Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 2011, p. 6

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OPINION 2 '.S 65s 5'5tS< <ct .Safety comes first V Wednesday mrnng, a oui in any Milton home. z Burlington resident wenit ln a press release ahout Sto investigate a noise iin bis the resicnil break-in. h ouse. police calied the chances ol SHc spotteci two intrud- such an ex'ent o. curring crs on' a seconcI-storN uniel. .~landing. But\ with local break miis SThe resident caileci oui bax'ing riseni 63 lier cent to the intruders hopmg t0 front 200b to 201I0, \ie éscare themi awvay. believe tirere's gooci reason SBoth suspects immiiedi- to he prepared. atelY ran clown the stairs Vhai xvoculcd sou (Io il' Sand led the homec. s ou xx ere homec wheni One intrucr armecl inirudîcis broke iin, or came %witb a km[fe, ibreateniec home to find intrucidrs tbe resiclent belore e'siting ibere? Thie suspects, wxho clic nex er conî roui ilie roitruc1 manage to mnake off wiîh ers. Raier oci Shocîld somte smnall electroics. scek saleiy ancd catI c) Il. hacl kickecl open thle Souincs likc goo()d locked Iront door cd the ad\ ice '.oru nex ci kix home to gaiii entr. hio\ anr iriirucîcle mighi No one was inîcirecl rcac io 10\ou \\ihen con- Unfortunacx', i biai lioniei. saine scen trio OIL l\ l i ,ale ihanl sorry Readers .~a~coii x1f .r'r.ll irsl tltpti' tf il .1I rtrsti.ti r llelr i tr Ii tli ri ss t lr~it ii't Savi ngs need to be found in our transit system DEAR EDITOR: i xvuild liRe rto rcsîiiirîcl lis oft th i li iri leaclrng infratio a iuîi ai alilcîriedi iii t I ebrcrary 10 issurc rîhîre C lîsîîîîsîsî Lccrinrg tice Militon Transir sstsiu. A qcsî iii thîe arrtic le, T ranîsit ILIcrtgcl iîlcl lic ccii cire er ui rîciribe tsI alisirîsi 1ir0,00)t biiarclrngs Irîr 2010. iTIis ioiberilc iiic Icclc, trarisler iîîaîrrîgs ibii ti ni genriiaie r 2 ex encr. Acicial rexvenure trips \vere i138,000. \\ht'n yrou do tic iriaihLiusiîg Ntîliiir i raiisiîs own scr'tey iitîiiibers, is apparernt Ire nialcity 0 rI csers ride tire bits an ilsvcrage rtf ciglîr urnes a woekrr 400 urnies ar s car rrrsarîîrrg Iliai rît .300 \\ pe srtit 5 _s ttt l iin ii îarn icl' u i ici uiili:ecl lih tser\ ir 400 plec'i il 5i irsw5s iic lit IidIL ILtiicliig for of lisispital iliai t-rsc lioai li sliilc iii rîcîIcisl li rii îiicl luis rirticli iii cli \it rilic Ire ite ofî xinier, rIre lait o iiiilic sc Ilirtl 5 cdi andI Ire aditionsi trIin s. Iîsic's I lic lacis arc ibiai raid riclc'rslilr is 2010 c) iii oif bx 35,000 isvcr 200c), whlîlc thie oiairig (Iclici n ui-re.scdc lis S84),000 -iricairg iliss .rccitisi.il rie\s\ r ides cîsi iltonirap crs .424 eaclî. i e average cab ride iii Milto iîî lii rcspisrrsc Io sot isSu lititi-il licarcliti, Prosposed cut to transit service upsetting DEAR EDITOR: I was impressed wrtb the F ebrcrary7 8 Icîrer, 'Expanded bus service necleccl,' by Yalexrs Yacomelo describing tbe neecîs oif pîeople like herself r a caregiver, and senicors sirbî donit rave a car aurA îrcd transit. Wbile Miltcius tranîsit service bas rmprîîved, rirere are sîill gapis, such as ton w'ekcncls* Xaccmeiors letter is rnterestiug when coim- parei tr the February 10 Irurîri page article enîrîled 'Transît burdget ctîulc bc cut' anrA reporter Christina (ominissis opinion