Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jan 2011, p. 7

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E t]J your c'iters L ýt ori '0 nu îtun iinac l id i ,liort coin. Police worth 6.9% budget hike DEAR EDITOR: Tbis Icîler us iii respciîse Ici the (/iaipioii's lanuary 18 frcinît-age story entitled 'Police seek budget bike. I was sbockecl atd clisiayecl ici read ahbtut the oppoisition ici this budget increase recluesi on the saine clay that îbciusauids of cîlficers and cîvilians gaîbcred ici honour a lellîîw olficer, Sgt. Rvan Rutssell, kilieci in the hune ol duts: Alter reaciing the article, i lcîund utyscli cîînicsed. Hlaitoti lias a lciw crimîe rate, sshicb bias even decrecaseci sîîîce fast year. Sosortie politictatîs cloti thitik cur poliice serv ice siouîld get a 6.9 per ceiii budget itîcrease? k tsoneIs uuliiil' Ii lil itl c te i onîi il piMý tise poii ng lias becti lîlsi cii tîtatîs peoplle. l)uit tflattercîisel pohlti- cltans. I laltuti-is crime rate isuft Ios,\ becaitsc ssc have sc inhe, iilîstaliilig c itizetis. Il, t s lui lîccaitse, <il tlîc 1Lîîîcreds <il itfi- ici sc citplv si01o sacrilicc ticîr stletv su tuai sic cat seep iiilsi our lieds ,ît tîîgiît 1 Itder il- the itiallrits <il peotple liasve auiy idea \viat gîtes oii after tbe ligbits are lui tîcc oui aîîc tbcy're salelv tuekec itt ibeir bcis flîts titats of- us sit sonccu- îng siethecr our husîaiicls oîr ives are guîiîg lu utiake it hottme alter work? Hosv iaiy ofi our cbildreîî wcirrv ibut Mîîm uor Daci lias bcti shuit, run oser or beat ciii whcn thev're jcist 10 mtinutes laie geîîîîîg hiome? lu case atîsdtti cliclut w vork it dut, tbe pas raîsi' thai liaîtoi utilicers w il teceise svurks ilut ii abocuct $20 a Iît,sclicc ,,s thie cic[ flit il Itîlic pîiiitcc cut, tlits 1ltst cituugli iii liynsîî cextra citp oit iciîc cadi ciat5 \n1( lhs i lie ssa,î t1(ý te piia 1 î sîlîtît cvi i sec. Buti cicit il thes cliii. s ilti so sitittg? (Sft as ,criiîîi ca li lfii uis. Suire. thes, get pid- lut svIltts a gîic îîuiili lii ilic faice lisa iiitrcîls i itizeci gultitîg supit îîîg t cîtîtîcît ii r iii si k i l.îg ouir 5,ilcesi utile soIt go, to siitlý r Ioî sieiil' \rhalckoa hlit mtore ttati ail extra $1 .43 a day Ail that sias iîrcsuiusly inen- îîîîuîcc diiesut eviii legin lii cuiser wiiat poulicc utîlicers and tii liîilics bave tut ocal with i cati't remiemrber a Chbristmtas, ever, wleîthere ivastit a îîîcuî lier ofi iy fais'l at w(irk oir ott cali becacise ulcy're pîart oii ai esseutiai services. (iscraici? i wuîîîcr iîîîw 1îîîîc lu Chlrisîtiec Rusel 'ulc pay1 ii lîug lier licishatic agîtît I cait imagine, anci lîupc I uîllic crs andicluicir laitilies bise goitirugli rcc cutIs DId tues' hld ilci r i rcith bis lie s1( I cl I i 1 1a, 1,11cl 1\i ilsI ihl i ,iii olic andssiî Sill itliii lireailie il sîigi of rîel i licti i lies i cal izeci i is sloiiicoitc cýIsc \0i li Itcictil llcil I ci-" ilt jS51 il îii u(Icdcccii luitira,i liii ,ilîcit ullicers, ict s I lîci- sîoluil ,ppi cc î,tîîî io Iil ilciteiîs ERIN STEWART BURLINGION New York playwright attends opening night from LIVE on page A6 lKs sril t harn tc lAttas o tîtl iii lini \Nesi uit k lîr itie oiiuitg iîglît sîtio\ t tilstlic ,)oi lîs cliii a clîîîîîcî tlîc',tiic ,îi Mjîisi sý cîlite Allrcîiý, ,îlîîîîs iwuîscats, ofl iis lslI, paruthiii îricrccl isilti \\lrlsing Rcel Pîîlî tin ii 010 c teîst aî pilot prouîctionîîî îî i/n 1)1it i; / t, hs. , ilokiuil)i. Th lu iticit wvas tIi itrouclieu tc-siittaiitti aî îtii k cii îg theIti îoîts oîf not lis c iactig, Aller a sniccessiti uîîuc-weck mun cil lte shcow, \\îîuî cllu acîcicil îbrec tuwsluutws tuai kîckec offl sirI faIli -,î ti d1 ll il it.l l ýa ,( I1 iie h liýtc hliii îî luýit si îî t igi, \sc apýoiîti hui ii lisi tîîlic iilîiic iist lias . ,piil dcss iîi IctItIt iltti goiaol and ilis ai iierlis aiitttu \\Sîtlt i c icci iig oict. N.liîi \uaiti & itl'ui ittis uttl \lîclî 5. Upciittig sîsinchlic Ih/tuI ii I îtli Nîîîiii I ulsIci I \irîh 