ora I c/o Hamilton Downtswn Famitp YMCA Il 179 James Street South, Hamilton, OsIaris L8P 2Z1 * or * c/o Brantford Farsily YMCA * 1 143 Wellington Stret, Brantford, Ontario N35 3Y8 W8 th8nk ail111 chu h appimd; Orly qualitMe candidates wiii b.@ contactait for an Interview, I6 - --- Neli GemZHi MOHAWK. LIFE ON THE FAST TRACI< leElectricity pierces the air. some nf tbe world's greateot atelea baIlle for sspremacy as a crowd nf Iboasando cheer from start bo finish. And you're in tbe Middle of if. Wulcomu f0 Campbeltville's mout uobilaratisg unturtuiomunt uspenrunce, home to tiret class racisg, gamisg, dinisg and pure uscitemunt. Espiore Ibu cide irange of rewarding lobs and progressive op- portanifies ut Mobawk Rlacetracb and bu a part of Ibis cbampionsbip fuamt JOB FAIR Aprhl 30, 2011 - 10:BOam to 4:00PM Mohawk RaceCrack, 9430 Guelph Line, Campbellile Curruntlyi ce are seutdng skillud and talustud individuels in tbe following aruas: KITCHEN, BARS, WAREHOUSE, SECURITY, DINING ROOM in a pari-fime ar casual bilais. IfyDa caecal attend, pliuse submît yaur raisonne fa: jabs@woodblneenteriînment.cam *In CommerraXs Moilles, VShw Photogrphlcjo Looicing for Oubies, KICdS,TeenS & AduitS Of ALL AGES. $20 Screen Test wlth photo shoot If flot accepted, money refunded *Burlington* Tues. May 3rd- 4 pm.s8p.mi. e pin me 51 s4081 me-&o- - W. R. Meadows of Canadla ii- la lookisg for 1 Tr ades GIENIERAL LABOURIERS BRIGO AE Tbis person sbould bu self motisatýed and progresivtilo ancd enurgutic. The cork requires attention to sysems in egraini iv- dutail, gond phyaical condition and tbe abiliny 10 qaires asales sort inuâ cork bofb inaide and ouf undur ail wuvatber viduai. hou viii ho trsînnil or the cusiomer soi- conditions. Forb truck uxperiexce ix an asset. vice/nîd1er entsytdesk1. Pese speclty viage relquirement Must have Mîcrosaioffc and seind resumes toi: SUkIS wih an inierestin wrmcflO rmedowcom sains aid marketoing GElAI JOBS I.II[iIZu Asumbly - 12+/hr H airst Fokit- $14v/hr ~ iu i t HCR Fax 905-87-4090 Bfda career startng day onu. Tel 905-876-4661 1030 Kennedy Çircie, Milton E-mal: . hourty wage plus commission emalliltan@ - excellent benefits package hcr.ca fl n attm oiin wwwhcr.ca *fleibl and ighor equipmens provided WANTD advanced training prograns Short-term *no clientele required in unuf Mitlon wwwjflstchoice.com 905-878-9155 Wèlcome ... to a worid of choice CHOIR DIRECTOR aid Ac- companist toi Knox Chuich in hicion. Oviies ix incivile chooig music ton Suîday svivices,iehvaE i ihn choir. vmaiî We are Canada's tinest, moot succesaful, kiox-acion@hoinaîilca, mail t vinax Piesbyiviîa ic audhicrehin Chuîch , Box 342, Acion, STYLISTS F/T P/T Ontario, L7J 2M4. OakvllWeBurlngtorMwaterdown locations ORDER PICKER fli ime eHosry cage & commission ivouineil toi Buriingtoi Clientelu sot ruquired wsiehovon. Must have nie- optivbeftpakg vious toikift aid RF Readen exveîîvnceo pîeieîred. *Flexible bouts Some computer keovîndeoGetwrigevrnet aai huih schooi dioma iv- alBaat9527 41 ovine .Piesse send ne Cl iMZU sume 10 LindaTatodh tux 905-319-440 vmal ftraftoraee Rare xpportunity in Waturdocs, americas.com er cur cinnisa al ini se hiin 80e are looking for unthusiastie prtssional commissions, bunuf ifs, education and flexible boum. Plusse forseard rusumue to Tara Arnold: fin us snie 11 bivers J tenerat Hutp General HeIp -_ Guerat Hlp If you are interested please cali 905-878-5947 TuclnlaVkiled Sals Opofunti s eSles Oppobnu *B udds'BMV W T~'~ S Luxury automotive C dealership requires a Groane8veldCPL Systemas is a leading .