à <571 IPARTNERs IN PLANNING iFINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. *Fnani PUiansg *R5etif*n Pling R R PS Ps RRe I sr <mou (M) iz 87"120 Fa:(S 76-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, L.ou Mtdgu Milton, Ontario L9T 1iPO l« CFP,UW, Cul, MP At tbis lime of year many of us are moved by the spirit of giving. We share our bounty with famiùly and friends as weII as recognizing the good work of cbarifies and other groups. If we wisb t0 help these charites, current fax legisiation allows us to donate finasscial assets sueb as stocks or mutual funds to these chariuies without incurring capital gains. Wc also receive a tax receipt f'or being generous. 'lhis is a good way t0 help our favourite charitable group and save tax too. Please eall us ai IX)5-876 (>12<) t find out more. înncl'Mé "< s i II 'v11ciia u'i y ai ' I i -I . i ; , , c; ý Ii 1I AFOIFLIATEO vIl PARnNERS IN PLA~I~ INSURANCE SFI t'v 1 Dr , 905> 876 1188 ' D r.açiyWan B.Sc.,D.D.S. i~ ssi 's în B.Sc., D.DS. Abwhats? It's unbelîevable how many people have notches an the sides of their teeth (near the gum line). What is thîs and whal causes t"? Weil, they are calted abtractions and ta be honest, ma're flot totally sure what they are caused by. ti used ta be assumed that they were caused by averty aggressive baoth brushing, especial- ty horizontat brushing. tl seema that there may be same truth ta this especialy when an abrasive toothpaste is used. However, the mast prevatent theory naw is that tl is due ta excessive forces on these teeth caused by clenching or grind- ing. We catl thîs bruxing. tl seems that the forces on these teeth are mosit concenfrafed at the gum fine on the surface facing the lips. The enamet thins out in this area and the stresses an tl cause fthe enamet ta be dîslodged teaving a notch. However, fhe reason 1 say we're not totatty sure what causes fhem isfthaf somefîmes a toath with an abîractian tesion may nat have any sîgns of wear on its biting surface. You'd think that a toofh which is subject f0 a lot of Sftress would have some sîgns of IeII on fhe biting surface. Sa what do we do about them? We IIIl typicatty check your bite and make sure that the toot h isot beîng toaded fao heavif y We'l also check ta see haw you are brushing your teeth ta make sure you aren'f beîng to heavy-handed, and not using taa hard a brîsf le on your faafhbrush. In addifion, is important ta, brush verticatly rather than horîzonlally. If may alsa be advisabte ta wear a nîght guard ta prafect the teeth f rom ctenchîng or grind- ing forces ai night. We can tI the notches in wifh a taof h caloured fîlîng ta improve the appearance and protect fhe toath but, of course, is atways best to try ta prevent these conditions in the first place. Op.oi to mllldffl 7 dlys àawo*IIIII Kennedy clrclm 1020 Kenned Circl W0878482 Daum Ross Pharmnacist ENJOYING THE HOLIDAY SEASON l)ecember can fic a wenderful season of giving and spendîng time with family and friends. It brîngs holiday parties and get togeihers. There is always an abondance of food and drinks whîch cao led to osver eabing and drinking. This can resaIt in weight gain. heartborn. upset siomach and diarrhea. We need <o be mîndfut ef nibai me are eatîng and bow mucb we are eating. fi S very easy te keep nibblîng as we pass the buffet table or plate of goodies. Before