Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Nov 2010, p. 8

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COMMUNITY z zMeals on V V Seniors, disabled s0 z grat eful for service, j says local volunteer By Christina Commisso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF opping out of her red SUV, wtth bags of goodies in tow, Steve White might remind y'ou of Santa Onc alu wek handful of rc'tidents recivea vsitfrm White a thuierinit mnatc.. Instead ol 'shiîtintriiitg dnwn the t hinn¾ she simpiy knocks on tht iront door. lnstead of piacing goodius Linder the C hristmas truc, they 're placed netlx on the kîît.bun tountut. Andi instead of Tonka tucks anti Barbic tiollk shu cielivcrs hearîx soup, t rispx saiad anti a warni entree. On ibis surnx Nox embur alter- noon, the main couîrse is roasi îurkey xx îtb mash potatoes, gravy and carrots. White does have a lisi, howexer. Checking it several limes throughouî ihe a[ternoon. She checks whos diabetît, who doesn't cat garlic and who prefers extra grax'y on the side. White is a Meais on Wheeis driver. For i10 years she and husband Bruce have been vis- iting the homes of a dozen or so seniors and disabled people. For somne Muais on Wheeis recipients, that afternoon x'isit is their only visit. "Some seniors are unhelievahiy receptive. In these situations, the door cannot open [ast enough," said White, making her way to client number two on the list. For two weeks, this reeipient, a former nurse, has heen receiving hot lunches [rom the organization. She was used to jumping into her ear and going to the grocery store until a heart attack rattled her routine. No Vheels offers food and friendship FRIC RI EHL MET ROI AND WVESI MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL DEUIVERY Meals on WVheels volunteer Steve Wru te makes her rounds ai Allendale. loingur able to tise, the 76-vear-nid said Muais on Wheuls is a hot of a change, but shu's unîoyîng it. i1 lîku not hax ing to cean the kitchun," shu said xvîîh a iatîgb "Pins, i'ni not inîuch tif a cook.- Shu htîpes by thu end ofi the tnonth, shu'l bu ciuarud to drive and tnulti break ia bur brand new oven. its a ruaily good opiom for people totn- ing ont of the hospitai,- said White, a former famil>' practitionur, beforu hecading oui for the next stop on the lisi. lime is critical when delivering hot muais, explained White, whiie waiting for the ulevator at a Mîliside Drive aparimeni building. About fivu of bur clients lixe in thu apari- trent building. -I'bus fuel a bit ni anxietx il- xx ure laie. For stîmu ibhis tnight bu thuir oixl mucai. Thuy mav not have extra fond in the tupboard,- she said as the uluxator doors fînallv open. Halifvay ihrîiugb thé lîsi, shu liods an apartinent xvtth the door uniockud -thu uid- erly woman is uxpecting White. i was 100 pur cent and then i had that sttipid fail,- thu client said as White arranged ber inuai on the dinning room table. its so nice to sec ynu. Its nicu to sec somuonc." Thu lasi stop) ni the day is ai a small apari- mrent building off Main Street where for îhrue xvuuks now a former physiothurapîst bas buen recuiving vîsits [rom the Whiîes. "1 juxi lîku it bucausu ceryn comnes heru, and my son and dauightur-in-law knnw I have some food," she said, scoping out totlay's meal. -l always have to know what we're having." Sherri Parkinson, executive director of Milton's Meais on Wheels, said theres an urgent need for volunteer drivers in town. A smail commiîment of one to two hours a week will go a long way, she said. "Our clients get to knowý their volunteers, and they form a nicu hond with them. Some seniors xviii thank y'ou [or the lunch, îhey're not mtîch ioto chatting, and othurs xviii invitt you in for a top of tua. foirtntix tr ,onic senior-, our vol- unicur is the ni person the\, il suc for that tia\ If a fainilv inumibut i,, not tloc bxý thuxt bus ing on that tulatixu, Il a tliecnt tittsn i ansx r thu tiooi for x ni- tonictý, P.iarkinîson i-, ntifîud and suhc piatus a tal îiti iici r lani\ "ixls an adtlt seuori- \las on Wshis utttîs pax S4.50d pur mucai. xx htth Parkinsont saiti gous, dtt uttix to the cosi tif the food. Each mucai itîcitdus a saiad - xx hich is donatuti bv the local brantit of' the Royal f anadian Lugitin - a soup. bruad anti crackurs, a hot mucai and dessert. its onue iuss thing (seniors) have to be concerned about," she said. "Thu mueais are ntitrititits, home cooking. Thux ru gtîîng to gut xxhat they theinseixes wouid mnaku." Thé organization serves about 50 clients a xvuuk and holds group lunches evury Niondax and Thtîrsday, and on the third Wudnesdlay of the monîh. Rotutes xary, ciependîng on what kind of commîtmunt the x'tiunteur can make, and drivers are partially compunsatud for thuir gas. 'What we're doing assists seniors to stax' home and live independenîly longer," said Parkinson. For more information or to volunteur, umnail miltonmeas@gmail.com or cail (905) 878-6699. Glîristitia Cniiffjsso cati hc wcrled at <s or-ýnmtissn@raniiko;icaiadianchamiîmitt. ti. HoIIy srnU~Medical Clinic I~Ip~'905-878-0086 I HoIly Pharmas Pharmacy à, 905-878-9001 ave Readen a"UBita Packs flutte Mary MacDonald, ND Naturopath %8Nauri IvOc te hmau cu'I IL w 905-878-9001 marymacdonald@gmail.com ~~~1JBef Rd.~i~ï ve e *e Grand ]Buff@t &DJ Daneo? ~aturdag, DpepmFwpr 4. 2010 Includes Grand Buffet Dinner, ) -Carved AAA Prime Rîb - Our most popu/ar Lasagna ,/Plus tax *Seafood Bar ine/udes Salmon, - Home-Made Desserts _______________________ Peel n'Fat Shnimp, A/Z Musse/s I !)air#tc wîth t'es Ls4 Exv REEVATIONS REQIJIRED r F L U, IS A: MOTS R[ý RE Now; AVAI BLE, LABLE

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