Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 2011, p. 19

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MFC Iooks to create new league with other Ont :ario tearns * from MILLTOWN on page A17 rnunication ban clearly bruken rluwn betwecn MFC anri tbe S Howevcr, tbere's a buge rliffer- ence ut opinion un rîsi wberu ibat breakduown began. Adamison sain tbat sbuîtl lv betre Chbristmas tbe CSL rereis cri a lutter froîn a group uf tcamns - inclurling MEC anrl Hamnilton C roatia (otbers nl nami bv citber stIde) adrlrcssing concrns about tbe league's ternis anr rronrditions (os icb bascn't bccii rliorscrl) fui 2011. He sain the teanis "rlcmiandcnl" a meeting that siniply rrulrln't be arcommodated around tbe bolidays, and wben that request wasn't met, MEC refused Io discuss its eoncerns and repeaiedly miissecint cm-bcrsbip deadiues. "Tbey (MEC) nes er gave us a chance îu work out ibese issues," saîd Adanisnn. [lc arîrlie bublico crI Roii spearbeadcd the grorip rcqriesî tor tbe meeting and ibat une ufthie other clubs met wtb tbe teagnie i J anuary and expresserl thatil t oas nrot a pariy tu ihe tnitial subimission as it was staîed. "Tbe quîestion tha i nens tri bu asked is wby would ihuy (MEC). fin goud faiîh, nul continue witb mncm- bership and keep disrcrssions upen?" said Adanison 'Vv'bv ,vouldt îhey opt out su quirkly?. Disniissing ibe suggestion ibat he was the group leader, Rossi saîrl the teams were simplv- secking ansovers -in writtcn ton or ni person - tu concrnis abut 2011 conditions. "Tbcy (CSL) ibreso ternils and conditions at us ibat wcrcn't arcept- able, and they couldn't answcr our concerrus in a tiniely fasbî n,' said Rossi. "We asked for a niening or wrîî- ~wdt aa< 04t«~ Se'wCýce 9«tde Lu DOE iT ten rlaritiration anrl nus er grit il. \k'ile higbl' Lunlikucly Inîr tbis coining sear, Roissi saîrl prelitninaîry plans are ii ibe works t'or MEC anrl a bianrtiul ut otber rctubs to csiabltsbi a new non-anacur mencis leagrie ronrtr the Ontario Sucer Associaion LInIbIrellat. île artrtd, -Rigbît uios' about six tcanis bave sbuwn ruaI interesi in tbis 'I oicres rcally noi cnuugbi rime toi tbis year. It s more likels loir 2012. Ut) til tbi, M C osill miake efr'to, tIo proi ils 'oig r oir' oft play'rs ootti oîppot niticors to roin-o No experienre, nu problein. IF.C. Drrttys ovrestling teatu is onl tbe morkt ut une ut is bigger rebrulrtîng stages ni rerent rneniorv. But you'rl barrlly knoso tbat baserl on Friday's Halton cbamipionsbip rcsrtlts. Despite bavingjust one wrestler oo'itb mure than tbree y'ears experienue -anrd a bust ut rurikies and supboniores - tbe Spartans lianrtilv wo n its 25tb regional title at Georgetuo nl 1 ligli or uul. O)n the strengtb uf [jvc gulrl menais anrl 2L) top-i f~r in- îsbeîs-, Dirots caiii asoa\ os îtb 141 points double illt ut r unnet iup lIo loi h mts Winiitsg I alions for the pecr'nnial lio\ýerbiouse, We believe... . Servingpeopli :ilping. like yoý%u is wha Anyone. Anywhere. ae u blusiness speci Thn vo u. "ILI ' I ' v & M( RISIDENWAL I (OMMERCIK 024/7 Service & Installation 0 Air Conditioners 0 Ch1illers - Coolers & Freezers Furnaces e Boilers è Gas Piping Coli MIE KECK905.46 .0 pute fi tios n. Roossi atod noîach/co- oiwncr Rataul C arbajal ovîll rontinue otking tuigethier and rl ainw in fic earlv stages oft 'ru seuting" tbcîr suraitegv toîr tbre rlub. "Wc'rr' ,tarting r cao anrl ti esbi sin Roissi, \'c osant to groso ttîr gainer ai ficr p~r etc ii Oniai o anrd rîra otosrc Kierrais Sosillic ( 38-kg), /arb Vande relre 44-kg) .[anns, Stoiitorsi (61 ~r kg) Stetfon Dîoloovîr (89 kg) anrl iet ]oJse IZiimbberose, Rs an Paiterson. C olin tFraoer \r îaan Nertiiar tosvala and -lyler eR is-Suitorr claomicd solv' o ile seur nortg broinze svcre Ma. M or fiaulisý, Rer N irbolson, janses Pîonton, lien ltianro ,i( rk MrC alîrîn anrl C ods t rnke. l)ifl ii d s Vioi 1I I (mii"loo\ simoo 1111 i iImio Ci s t icic r' ,irnuir og to 0l ".\ olir ios set fiioîr b 2 lo iii Surlburv > Special Rates BB for Seniors E'astern C anada, and 1 stili tbink . theres a lot uf potential for pro suc- ~ cer ai tbe corimunity club level. you loouk at othecr countries and almuost Cces tow n bas a senior Ocam that the kids ran aspire to. Thats what ose need mionr, ut bure. 'oXu 'ru (M[l7() flot going ao\, 0 0 Z n z FUMRE SHi 004100 C (1i 6049 1)ond R6830,1c(11005 4 tôf l ut 5 cei M.pa ofthe soneýv w n ýrbemi l prd i o mo6ft . am, rmay ha.e cosed ow vAwdostors Basement (d~pP'Waterproofing We repair Ieaky basements inside and outside. Window Wetl * French Drains -Polyurethane Injections Sump Pump Replacement iQl =ý'v Serving Haiton/Peel for over 30 yrs (905) 454-31411 1<> Àdlverlise mn i/s sericre di rec'Iory, please LOonicCILei 'c il 905-878-2341 ext. 214 cscholtz@nnýiltoncanadialchapiofl.coml Rebuilding E.C. Drury wrestling team handily wins 25th Halton tîtie; hosts GHAC Thursday 'I MILTON LADIES 61 SLO-PITCH "fflý" à M à

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