Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 2011, p. 14

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1'vann,,e & Rai Olivceira 6941 Derry Road, Suite 203, Milton 905-875-3345 www.hearsay.ca Q: Are there any treaimenîs for tinnitus? A: (ncrIurpil ia h it nhelp innnil thei svri ollai s A% id i\inure ti i nid sor al[d ises C hecknnnur iniuîd pressunre ti tl ns fh gen nuit drn hui1r nu cnitroiln De res nain ni niatkco ai ai ma ir nnnt.nt h i rculatinn * his .ii iinip o eu h ,u , iiia i thn (,tet idequni rt and titanu S top mmm tmýig abonut tireni t c Runîngini ),,Lt huni nonise an iinnonaannu and hum [ ni gnore i an iiunih as possilel Atsk an Audialogist about ihefolfowing options: tîoJîedbacs invoniiiinceuntatiorn and nelaxatioin e\inniînn %iiich ian hep il, ninnl nmunnle gnnnaps and circutioinn nhnnaghou thii hoidy The inînnaie nulanatinn cru nalation achnii\,d hy ihîni ininninun caii reduithin inminiii ofi nise1in hil ati %ainînnng i annd ninulitntin niu i tii gn aà iiînpnirarii Tnniass mastsîrs -A nt tail, niuutn,,nun intrunnut, hntî iti or coinend a ilt a hî.nnnng aid. Thcy nnî a nnnrnpîîrîîe nhuit pleiant ion tai al .î diirat nia from hn.nd noi Sonnieple lind ila ahî i nnrun mankt iii unun salin,,, ititi hcrd noi Inn seimai hounnn allir itinînniii lît mi1 n ti trcrailt nil niun lintnitus 5t'training Therapy i ani i ai iailiing tite hirabiimtin tinnnnîn sourds and iiiîriabingnintitiirt tu normtal itinidaiv nîin inrîugn ixtensive îrn-gunng iduaniunai cuunsiiing and siiintd innnîlînint i hi titîiap) praninnnann tahi beimnîn i-2 niant in andin inn hi nuuuunnfl du a ui nnîp nu addrîsntng nînnituan inin ecinintdid than tu have îuur iting ninrîni Tînninus ns nniiin attuiaiîn itnh hi.înnng liii. if )ou hani an> questins ot îunuerns abui yorn hîarîng inr inn nnnfiing huom tinîniu cal] thi HeinSay Speech and Hianing Centre and tpiak nu uni ofi titi AnadiuIugistt KImFâ 905-878-2333 10Ontario, St. S. Staying in Shape for Gardening Wanner weather is upon us and wtth tl corntes the desire tu, gel oatstde and start working on tbe laven and tn tihe garden. Aller a sedentary wsnter, il is imperative for aIl oi us t0 warmn up before vie dig, plant, rake or prune. A good strelcs helps condition tise muscles sud energize your body. The constant bcnding sud twisting of gardening sud yard work places higis demands on aur bodies. We must condition our body before heading oulside. Sore muscles sud spasms can ttc eliminaled by doing the foltowing; 1) Stretching tise upper and tower back, hamstrings sud shoulders. Without complete range of motion or flexibitity, thse gardener will put abdominal stress on vanious body structures. 2) Condition tise body Ibrougis cardiovascular exeresse. Start walking, niding a bîke, using a utair mmster sud/or jogging to, get int cardiovascular shape. You'll be aanazed ti sec how mach better your body visl respond afler a day in the garden. 3) Drink lots of veater while working - our bodies are made up of mostly vaie We need to replenish il well before wie "get thirsty". 4) Watch your posture sud gel adj usted - btc very aveare of how you are working. Support your low back with your legs, cake leading veitis the right hsud sud then switch ta tise lell. Sec a chiropraclor 10 make sure there is no interference 10 your nervous system so your body can futnction aI ils mosi optimal level. www.KimFamilyChiropractic.com useaut Putut tan,. .PocifM Ontario Foot--', ROSHNI PATEL B.Sc.,D.PO.M. FOOT SPECIALISTSI CHIROPODISTS 550 Ontario St. S., Unit 205, Milton, (905) 878-6479 M6rrbOr Orf tOntrio SOclef Of ChinOPOdists anid The Ontario Coloo f Chonopodisis Q. Are ffip flops bad for you? A. Flip flops are a widely 'Von' sboe type for inany people including teenagers during the sommuer rnonths. Tlhey are open toed, easy to gel into, and low in cost, but they lack support and may crecate foot problems in the future. Recently, orthotie flip flops have comte onto the mnarket. TIhey have orthotics buiît right into thein! Ortboheel sandals have been designed in order to optimize foot fonction. After heing iii regilar Ilip llops fora%% hile ne ltend to notice stsre lcet dite lo the laek of support. Orthioheel sandals allow you 10 %valk proper> by positioning your foot eorreeîly. theref ,ore înininnzing tired and aehy feet. 