nie reach foîr another goodîe we need te ask ourselves, "Amn 1 bungry or jusi eabing because the fond is in front of me". Iia fonrds are iypically calorie-concentraied fonds made wibh lots oif cream and butter. Try eating more oif the fruits and veggies and nihote grains before reaching foîr the caloîrie laden fnodi Kniiw y'or lrigger fonds Some people crave sweets and others saty fooid. Once thcs' start eating iflese they caI seem iii stoip. Sio>if yîou have t roubl itiny aInl a few puîtatîî chips, yiou may niant iii mii have iaall si voo doit tofta feding frnzv Din rîni Wuuh5' A kiins'ow a fi.)mc atcîihîl cain lc'ad iii a fieidacfle the sî'.iir wîilhit, presct vin> prohciîîs. If <'ou c19)'Und Lip si'l iif 0 stinai~cli ail cii hi' sure' <aid <'<su cllîr 'vtiipiic s I)ttirtr l'liîriiicisi Ther acre <ns'ii «<<<'v«nr ttil!c(Iiuiiin!r itindictitions <<.ii ;ii lint<ir rc lics's' flic scriiiit <<<ils. 'A c.l rucciiiiicndà goinîtucid<i fo<r flic- fic',irihoirii <aid stiîiiiiicl <<Ps'> nr- soiiittfing for flic ica'ýcd,îiti arrliic; Enjo< t<sticheiifi'îîdi<ic' hoîîa h h bc scins' <<id jci t<< K ,k trait, hcii h tititi ttkr\v;irds. Wishingq you ail a very Merrq Christmas and best wishes for the Neu' Year! DI», tDrinkl îa,îl lirie! F 1 Rob Rubino, "av "- ' (905) 875-4871 650Ontario St., Milton Enhonce the Tax Benefit of your Glift by 0 Donating Depreciated Sec urities Donafing sec urifies tn-kind vVVîoliterthirik <1<, iiviitii(q iecriritnstfinl arinvavc i' pc<,itov <i. rn'qî'tnird churIei' of. î.isn exem nsoptionîof<heiiuijuin on ti' Aiicnivcct , tthe vcî.rty fias dpn'iatuit votcc' d oithtoiaivsel ir«<y isdorvta<iidtoi arngisnvnd choriy youcon si'IIbrne'ft Ilflic capital lossi iscrvh ccipu s ici ut'i,-, cipplii"ii<ut agavîist iy -ipitcl gaisI 2 11 Ard ncet __pitai1Io r 2(, t (in thc'r ix oappliec goiîîît copîtlt drishon the nroIý thrv «<vs s co ui o nt c opîtotl gains îeoizcd in tie futuie rire capitalIisses reciizeon vi<tingsictiiities Io achariiy(ire.osable or fax puiposs andoars noei empediromiciî intemoayihotcopiitlgisare tri coaition t<soif tI he capital loiss you viii recesve o chtbles <ax rcc pI Io'rthcdonation vhich cas bv used <o alliaI totates 2011 or otieid <orvoid la fie oipplîvd oinsi <oxes in usp af the icloîsiso bovyeuvos. ESTABLISHING A CHARITABLE GîFl FUND IN 2010 l VoC irterîd ta donaIs to chorty vint 200pou moy <visti Io cansideî estabîshîvo pour ousr loundolion ihrough the Rtc Ds Charitoble Gi1< Progîam. Yoo con esiobish o <oundlion iih a cuslomîzed snme (i.e. The mufti Fomdpy Foundoliosi asd matie oscual doations to the tiavdo<ios. The laundao os<len maties gants <ouc choii or chertes of V'oui chaise in the nome of po.ir oms toundotian. Bp ollacalîcg up to 30% ai tie donotion as "spendobe". po con matie a gr<0i< fihis peor Io a chtifp <bis impottant Il ouThe sas spendable amaun wilbe endamed inthe<aoudiiolforainimiumatf <Opeos durisg mhich lime 4% ot the svestimenl voisinas mauld be avoilobte toi oinsual giosîs <o a ciailp as îecammesded 0' pou These legisloled fii essuie tlevibility in «imisg <ho <unding of regisiered chartles bton the <aundatias oand ai tie same lime masinive tie s<5e ai the choirloble contribution recoîpl pou recesivein 2010. Articles Ilke ihis can be tound wifhin ou, "Daliy Sunise Con'enni" ematl we send ta clients If you wouid be inieîested ln receiving ouf dat emnat servcç free tor ose year piease requesi if by caiing or sendlng an errait ta us ai rab.rubinai5bc.conm. RB3C (905) 875-1850 ~IDominion www.robrubino.com ifl Securîties a 'yes y ',e vi mi ýi ' visc v e 'cn pln igtaimpý 2 s to aeg Par v u.