Tired ofthe Drive? F/T & P/T __________ - Why flot work in Burlington? SKILLED usiuaera upo igE nt I. nterviewing Debi Collectars KITCHEN Tih a drdnsu andeitve Shuldesi. Hih dsandssar d s l om etiv.Sucie stu. STAFF Ceeress I d L SMust be able to obtain Security Clearance. Wanted for very high l RoaCndinLgn Cati Mark VanderPloeg volume golf course ranch tSSdOt 2 1 3 letone 905-6394990 ext. 3M ~ and banquet hall. PaintTndm, Dsom 1ChrsSre Pihlo oat 3hn paece An election of Branch Officars wilI take 905-62e7-25ma place Snld ay, May 1, 2011 at 905-27-5341:00pm, in th le clubroom, canteen r.~-r , r - ~ closed untit foltowing installation. PIT G r/ Receptionists KTHNHELP -AtPs-Members must rdc ro f21 z Fo some daya, evenings adwens. rions. Milicroit Catering dues paid 5cr vote. Pleaste fax vair restiua Io: 905-875-1516 I eincen siait ton PRIVATE TUTORING tramn i ojions. Immedlate r(deateOae2 * o aat: ilt@mItofoaf.co Oenng Peue contact ndeath. Readîne, îh hD na Srie * Positive attitude and flexible achedule required. Mk ,e adr ai. vsI Sciences. É, rie -_ 1 mke@milc nitcatering.ca ww .uoigwnesc^ No a/ N" a/ 1905-821-2700 NEED DENTAL CAlE? [rj~ J Medical ire-unl T.ewlmle Fult mouthn makeover for free. ownib opJ wm Personal Imsage TV Show: 4bw% Homo Support Workeru ait Qaiy .L ùnIG2care oawitîî, euih .n milion REGISTERED wwwme@rnrtotv.ca z' Needed 15 support seniors sud pèrsons with WECES (416)>730-5684 ext. 2243 u disabilities in their homes. HSWs provide .Coin@Play & Leaawlîh Us e heusehotd cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, Childcere Centres in Mittan & Buriingfan Ne oh, Ia*u Z2laandry. May be required lu do light meut are seeking Regltered ECEs. edt hl aeien E preparation, grocery shopping, supervised Adrancement Opportunites, Paid Professional oe h u m r Ï bathing Some administraive tanks. Develupment & Competitive Benef ils oe h lîlm * GUALÎ.FICAtTIONJS: PSW Certification an usuel. Esperience cleaning. Physically fit to AtwIy ai: www.paakabookid.com regularly lift 10-20 lbn and pvrlnrm repefîtive or Fax: 905-814-0068 tanks. Criminel Reference Check & swn trans-IL portation required. $12.44/hr. to stan. Benefits cm sf 20 trhtea q Apply le: Johstiinks2çare.ca or fax 905W84-5656 SENEAAL CONTRACTINS. m Links2Csre issun Equal Opportunity Employer vatiors. 905-844-61158, IL www.links2care.ca M E.1005 [ZDý ZD7Z Z RNs & RPNs. WVe have positions availeue ln the commuuity and clinicu. As au RN/RPN, you havea outrant certifcate oif competeuce aud CIPR certificats, excellant teachlug sk4115, aud tha abllty ta administer medicetions. Commiy and cliic exparience a iss assai. To apply, pi«»s vieils: RNe: hstp://accfe.mhoath.newhinugsotton.com/355-Nursing-RN RPNa: http://acclmheaeh.nuewhlrnugsolution.rom/348-Nurmlng-RPN IP SV s es 418112-hour and spllt ahf vilbe Vos muet havesa Pensonet Support Worker certificats irons a recoguized commuuity or private college, e certificats lu basic fi ali inctsdling CPR-Basic Rescser Levai, a efllid Ontario drlVers licence, sud the se of a vehiile. Opportunies are avullable lu retirament home or commuuuty settingu. To eppIy, please viit, httpJ/acciaimheafth.newhirngsouio.co/34-Persona-SupportWorkerr Our flesible schadsliug atiords you the opportuuity to punssa gratitylng work thai ecconmodatea pour Ifleufyle. Candidates wlihout socaus to tia intemet cari fax thair resumne to: (05) 827-547e Acoiaar Hleat is an squainppueimty eurpiupe fi Acclalm Health [www.acclaimhealth.ca] è as. mferaofHeeihcaNeoà 905.632.4440à A www.haltonurom WHAT cleans out your closes, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in The Milton Champion rhurscday editton reaches 27,000 homes in Milton and your cost lis au iow as *$25.00 + HST. (*termu & conditions eppiy) For info. and to place your ad in the Thursdey edition, just cali the Ctassified Dept. et 905-632-4440, Mon.