Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Mar 2011, p. 2

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ntx;I~dn ~ifO Last federal election in 2008 b4L.IIVuU 6 a i -w -. By Kim Arnott SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Against tbe baukcrutp of (then) an alinosi certain spring elcctiutn, Halion's Lîberals nutmiîîated a led- eral candidate cm WeclitesclaN- nigbt. Norih Oakx'ille resîcleni Connie Laurin-Bowie captcîrcc the nomîination afier 372 soies were cast in a ibrue-way battle. "F've brougbt my running sboes witb me in anotber bag because we're going to be running in an election in a cou- ple of days," she joked as sbe accepted -,be nomination in front of a crowd of about 50 cbeering supporters at Oakviîie's St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre. Witb election-style signs, but- tons and literature prepared, and a noisily entbusiastie group of foi- lîtxx us, I ui ix ealpeireci the nîost electicn-recady cil tbe tbree candidates. Running againsi bier were Jant Mowbray a former Milton cut- cillor, and Mississauga informa- tion îecbnoiogy prolessor Sberel Sabawy As executixe directîtr oft Inclusion International, a globtal non-governmentai organization wbicb represents more tban 200 groups like tbe Canadian Association for Community Living tbat work for tbe rigbts of intellectually-disabled individia- aIs, Laurin-Bowie empbasized biei skills in working witb diverse groups on social policy issues. "My lifes work is as an advo- cale," sbe said. lIxe sîood up fuir people wbcîse x'îîîes cuiberwise xxîclntbix e bccu lieu ci, Lacirin-Bowie saicl residents itl llaltcîn are tellîng ber tibev're coît- cerned witb risîng cuisis for gas, grccrîes and puîsi-seuumncary cdci- catiotn, afraîl ut1 loxîng tieir jobts and wcîrriecl aboîut llai-Iining RRSPs. -Wbat's ai siake i tbis electîuîn is tbe vcry delinîîîutn ofl Canada,- Laciri lowie saîid. Ili bier nominationt speecb, Moîxbrax' saici: I aptdiîsnit car? abut pullîîtg te uuicitrN togeiber - lti' scents inient on irix itg xi vcîgcsý I ami a contseit- sus bciiiler, a ciittîtuiatîr, a bard xx'urler anud a beexr. i ixait iii bu rîgbît ilture busîclu Mr. Ignatieli and nts lioxx i ibcraix xx ben itsux eý,cîges are kiekeci asiclu. Ili bis speech, Sabaxvy said bue had been an actixe member ancl x'olunteer xxitb tbe Liberal parîy for ibe lasi 12 years. 1I believe very strongly in tbe value nf that x'olunteer wurk." Married, witb îwo teenage sons, Laurin-Bowic bas been a lialion resident for 20 years. Tbe Liberals werc forced iii fiitd a new candidate alier former candidate Debîrab G il lis resigneci latta1lis\ iii iii to i d a xxiii, promntion. (jilis, xxvas appt inieci lie I lton cantdidlate by I iberal leader Micbael Ignatil in Augusi 2009). flie flalitti ricbng. whltit enuiiîpasses nîtî t.akx il, îtî Bcîrliitin and Milton, is currentIv beld bv ( înserx'alive I isa Raîtti about Ibuex iînin as, a sinigie suc ial isue ut noi onu look,, ai ibu et oi cainl ut'-ll such a, Iiu ucuonci(i ofl iieaib caie cosis il's ain ail nc impas i isue ic ie ai i c\puc ted Ioi seIlc a i laitoni c ailicialu laiei is %\ eek. iis iga (reuni gos uriiittci a Cr s i xi ciikei su cat ion. i lo saic l boj tie part\ can secc cire soi ,ca, t Parliatuenii ibis 1i x'îg situte ncuîtr (in tbe I liicse 0uf ( ultuons) xxii c hange ibe lunie of îbe coînversation ancd gel peupile lui xvork togeiber to cîme up xx îîb solutions rather than jusi loonk outi for ibeir partys interesrs,- bu saîd. Laurîn-Bowîc' described Haiton as, -a riding in waicb." Ail tbhe isscues playing oui lin tbe national stage are going to play oîct nl îîcr uNixx rtiing. Vve bave a big rac e antI I beliex ils goîng iii cirmu l'aiti saici Iie t)l.it lu d15iiuc ciitning xxestaiking iii dmo stitlitins abut tbe C onserx atx e' recotrdl ainc SiepbeîIi liairers leader ixouci lîke ibecir xvole agaîn anc i leax e it ii iein iii clecîclc,. sbî relit lightinîg inthe Middle t as GORRDS TOU NE*eadv To Sprung AbeqIda MAINT NAN11U~ PECIALr7 Incindes: Seeus Oorruds.cern Peupýle areci ding fir tie rîgbîs xxc eic baxeîndix r not i'setu'îsînig ibat rîgbit site saici, pinting tii tite 53c3 pcr (c cts u t cr tut dcii ig tuec 2(108 ieCLICtai eiecdii ut tlic lx s ntr canacliani istorxý lis iniolera- Ili ti c 2008 cdleta cIes tlin kaiti xxon xx it 48 pur cciii ofi iu 6). 112 ballots c ast, iiuiicixd bx i ieral utccîutibert Carib Turner xx it 36 pîer cent, Nî)Ps Rob W'agner xxib nîne pur cent and Anty C itlarI otf tbe Green Party \itit seven per cet. Today's Champion DATELINE A7 COMMUNITY A8 SPORTS A14 CLASSIFIED A16 1 -

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