25 Ioi\iî 14), Stt't/ î iî/i ls Ruobert i lin îg 1 ()îtiilc i to c fut22) andc Sýiiiiiî'is lis N i lo itcr h u iii4 tut lI)ccciiibcr 17). A Iîi(i luiii n ii; i'lui ,iiuul6iilo M!rq 0m~r )n1rrHwt r, grand reception for visiting soldiers 'limef Capsules' aie geins q/ in/oi - nuatioî esiiaciedfroin past issues of the Chamîpion and other publications iii ordet- l piovide a windotv int Mlton s past. Fxplanataîy comment i s soinetimes provided ta place the situa- tion in eontev. November 1916 -The 164th in Milton. Mayor Blain, Reeve Little, the ladies ut the local patniotic organizattuns and other citizens had their preparatiotts for the reception and accommoda- tion ut the 164th Batt. completed svhen the soldiers arrived from (icorgetown fast Friday afternoon. Quarters for the officers were ready in J.P Ropers hrick dwelling, at the corner of Martin and Mill Streets, and for the men in the court house, the tîîwn hall, the Sundav sehools, the pulic school and the Masonie hll. Ili lic Agraitiîttit,îl H all s wci cliniiîg tabîles and scats for ail ofi iie N.C.O's and men. i he soldiers arrivcd at 3:30 p.m., ticarly an hour hefore thcy werc cxpected. lis rnarching via Spesisde they had good roads aIl the way and iade fast lune. At 'ipcysidc tlîey haltcd for lunch whiclî was supplied frîîm the field kitchens. At the hase fîine (Stecles) ihes siere met tw a reception ucîn- mitîce composedcilo the Mayor and counicîl and other prominent ciii- zetîs, with the hand. AIl had îceti arraîîged for a turniout of the Ituls of tlîe public schouls at abouti 4 p.ni. liot, unfcîrtu- îiatly, on account cif the carly arrivaI oif tlîc battaîttît, of sibicli the mardi- ing miusic was the lirstiîntimîationî, it clîd nul couic off. 'lie soldiet s tîîarc bcd tii the mutsic oil tbe regi- menital brass andc bugle bands ancl îfîî towîtn band (roi Miarîtin Stree-t, via Maini aîîd l3rmn Streels. Ici tic (Court iuse Square, where îhey were lîalîed ancl, 7lbence thcy wec inarchecl off iti detachmnîcns to their respiective quarters wlîere îbey Icît their arms antI accoutrenients. Flicir fieldl kitchen, niotor trucks, etc. were Milton ~ Capsules parked in the fair grounds, where they reassembled ai 5:30 p.m. and sai down in the hall to an excellent din- ner providcd by the ladies including meat and hot potatoes, with pies, cakes, fruit, tea and coffee. On Saturday evening a free con- cert was given to the citizens of Milton by the band and other sol- diers in the Methodist Church which was crowded. There was a varied and excellent program and the concert was greatiy appreciated. At 10 a.m. on Sunday there was an open-air eburc b parade on thc Court House (-cîa c apftaiti and C baplain Vvoodcock read the services and prcachcd iromn the regulation pulpit, composed of the drumns of the bands. On Monday mnorning the men fell in ai the corner of Main and Brown Sîrects and marched off amtd cheers, for Oakville. The fine physique of the men, their smart, soldierly hearing, svîth the best of discipline, the latter tcsîifying to the cfficiency of the cîffi- cers, miadc a great impression liere. Since the band went to Camp Borden it has been strengthened hy the addi- tion of several good tîustcians. and under the teaching and lcadership of Bandmiaster Dewar, it lias niade gî-cal progress. V i laves, town electrician, lefi town on Saturday. liaving rcsignicd bis position. On the saine esening a transformer blcw oui leaving baîf ibe tosin iii darkness. The trouble \vas not i-cmnedied until Monday whlen a nc\w, transformer was installed. Tis oIatei al is a.s.iî'ibh'el on ca1 ii, A/i/toi Histo; juil Societili iii Dils, w/tio cai be i-eat-lîî'd tlîoiîg/ t/te soicti' at 90.5) 875-1i,5. ju*aSuper Automatic Espresso & Cappuccino Centres on SALE Ena 3 (white) Ena 4 Ena 5 (white) F9 M51,1-1 C9 One Touch LI ITDSPLE idrinkcGfee.com 315 Steeles Ave East Milton Ontario, L9T 1Y2 Phone: 905-636-0922 Toit: 1-800-425-5405

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