SCherry Picker ~Position Available! SLocateal an Milton, nigba shah, $14.50 pet bout, Scandidate must haoe Rapymond or Cherry l'ackat F_ etperience. a. lnterested? Caîl tobyn or Katharine tnday at 905.637.3473 nr loantard vota rosuansd Zavailabiliny to: SVisit ta aiew ail available positions. SRandstad Barliognon 8 95 Brant St. taBrlington, URt 2J6 ~, Stay cnnnecaedl Fnllnw san; li -ii randstad Woperos Counter Balance For Immediane en.tîtnaacsopm~aacs1ni worc in Milton Caîl (905) 631 2259 Pte-apply an-lave aI uuOpoure 1 SALES CONSULTANT Nal gelfing the trattic sud apprecistian lot paur lime and eftort? la yaur manufacturer sud dealernbip nelling lent? This ns pana npparlanily lx aoir s prngressive dealernhip wilh teord sales leveas. Pleape send yoar tenante lai: Rida Brown OMVIC Certification a must. We Proide: An enceplioal esaslaling pop plan, medical/dental heneftil, car slloance. BURLINGTON TOYOTA SDue ta increaset volaume me bave an TOYOTA intnediate npening tarîan experianceit SALES PERSON We attet: - excellant comm., plan & hananen *cnntpany vebicla * nteady trattic - great wnrk enviranmsnt - vew ntate of the art tacility -strosg managemant support Il yaa aresa talented tean playar with a ntraag desire ta saccfed wa naed ta talh tn pan. For a cnntidiential interview contact Ed Szela ý905-335-0223, gHamilton Commnunity News oANxASTER nata tNAtt-AMILTON MOtNTAas sts STOtE POSITION VACANCY Account Executive The Advertaatng department currently han a full tinie opening for a motivated and dynantix Account Enecutive in the Retail advertiaing ares. Our goal la to fnd an enceptionally driven, resafta oriented and enperien 'ced sales profeanional with a proven record of achievemaint. Reporting toi the Adoartising Manager, the saccesafal candidate vvill be a highlyt organized and motivateit profeanional with superior cuatomer sales and service skills and have the ability toi work cooparatioetp ia a fast paced team environmient. Strong verbal and wvritten communication skilla are required for presentations, negotiations and problem resolution. The ability toi otTer our clients creative adventising solutions sa essential, an as tee initiative toi make cotd catis and seek out new businesa relationahips. An a proven self starter, pou will baild upon existing accounts and develop new business partnerships and opportanities. Aposi secondary edacation in buainess or other relatnd field would beia definite asset. This position offers an enciting account lint with great eaming potentat and a competitive total compensation package. Wf intereated pieuse appiy ta witing by Aprit 15, 2011 toi: fêfMtoknd ri RIlLM CAREER OPPORTUNITY Advertisng Representative: Newspaper Advertising Sales The Cambridge Tintes bas an excellent apporaaniay for an individual experienced in print adveetising soles or similar/related commission sales capacity The canadidare ive seek ivili demonsarase enceptional abilities in. IProspectiîag and closing costomers with advertising sales opporanniaies. /Cold calling new or non-seeviced businesses in Cambridge & related areas w( Crearive ahiolviog style and an abiiy ta problem-solve ISelf-starter with loada of initiative wbo needa minimal direction oHigb energy and a positive attitude IExcellent verbal and written asilîs ILiterate in composer akul inclading Microsoft Word, Excel IDriven for sacceas IExcellent organizational skiffs This is a career position. Yoa ivili be asked ta prodace resolas and devote the aime and effort reqoired to consisaenaly produce improved resalas. The earning potential is far better than average. Remoneration iracîndes: *Base Salary *Car Aloivance *Commissions *Enary level accoant lit *Boxas Opporsoniaies *Benefits package aaad pension plas Posa Secondary Edacasson an asset bat nos a pre-reqoisite. lnaerested candidates are asked to email their resames by Apral 22, 2011. Ted Aaderson Regional Advertising Manager Cambridge Times, Forever Young, City Parent and Specialty Publications 475 Thompson Drive Camabridge, Ontario NIT 2K7 We apprecae the inseresa of aIl appîscanas; bowever