-Fri., 8:30 e.m. to, 5:30 p.m. DEADLINE for Thursdey edition is Tuesdey et 5 p.m.. If your Garage Sale lu rained out you voil get soaked if you buy our Rein Protection for an additonai $5.1 Notify our office and vit re-run the semae ad, with a date change, at no charge wlfhin the next 2 we.k perfld. -Note: Your ad atso appears on-tino et inuidehalton.cons n ews.c a EObituaries SHIARPIE, Bruce Franklin Passed away on Saturd .ay, Aprit 16, 2011 very suddent y without pain. Bruce was the son of the taite Fredrick Sharpe and Ftorence (May) Dowdle. He feaves his loving wife Donnavean of 62 1/2 years, his two sons; Christopher (Beth) and Randaît (Sylvie). Bruce witl be ssdly missedi by his granduons Kyfa and Lucas ta, whom he prayed would grow up good men lite their fathers. Bruce uarved in the Canadian Navy aboard a trigate doing convoy duty acrous the North Atlantic. He made 13 crossingu before ha was 20 yesrs aId. He raiI be sadty missed with heavy heurts by at of his famity Famity and friands are invited te visit as the MeKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 frons 7-9 pmri on Wednesdlay, Aprit 20, 2011. The funerut service will be hefd in the funarat home chapetl on Thursday ut 10:30 am. Interment to fottow aut the Trafalgar Lawn Cametery in Oukvilta. ln lieu of remembrances of sny kiud, pieuse hug aud hotd your dear omes near. Lettars of condotence and Otein o Bersck.Gra BAESOK redmth ro 8 Duotutr rasCeul roa FredaCo, eri1tyn C01rwe aot Minnis anMarorial Hspeital yt, Brecebidge , ONhr 8h e on Wvednwed Ap Grdot 201h, 2011fn b. hetd te chepet monThrsdey, Barif2sfc 201cy) etl 1:00 p.m. repin wttten fo eDon ahuner Cellntre,2 Treyor Rd.il, rcbrda. Shannepson Hf Doypas hewy, Samrhtee donttn my e madkesta 1h. anaditoen, Cianc erst Massage of onDeer en e of Rewrynolds FunaetHome Tre DOWNS,' Douglas.Atbert Pasued away peacefully as Altendale on Friday April 15, 2011 in his 63rd yesr. Betoved son of Antoinette. Devoted father of Lise and Ryan; their upouses Michael, and Kriutina and toving grsndfather of Azafea. Predeceased by hiai father Albert and brother David. Doug witl also be missed by his nieces and nephews. The famit1y witt receive visitons ai the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Wednesday April 20, 2011 tram 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. A funera service wil t tata place on Thursdey as il a.m. tram the funerat home chapel. Interment, Evergreen Cemetery. If desired, memoriat donations ta the Toronto Police Service, Widows and Orphans Fund, 180 Yorkland Blvd., #28, Toronto M2J 1 R5, would boi uincerey appreciated. Ontine condolences and t ri b u tes may be telat ast www.earlyfuneralhome.com J. MTý VAAR, Rein Passed away peacefutty with his femity by his aide on Friday, Aprit 15, 2011 as the Brampton Civic Hospital. Rein Ver, toving father csf Eric and his veife Jeu. Sadly missed by hiu grandson Logan. Survived b y his sister Oie Jarvie and brother Edgar Vaar and his wife Yvonne. Predeceased by his daughter Joanne. Famity and friendu are invited to visit as t ha McKERSI E-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 tram 7-9 pm on Wednesdeay. The funera service witt be hatd ln the funeret home chape on Thursday Apri 21, 2011 as i1:00 pm. Interment to 50110lw u aittllon Evergreen Cemetery. In tieu of ftowers, memioria donations ta the Canudian Lung Association woufd be appreciuted.' Letiers oS condotence may be teSt for the famity as www.mckerslekocher..ce n 7 1 WORKOPOLIS Tirnelo shine