ý v 1'v o.'tý I ' dI, n Pc - SIa' Suise -o' ,CPP age, -eaýa as sýc caad Use55 uduv on 'v- Bc D.- ec.i ariliee ni ci Fayal 3-1, af canv<a Si' une e.vi,01vi0rI i<iv virveîir.,aiovvia Marilyn J. Samuels, BA, OPIE, LLU, LLM o Lawyer -' 11084 F;fth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 MariIyn i. Sanujls Fax: 905-854-5211 During ( flrîstmas mc lrcsîmc fîvcuscd an gîvîng preserits ta aur lrîrnds and famies but ihîs is a gond «imc Ii remund ni'cryonc <if anîther type «t gîvîng, thr gîcîng of yîîurselt Wc I<cv in a great countiry mhere anyihing <s possible, whfere our dîttîrencîs arc cmhraccd and acicpîcd, nihîre tlisraacc <s nuit jusi I ssird We havi ireedîîm <ik nii «<fier ciountry it tfie world, but wîîh unîold trîcdîîm cuirs rrspasîfîlî Wr have a respîînsb<iîîy <a aur ocighhiiurs, our cammusîîy and ao <lîcse ail oser <hi niorld niha do sut cnoy nihat m enjoy Whcn mc dii not take <p <<sur responsihiy, nihcn we loîok <n and do sîv<hîng îhî'n mc are ait respîîvsihue for mha< ttappc'ns I <hînfi fie tîit<issing mîîrds frîîn <he l'nacc Prayc'r of Si, IFrancis cas bcn a catri cion f«<osr ail] oif us Oshere thers ils fatrcd Ici m binhsg «su \Vlîîrc Ilîî'ru s, dfîîs t i < ns' g fariti <Ah nu' i fie is tischo ]vi ci mi' hr<cg t rutlfi '<' hurei i'<s painî l'Il cîIII f >,ou<ii '<'li ict iý ]c nusti ra b i fi iii dcu ý[p<ii i il, rn o Iir il f <f, 1 rî i i Inul." -u i o 1,' i v ,cii i-ui i , i li < i ' iii. i it 'i Il ýic il"'l' i la "i i 1i " i l' 1, ' l di i ,1)1111, 1 l 1 1 * ROSHNI PATEL B .Sc. D PoD M 550 Ontario St. S., Unit 205, Milton, (905) 878-6479 Millîu, "it,iiv 'uticiici,iv .ili' Oi iii ii01l.i<,i, Q. J'I<>, loies eold weather ejiféef die bod-v, J)(rtiLulariy thejeèet? A1. tI tic hiId\ ispvd Ioi cîît wcaiher lr.is - ii"< < ic i plieci coteC tiiipciz«lois' I tlîîîd flows is i cd<i tio cxli iiiiiiec a<id ««uted \vital îîriîs, lIaviiig liands andl cl vuîlîîerahle tsi troi<sltec The ugisi cîîîîîîîî<îîî fîi<s sîîpeî 'icial, ajpiti n <g as a white Isilcî il' skin <batlifcals iii a tcvs daNs but sixer crilrîîstil uI lcad iii detiitrs and piissihlri C\ Cn amiputaiovn. DoI')ît take chancis whcn il ciics tii sýur heilli ibis vvinci- ttuîîdlc op and Iu <iosttrsel t'oiiiicai stîi<ili bc loiecniiigh si locs ian viiel and Icas c rîîcî titi ain exra iaitu oi sucks. 'l'ick puil,,prîtps me or vv<i<l sîcks or liglits arc givid l'ur extra piîîîtlîîn i sers csîld utars A\ stucîs led fi, Dr. .Xinc Vsii'-Jiislice lias shc<su ltaI llîinîirguu<iin, tic l<sdv s biai dislnboiiîin prrîccss, s tîîîkd lui SlCCP cycles. Reisttrihutiiîg bîîd\ lcal ii bte amis aid legs caîî îîîcricasc slccîuîîîss aîîd nay i <p initile<l ai more rcsllîîl sîccît Fori csis'n s<ilei< 'ioi cîtld luIt duri<y the svînici in<nbtis vvc ha<vec suiiiicliiiîg l'or vi Stippers Iflal combîîineî <hi tîcietits (it flic br<îdîlîuîîal hialîîîg pad witlî the coiiul and t'u'cedsiii cil < clîlîper. 'Ihi stipper is lillcd wif< a îîaluîal grain itiat cati tic fialc ii tlic iiiicmuiwase iand ritaîîî bial l'or iii <IrI 'tiNis a eilm<î gît idea ii< vîold likc lui wiash isirsni a \tiu Christmîas <nd a Jirisperuius Newv Yiar.