anly those selected for an interview will be contacted CAMBRIDGEI TIMES Train ta bacomne a Medical Office Assistant, Medical Lab Assistant / Tech Intra-Oral Dental Assistant Apply Now! Your Tomorrow Starts Today BURLINGION NISSAN" Due tu increaset volante we bate au immediate oponing tut an expotienced SALES PERSON Wa offer: * excellent comm., plan & hanuaea *cantpanp vebicle * ateady trottin - gra wotk anvitonntent * n atate ol the art tuciîity *atrang management support Il pou ara a ialenied ieant playet witb satrong desire ta aucceed wn need ta talk ta poa. Fer a cenfidentiel interview cotact Orian or Philip @0(905) 681-2162 EXPERIENCIED OUTSIDE SALE Executive ponition available in the sncurity equipment industry Generous base, commission, vehicle ailowance and expeanses. This ns à full time permanent position offered ant an explosive time in the industry with unlimited earning potential. Pleane go to to learn more about the company. It interested apply through our careers section or email resumne to: Z* Cana"a c1jamplin Ic~ areer (-mrsaree, e«t ove4oflent Denelepaient -7-: CUSTMER SERVICE Unalack Ltd., a lesdang manufactarer af cxn- crete paaang ntanes and retainin, wslîa, bs an ammediate openang fot the posation of Can- lamer Service aI nar Georgetawn offace wbacb as loated aI (287 Arntrang Avenue). In Ibis postin u nwsll ha respannshble tnt arder. entrp and cantnnter relations. The candidate mat pnsnenn excellent arganizatioal sud commu- nication okilîn, demnttating cammilment lx panaiding excellent client serice. Unilnck Ltd.; nBfeas a cantpeiaiae wsge sait beneats pack- age. Il pnu are quaîitied tut this position, sud are intnrented in paanaing a career lu a tant paced aIes enairauntent, pîns aahnt pant tenane and cover leBter ta: Entail: ATTENTION: Cuatanter Service Sapernisat We tltank eeryone ho apies for theur ntest in Uviiock Ltîd; howovar oofrandd tes seocted for an intosrview eillbe cnntated.. LONG ESTABLISHED PAVING COMPANY requiren a Bobcat Operator Must have grading experience. Emnail toi awesleyRaving@. or fax ta 905-842-4144 I PERMANENT PART.TM DetlAssistant rastareit tas a atterre dental office an stakvilie ovnai rosurme. I I ,, , I ç' ý i : ( j Gare nea 1 1É icavkuileit j IT LCLFLEET requiresi ILicensed Truckl Mschanîcs. Fabricatiau enperience an sel. EmaBl iaiuadeliamaetra@ or tas resumne le 95-875-0981 Tire 2:rqirdt start imedatelyj IExaeriencel Ipreferred but noI esentaalj Fax resume ta: NOW 905-632-6920 EnroffiflU'ý CrcutOpportnity! SATELLITE INSTALLER- - - Wr ara vookisgenevrgetic, vara orkisg ara ddcat- ad cabie, satalite vstail- ers. Etpriaca rrsired but vos racessary. Iii~iiiW'~ Own van roqiîr vd. Trades416841CJ145 GREUT JOBS InthM hmio ame Assembly - 12-e/hr ForolIift - $14-e/hr Rotiting Shift HCR Fax 905-876-4090 Tel 905-876-661 E-mail: emailmiftoo@ herca WARENOUSE HELPER Lacal companp reqairea a mature, reliable warehause wnrker. Mont be tnrklitt certified and capable of ltfttng 7aaB-4 ont, fll benelt atter 3 mont S. Plisse tax resume te 905-875-4837. Pli Shippor" IRoceiverl Mondsy ix Frkdap 1:3Opm to 5pm I$12.50iorl bilîeagual. maturet, ntechanîically minded Sead resumne te daneen@ for Taenitay MONDAY AT 11AM for Thursday WEDNESOAl' AT 1I1AM Pieua ratl 905-878-2341 or 905-632-4440 tax: 905-87e-23e4 Exova Exova (laboratory tenting) ns currently eecruiting for the tollowing positions an our Burlingtoan d Cambridge locations: Machinist Progeamming and operating ONC lanhen and mills as maIl an saw operation. Familiarity min h MS Office and Mantercant would be an asset. Metallurgical Technician Ability to provide assistance no our Menallurginna through cutting namplen, mounning of npecimens, polishing and etching. Laboratory Technicians Renponsible for preparing, analyzing and interpreting/ validating renulns of client samples. Science or materis related College Diploma or Degree required. Interested appicante, aend reoumne ta: Attn: Advertiaing Director Hamilton Community Nova 333 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creil, Ontario 18E 2M6 Mm airs01