> F/T Parts Supir of automatic greasing systemns with s Consultant maad ide, offices and distributors. We are Successful individual Iooking for an experienced candidate with a wili posseas excel- proven track record, for the position of: lent commuication -INSIDE SALES skilsablit t pror- Yu illberesponsible for performing the tize, muet deadlines, following duties:o be detailed oriented *Insids sales support through quoting and z and hase parts expe- sales order management e rience. Excellent *Liaison between AcutManagers, tecbnical 1> benefit package. departmenî and Sales Department Fax resonne tau Proside serinas reports toi management on .0-45 7 ote statua and sales activity O or amamit fa: parts@ Once fully trainedthe houmswillbe 11:30 ar. buddsbmw.cam toi 8:00 p.m. a - .* Bitingual sas asuet 9.11199 i i 1 If yau would lifte ta became a pari aou 6r *. * ~ grawing and proiessiona lteam, please orTedy ResumesCanada@groenevedgroup.com WENSAT 1AM LiCensed REALTOR Wanted c WEDISDAYA M Ose of Fasteaf Growing Rest Estafe Teama in Plusse caI GTA seeka Licensed Assistant immediaely. 905-632-4440 No COLD CALLING. Al Appointments & Leada 3 fa:958624 Sapplied. Make'appron. $100,00o/ 1sf yeur. IAIl expenses paid! à' Plama write In Compleill confidence M 00: topsmIosteam1@gmaul.com rnetrolandmedia OUTSIDE ADVERTISING SALES Metroland Digital Mefroluandas Digital Media group se tooking for bigh-esergy Senior AcutConsultants with a minimum of 5-10 yeara retail nlise sales enperience f0 suppnrt and drise sales in our Digital Aufomofise Divson. As a seasoned Account Consulfanf, you woutd bu responaibte for segotiating and sulling nnlinu services f0 retail cuafomers lithin a deaignafed guographica ares (401 corridor, Brampton f0 Guelph). The ideal candidate bas atrong online eopeniencu, can provide solufion oriunfud sales presentafions and bas thbu abiity In usfabish unique and tosg-tasting psrtnerships wItb bialtrur clienfe e. THE JOB IN A NUTSHIELL- Acfisely prnspecf and desulop se business wifbin a spucific geogrspbicaty ferritory - Maintain and grow uoisfisg business relafionsbips -Acbieve monthly sales turgefs a Acfisety csnsutt wifb clients on f raffic and insuntory reports - Monifor turrifsry issunfory lenule weekty o Liaison witb local newapapur reps f0 luvuragu markef relafionubipo and incruasu oserait revenues - Mulotais usd comptute weukly reporfing ruquiremens - Cosait witb dualursbip regarding Ibeir indisidul web solution f0i maoimizu sales an efficiencies . Monitor and conssîf wiftb uucb cuofomer on their insentory and prosidu adsice rugardisg leai price and issenfory mio - Consaîf witb castomurs rugarding fbeir wubsite and insenfory traffic, provide muaslisgful insigbt of site and sebiclu siew numburs -Manage bad dubl and bu aware of rucuisebtua - Monitor and cosst witb dealer regarding tbe effective use and management cof umail and pbone leado. ABOUT YOU- Tbe succusoful canididate seul bu s prssun adsertising salues consultant witb a dumosraud abiity f0 uatablisb uique and long- lasting partnerabips and close busineos selfb indupundent and major automotise dualers groupe. S/bu ii bu a surp bigh unurgp, sbarp individuel wbosu profussional efforts are drisen bp the dusiru for excullence and for market leadersbip, and a/bu sbsuld also base tbe tollowing: - A strong undurotanding and familisnity witb tbe innur worbinga of francbise and independunt car dualursbip - A sfrong undurstanding and familianitp witb ontinu adsertising salua Strong salus/closing akilis -nd ruaisbip skills -Strosg lime and terriforp managument skilîs Entrepreneurial tuam mindauf * Sulf-motivaîed/drises individuel wbo fies ownursbip and dulivurs on goals - Creafise, 'oat-of-thu-boo" Ibinkur ubo enjnys cruafing sos-traditional adsertising solutions o Working and failible aufomobilu, proof of insorancu and a dlean drivisg record. Inlermsledl candidates are invied la send thmlr résumé and caver liiter ta Eryne Real al mrmai@mtmiland.com an or hmtarm M&j.%ZRZM0T Meliroland la an equai oppotuhl emuployer Wm lhank ail applaneis for their Ilareal; howevmonly Ihose smlacedtfor au Interview wiIl De oontàcled __ -J

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