col- umn in the saine îsscîed entitieci To ugi ti gel on board whîh proposeA transit budget cut. Fcrrtunately, Townî staff aurA soie etruncil- loîrs apparerirîx poirniec oui tIre sliîrt srglicd- iiess orI service r ecuciri ari a unie xxbeii ridecr- sbip andc tbe iuîxîr are boili grîrw'rîg. As w cli. il- rrclersiîip rs increasing, citizens' confidencee ini tihe syrstemr îrîigbî be lîrsi tbrtigh cits. Coirmissci wisely relers to tither citles tirat baxre decreased their traffie and reliance cn cars, thcrs improviirg pecstrian access andA revitaiizing use city r iscgi thc crecauirnifo btibs tif acixirr anticourisi areas. Miltonr bas iîrcch iraffie. Tranisit is tone cof the ways ttî hieu reiiidy iis. TISH BUTSON MILTON '( i SîsOl I nicai eliiiiinaîisn ofl alInsîsts 1\t buis rouites, ibais noî Il-tOc ancd ilsei like Icar mionger ing b\ tIhîssc stLIjsposri ig irarIiî Idkirir Illis acceotii r8i 000c clit 1i7 p,,i lic 20 12 ilransit buidget Nil tiît hc' ditrh sitle\ tcl as, the 2011 budcget, hici hý s30 îx'r cen titi oi e ian \\bai ti .nsii co, ins i 20I0ý I relies e\%c caiil sus it),iiiil saxîngs ilirsotgli ellicicflt les and icbcilii iîl:ation oft iflic bocs in roiig ai effectivec sxsie Oi loi (ilote ,,sl bsicci ilc r-CcIliîig Ille iax boir (Icii o ssiito1 îolîsîliciici s, Ili lici opiiounr c uliriiicil Ille sanlie issue. i eporte ici C inaîî Cotliinss ts et \tclbocîric, Al\srsialia, w rli ar populations of- loir isîilin, as air e\.riililc cri a iiruiirc i1aliis ibiais îiicasîîrIg Ils tranisit. blit lic laîled rIt iicîiîis cusiiiîîoni- tices iocli dloser- tro Millirtr stîcli as forcinri w îc e ie'ri losskîng ai ccrrrrîîg roui tes andc reciucrig service on rirliers as ai iicans to rein Iin cosis. Noî cid sIre intiii oui tiiibours teo the n0rti, iton Iilîls. lis citizenîs mriage to ger bx clue xx cIl wibhoct aii\ transit systiii ai aiil r\s fi tihe lieud'it of' tranisit iii dcaiing with moac c ongestionr ancd air cpraliix', Miton is a elîrcle-basec onîmuiity always lias been ani-i will coinuce to bc for iriany, irîany years. Rcrîirîng large iiîpty lbuses iiip ancd dowîî our roads wori'î change tirai andI only adcis to the conigesicin andc polltioni. RICK MALBOEUF WARD 4 COUNCILLOR Irbre <anablan cElampton rAlo " t or rit ppc r-c 186- 555 Industniai Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertrsmng Fax: 905-876-2364 Claraarfrrd:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.miltoncanadianchamion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager General Manager Editor in Chief Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager 1 t , P,ý 1 On Line Sales Manager The Canadian Champion, pubiished every Tuesday and Thunsday, is a divrision of Metroiand Media Group Ltd. Adsesrsin is r repted c r-he coridrrrr tSar. ;n the ,vn f a typograprr ai error, that pomor of the aderi 55i space sstspied Sp the erseoss demi, togethet NirP a easoilableartr.anre for signature, ci not be chargea fait brite ialol, aie'The aIrer! errservetmrlhrse a t, eCCM CCAB Audited ,,,ocna wpptAsoiin (anadian Crrrssrts CCA Newspapers Assocartion p~Subssban Newspapes fi Ainerca Hlon* ealtI)ca< MILTON I;VFL o\14SANTA C LAUS JigeBl ud PARADE UNITEWAYW OF MILTON SYMCA AwHvsard. ts .trtriîs Award.

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