OPINION IWanted: Young 'J voters May 2 Many young members of the communiîy may flot be that I excited by the si.zzle of an election campaign in the air - but they should tune in and then get out and vote. Academic schedules may be hectîc in the spnng. There I may be a Isck of interest and even a lack of knowledge about the issues facîng youths m general. Many young aduits may hear from seasoned' voters that their indnnidual vote wouldnîî make a difference in any case. ~ But it does matter - viîally 50. One can be the difference between success or failure, win- ning or losing, or, in colleges and universities, the difference beîween a good mark and an excellent mark. Consider, îoo, the team that loses the champîonshsp in overtime, the cardiac patient kept waiting an extra minute for the ambulance due to traffic, even the incumbent politi- cian îurfed because of that magic number: one. Today's college and university students, among young people in general, truly represent the future of the nation. Those wbo dont choose politics as a career will help shape policy from a distance, within their career fields, their families snd their communities, through the taxes they pay In that context, they, slong with everyone else, owe it to themselves not only to exercise their democratic right, but inform themselves of tbe issues, ask questiona of the candi- dates seeking support and make sure to vote. The information needed to make an mformed decision is a simple mouse-click away So check the newspapers, visit the websites of national political parties and their candidates to learn about their pol- icy platforms and talk to peers and those close to you to get a senae of wbat maîters, to them and to you. - Theres reslly no excuse to forfeit the privilege of voting in a free country, in a nation where young men and women bave given their lives in the pursuit of the liberties too many of us take for granted. Get informed and get out on May 2 to cast your ballot. One of the federal parties will form the next govermnenî. Your vote - just that one - is as vital to the process as any other. -I-vu'~. Readers Write Email letters te editorial@iniltoncansdianchampion.oem. I~tters, whioh may be edit- ed, must molude the wnter's name, addre~ and phone nuniber WaIIet return very much apprecîated DEAR EDITOR: On March 29 I lost my wallet in the Steeles Avenue and Trafalgar Road ares. After a repeated search of the ares with my husband, we had no success in finding the wallet. At that point I went to the police station to report my wallet missing. On Saîurday, I received s caîl from the police that my 'walleî hsd been tumed in to them. I want to very sin- cerely thank the individual who took the time after finding my wsllet to deliver ~t to the police station. Your kind set has reassured me of tIse hon- esty snd caring of the people of Milton. * SHIRLEY HEATH MILTON DeadlineDianes Online apartment search lias taught' me some lessons If somethiniseexus îoo good 10 be tisse, it probably 's. That~ one of several lessona leamed dur- ing a month of onliase apartment hunting. My enteria started off simple: a one bcd- rooxu, non-hasement, peî-friendly apart- ment. Wbile I currently donrî. have any pets, I like knowmg I have the option 10 one day acquire a four-legged friend. I narrowed my search down to Burlingîon oT Oakville. Wlîhuiyfamilym Hanxiltonand ..j~M~lton~it wM~ happy mediiam. ~%ngle apartnwnt I came across, and ~ ~r~re few and f~, between Hidion bas ~.1*nofhousespopup inthelastdeçade, de-. but I have a strong suspicion that aparunent Lesson number two: If the listing isn'î developmenî basnrt kept pace wnh that of accoxnpanicd by pictures, there could be rea- the housing nsarkeî. son for concern. While early on Here's what Irve gaîheredi dure in my hunt I woukl cross my ing four weeks of bits and misses fingers and hope for the besi on (unforîunaîely far more-~ misses these 5blind dates,' I quickly than bits) of the aparîment bunt. , decsded it wasn~î worth the Lesson number one: Not ail is issue. I pinpoint that moment to what it seexus. I was told by haif when a landlord ended my tour tIse rentais I cailed, for speces lisî- Withr "We've had to put. up s ed onbne tIse same day, that they . signto discourage drug use." were already leased. That le~l me Lesson number thxtei When ~o believe that some rentals are - you sce an online ad for a fabu- consisîentlyadvertisedwhetheror Tous, well-furnished pad with a not they're immediately available. I was told somewhat affordablè price tag, beware. Twice I could go on a watt llst. * ne MV on page A7 ~bt Qlauabîan 'ElMampion Mitons Communîty Neespaper Sînce 1860 555 Industrial Dr., Milton Ont L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifled:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.miltoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Reglonal General Manager Davod Harvey General Manager Debbo Koppejan Editor in Chief Joli Davis Managsng Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Ton Cotes Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare On Lino Sales Manager Damel Coleman The Canadian Osampion, published evesy Tuesday and Thursda% a a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Ativeomono s acceoteri on tire condison tirat n tire everrt of a rypo~rapfrîcal enror, tiraîpornion of the adeeois et tpace occopied irti rire erroneous item, togetirer errir a reasonairle alloorance for signature, wiII flot ire drargeti for, irot tire balance of rire adoeeisemenr eh I ire pari for aI lire appircairle rate lire puirhioher resernes tire rigirt f0 caregorloe adoeooeeeots e decline. êCCAB CCAB Audited Reeognuzed for excellence by OCfla Ootarîo Commooity Neespapers tiosociation 4?NA Canadien Coemonity 'e.. Neeropapero Association Soboriran Neespapers UKII of irmenca The Canadien Champion tic a proud media sponsor for: ~* (~ Ha on Hea tirca e WirPI~COME3 WAooN e ne e Reti F UNITEOWAY~ 0F MILTON MILTON SANTA CLAUS nd PA~DE *4 CANADA DAY ~~YMÇA /1~ ~ ArHSNA Arment, Tir Oek t, Mrf tee e< GALA AwordoK~.~ 1~, M i., C p oDneydabIePîoA~ii~i ~