Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 2011, p. 14

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at >; Date/mne is airc listing/or local charitable Milton District Hosi -9 and non -pt-oji>' commnunity groups to help pro- breastfeeding; cass fo ,2 mote their comi .ng events. Wle guarantei' one and their partners from z i ssue eulctit ach c'vent a1thougli more is $45. To regîster, cal E inser tions are possible ifspacc p<'rnit. 878-2383, ext. 7610. S Datelinie niolies shouldbhi cniailcd tti edito- Milton District Hes i il@mltnî îîdîoiî îonpîn.LOil.1-helinol ene breastfeeding; dm1n C) tieadlititc is nooni l-riday /or Tucsc1oî'ý et'ln'i talion consultant frein Sand iloon Tucsdav -in T/un sdoîv' edition. mnake an appeintinrint, D ateline ileris Iion' l' o, accpted hi, i/ plone. 878-2383, c'\i 7610. Wednesday Fcb. 16 The Deck seriN S lThe fi-e 'Advances in Cardiac Care m in in"i ia nri Sour Community' sciiiinar Icaîuring Dr r i SMichael H'effernan, c.îtdiologîsî. takes la.ce 5555cilliltîtti titi Sat Southisicle Cet'nliiiniî ( hrrch, 7480 Ih iloî'eit tDent>' Rd. The cveîîî îs pîtcscnîtcd by Hiallen a tlî ltled rili Healthcare Setrvices in patineishtpcîl uic Ph it. conts'act bridge SHeart and Stroke F'onnciiieno nliniario. liio ri cvcning bingo fr more information, call (l05) 878-2383 'c xit conversational French S4379, or emnail lhealthpýromiiointth.îiitîi- I adi .iclivSit cesis $ Sheal theare.on.ca. S4,- 10r- ii ri-iieiibe) flic Milton Christian Ladies Coffee couniter i, ils, fielt(].le Hour is heud Ircuti 9:301 te 1I a.1t1 ai \iilîîîn '-I H1)ditccc Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St, N. -1 lie spcc tai ot cIl tht çc crue ai (c)0 feature is 'Gis Iroti tc H'c'art'anclth uc t Mc.î \iltoin I (,tri'Centre speaker is Marlenc Gc1_11ing.1 1 tir Moe c' 1 1alc alî ii o,,eb50 information, call AlIma ai (L)05) t 1 i3 r iicet iii 53 Milton Meals on Whicels helcîs us, Wheels rusa to Meals lunch program l'or senicors ai 11: 30 'l le Milton Histo a.m. aitihe apartment huildiîng at 80 Ointarte \\îll a3.cksmnith Sf St. For more information, caîl (9)05) 878- lmii Deîir open ai 7: 6699. an lini Dilîs prescrit ital holds a prenata]l r expectant methers i7 te 9 p.m. The cost .1 jill Hilcks ai (905) putaI lîîîlds a tîi-tîn- cwitli a certilicci lac- ttînuo ti 4 p.i. i caîl hîlI I fic'ks ai <905) ditip-ii -etret 2(l0 cc)t is oîpeti fîttî ii i 1111 .gc's. \ su ,\ctt\,us t ctitic, -oo ird ni q a.i iii c) lrîîîî 9:1 tiii 11:30 eni 7 iii 9 iii.and f rotît 1.30 iii 3 puti 2 fo.r rnerrîhcrs andc rs Ilis weekly lunch t875-1081. 'sud. lie 110 \IMin Sit I. tII lrieî 1:30 iii 2:30 Cîil (L)(15 873 79-46-) Feb. 17 ical Society iliecis ,îî iop, 1 (- laines Si., ai 8 30 p.iii iLocal hisitit s 'Miltitîs lrascliitg Man,' a talk on Sam Patîn. f'veryone is wel- come. I Ne John Htoward Stociety' of Peel- Halien- I)uffenin htulds registration frcim îîîîw cîntil March 11 f Ir ils YOI (Youth Options) March Break program., whiciî rcîns March 14 te 18 tir iec'îîs igcol 12 ii 17. Ih lc'.icres lice clatîx wstrkslîtps nr Miltoni fotut 10 a.iii aîîîc 2 pi .whicli ltocus tîn issiues îîîclcîclîîg t'iiiltts-itictit icadclitt"" ancd pt'tr pre'ssuire. I lîcre is ,îlsî a chbance c'ii pli\ \ itîtuticît) iiîî havec c'I iich andic iuic'ifitic Io t 'ttci all t(Q05) 864-1306 tir stuop hNs Iý c> Mainîî Si. I Tlhe Decli simili cili tciicîiîc 200 Msatin -1 1i I t rttc 'îi,îî e>llý1« ) t, s pe î lîc i n i tît o 8K45 p) ri] liioi ,îll tgcs. 