'Ibiùs is done by eontrolling the amont of pronation in your foot. Walkng barefoot, on pavement, tdes, eonerete or hardwood ean cause your foot to overpronate leading 10 heel pain. knee pain or even shin pain. Orthohteel sandals ean be used ail summuer f'or open toed season, whether il be for long walks, on the heaeh or even indoors. Tbey offer eomifort and stylev hIùle keeping for feet eool. We are offering a w ide seleetion of Orthoheel sandas for your comfort and pleasure! Marilyn J. Samuels, I ~ BA, BPHE, LLB, LLM I ~ P ILawyer ~~ 11084 Fifth LUne, Milton ~ a Ph. 905-854-4942 Marilyn J. Samuels Fax: 905-854-5211 Q. 1 ame in the pîsseess of separatingfon my -wtfe amd 1 have heard a lot of crazyn utunes about divuorces amd dont knuua whaito expert. A4. i hankn ti imlunisinin and nil happinel inn nue" îîîrîs, ihinimu mone MIinnninn ihboni dînaonce gnrnng anrund than yu nînghî nîaizc Maiti pieople tîin titi> mw the lave hecansu thi> inhid ni" froni a iniend ot nîad i inn the Ininnei. Hîni ane uonnei of thi mniuorcmnin mnnuirnmupirns peoîpli havei t. Haviug an affair impacts how yon are tresîrd by tise Iaw. No lanit ditinun' mmm ta Canada nouanlînt a upitases hehainun irmpacts thein ahnit> ac panent, thi nasntn mon thi manînage ending ns innîlînani. 2. Tise curt luvours tise spouse iuitiating divorce proceedings. Titi spîruse iiiiiiiiing dntinorc pnniîuuuiingn hasnoai spîmiai niginîs ah uni titn ithen upinne, nîhîn than i dtrmnthe chi n iiuail iihi mitant casei If lina have uhidnun hi cunt case niant lie ninted hl tiiîhcy litn 3 A legal separallun precedes a divorce. Inni u)irw lii hitci n sch i i e lact, 4: If I leave tise bouse or my childeen f wiII hase my rigs t 1 them. Netihen itruc -nue matrimnial home nu pnatecred and ,nun ani eniieu ti hall thi en>aii> nigardiinn ofi nîltun nu nenîdi Murntng oat dires oi itmpact yntan rigit panent ynr chtidrn 5: Sonseone inur a divorce. Dinnrce is nar abui wiaaing, it about nmvinng tins, dnsinhaînng pnapniy and pnaîecîîag the bînti înenînt ai yur uhildren, Il ihîne are any nia mînnein in divorce, inns the people wh rai e n ahle in orainain panitive neiataanshipn wih an en npoune/ n.a panent. Enîuînsng fatune le event (snch an widdngs and coliegi gnadaînnn nniihit the hbitter tante af animantty, ns the vrîton> fr toe with rhc lanenîgi tii munirai nîganîne feeis in andin min minintise disrapîtion ta the chiidrnn IIPARTNERS IN PLANNING FJNANCIAL SERVICES LTD. *Mutuel Fu n * .Rt.F. 2."« 'e L u, Insu-ceunsn ý To i15 M 76-0120 Faxt (905) 876-2934 o i 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lau Muligan Milton, Ontario LOT IPO M..Ceeetmn LUeP Quesntion: My life nurauce premitin jouI about doubled lu coul, lus lisere auyshiug t eau do to gel il lowered? Asawer: Wisen you takem out a life insarance pohicy, tise insuee guarantees that tise premium will not mecrease for a stated peeiod usaally 10 years or longer. They also guaruntee what tise new m onthly coul vil ttc tan yeans fcom now. Yoai insurance cost huas increased because tise 10 year teeni has renewed. Most individual life insurance contracta arc one-sided. Once thse insurunce company issues il, they cainnot change it. Regardîess of your healis, as long as you continue 10 puy tise prensium, they arc tonlractaly bound tel maure you anlil tie conmmat ends -muually ut age 70 or older. One wuy 10 gel a lower pre iias is ta prove that yen desere one. While tise insurer cannot force yoa laI prove your healthfitlness, yaa can do lisis voluntarily. When yoa submiî new healts underwriîing infornation tie insurtance campany vil asess it and may offer yoa coveruge ut a substantialhy lower montlhy cas. Even if your heals hbas deleriocuted, your insarance pravider tan nal change your canrent conlract of masurance or tise monlsly pretniumi in it - uas hong uas yoa continue bo psy tise premias». Parlners in Planning represents tise major Canadian life mnsurance pravides. We pick and choose which supplier ta recammend uaed upon their qaality and tise coveruge needs of aur clients. We allen fimd that there is a significant difference in premiam coula for similar caverage. l is defmtaly in your ist intarest ta makie sure yen are ual over paying for tise coverage yau have. Need more infatuation about yaur life insurance options and costsu Contact Puiinieru in plaennig for straigsl answens. AFFILIATED WSTH PARTNEAS IN PLANNIun INSURANCE SERVICES INC. ABSOLUTELY! #Pre- planning your funeral is one of the kindest, most caring things you can do for your family Pre-arrangement plans reflect yoor expressed wishes regarding foneral arrangements. Upon death there are seemingly endless numbers of details that need attention by your family Yoo can provide for them by making your selections in advance and save your loved ones from having to make difficuît decisions at a stressful and emotional time. Simplify your life by taking care of everything in advance. You can be assored that you and yoor loved ortes will experience "peace of mind' knowing that your wishes have been recorded. Please eall us at 905-878-4452 to set up an appointment at the funeral home or in the comfort of your own home to discuss your wishes with one of our funeral director professionals. Get answers to ail of yoor questions, learn about various options available and create a detailed record of yoor wishes. 4 (MIK M

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