's s w.55 c nei ition cu In. I lit' \llhui 'uciirs* ci5 s(Cnti c500 Ch lîtîtDs li Ils billiarcs tut i ,) a.111 to 0 p ii une dlancinïg tutti Io ti Il 0 a 3o gutitar club t1tt ci ii Il 3ct a.iti. contract bridge h(t t 1 io t, tW 1, m Thursday Afternoon Movie 11titi1 0 1t t) ',î 1 1 t ,i icttiig ît/iiv tond t iil andî1 table tennis trott 7ý 30 tut -) 301 mii I .tci ,îoti\ît\ cîîsis $2 li- ancdilt s Stic 4 2ý liii tui îîî'îfc'î siý 1lltc'folkantcrop-ints,,liclli(ii 1 Io iî41 iii. uic1i picidebail tutun 2: W0 ti 3: 30 Bld euchre s, NielcI h tîtt1I 30 toi 4 1iii lic cîîsi is $,2.5 lori ticîtîlîcis andîc $4.5 for l iiii îuî-îc'îehcrs, A foot care clinic s, ,il', lîccId Ih icos cîs s2 liaicl tu th îlc'îîîsc 10i booik au app'itinriit, call the centre at the number aheve. Fnida>' Feb. 18 Milton D)istrict Holspital holds a drop-in breastfeeding group wîth a certilîed lacta- tion coînsuîltant Irîtin 10 te 11:30 a.m. ar Our L acdy ofI 'ictiry Sc lititl, 540 Coemmercial St. sit infoirmnation shared and habites %ci 'ghed. Pregniati s'tiiin arc wl'in A ill Hicks ai t9-0ý) 878-2383. ext. 7610, The Deck \'itih cliîip ti centre, 200 Main St. i. ( rear cuitiancec), is topen Inuit 3 me 10.43 1)ni. for ,îll .iges %ctih parc'ntatl permis- sýien iii sIas laiec t c'(ctir ccl k lds iii (raclc" ( ti K s i't 55550 clcnltltin.cont. I1 lie si Ittin Senilit s Acivi\tý enilie 500 C hilds lin, htilcs billirds h tue q a.i11 ttî 4 p.ni. tai chii frot Q tî 10:30 a.ni. bingo tein 9:30 a.tin. iii ntitn, contract bridge litin (9:30 ,î.rn ii netin. CyberCafé froit I to 3 p i antI euchre Itemn I:30 iii 4 p rit "4,2ý lfior ntreibt Friday Evening Movie iu- titis ii 7 iii 10 pmn trlaitui iig C o/ith -1 fue c tsi t', S2. And bld euchre takes lltc ,îi tht' C iipcls LIitis Hiall Irtîtî 130 iii 10 p.ite tir S3. i Ne mritîhly cîîn- lctc'r club nmeeting mils frit I ti 3 puti aînd eotîss S 3 lii itirihers and S5 for non-i ietilhet s. I oii morîe infoi riatiton, cîlI (903 t 87'- 1 81. Tish Wilson, Agent 201 - 10220 Derry Rd E, Milton ON L9T 7J3 tishwilson@cooperators.ca (0)864-6900 Whether your goal is to proteot your home, your vehicle or your family's financial future, you can count on us for the right coverage - designed to fit your needs. For exceptional service, and friendly knowledgeable advice, give Tish a cail today. o8 the co-opeiràtors 0 A Better Place For You"' Largesi 1O0/% Canadian multi-product insurer. Home 1 Auto I Lite 1 Invesiments 1 Group 1 Business 1 Farm 1 Travel Hibbert & Associates Foot Clinic * Inqrown Nails * Callous/icorns * Dry Cracked Heels " Warts * Crooked Toes " Fiat Feet * Heel Spurs " Surqery% * Diabetic Foot Gare * Custom Orthotics mo9wln® Dü 0 ww .itn Iocincc NO REFERRALS NECESSARY eSATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE _ý1~~~ wt w.i mml tgî ' fot 'inti)î it c.cïio ~DATEBINEj DRRY" 1 k.- \ ( UV5 V. SiLiefls h ive ihe ý i pli ..i(N o. f S rrý 'lo ic i lon t hîsn\ ..,î t sk ai sc.tî i until loiDiî as enImsng the c ild wictur. Wuc're nt jtîkes asidi. the Nc'sc, e ic h.i'u t hevti c'cntiul 'i far. hIt' tiId hits herc andt the(.ru 'tut iithing iio l otrhm (')ose, ewd hiuLglii ihi't2 s at 'ruge n ucletrite. cttîutug duuvii lini spacc esttiîuttc'd iii Nbc inl (.tac wsih oir c'aiih iii ahotti a wecck ( h ut s iîîust a tari cil a bosk fini retidiigý 'k> stanr of wcilî, stucnis cati losok forwcard te tht' upcttiirg cxirai>usaai' vvhtch scîll lct.' johni îireciiiiitun if fit' C Alu'u filnild iia i scLit tht' Ncgiing ti Mardi tAt pre'ss i iic titie r i' t c niaiîttc'1.so. '\îoîlc' Iit[tetiuttc ciiStctSli i. 23r. t dîs:i i.lci tltpet oa'uttIulc'îu îit'fing foi tht.. fQN C)/ i tsi oit -lilîrili. Alsit lis t-criitîg th'eii'sIs l6th, ic'ac'htrs irec'<ii. In a PD1 scu'ssio1I s.'laiccl ti o vnci is:st" foi. tht' ncss sclî.slI Drurs' staff w1ul lbc packttîg miaierals aîîd sti1ppîtes ssilicl i l lis'. (o li iiicivc'd Io ili, ties chtxtl. vvhic lit isu.le l' to open Seueihi2012 I lis llnepiuuuaiioui ciii h ili oiiguuing puicc'ss iil tixIC yeaiý Astili. trfîi tIi, 10,(ie. h. îîî'îl.t t J( [ C iurc la'u hcen ItilI oif love 'is lîîgh scLliîitl swc'cilicîris plat r tfîic'îîeniis Itît \leIinimtc"s Ile lo'kveluicis havc c'iet i r'snI3 oii cli'si ic suis lot. lu.' tii I ,'lruarc 171 tlitlit i iic ( i alc' ôeýStîtî wi i illii i tat w5il lx,' 1 (11-w tif fcl, oii i.tili Iutitlics clitic i sill bi' tit I ihictits .s .1 ttî I)ý 'sccfic , tt.c'tt wsll tact. ti'n l, tIIii Is c iiiitiit9 cdose't iiil dci' ias yudii tItis. il ~ÇDRRY IGHSCHG - w- 1 111Výý: ý

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