Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Oct 2010, p. 36

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NEWS & INFORMATION 1,n s iThe Okle.Milton The Septembier 2010 Real Estate Market T ti or lI3ctober 2010 -Oakvtlle -Milton, Ontario) lFor the montli of Septentbet 2010, The' Cakville, Milton Ttfd District Real ['Fse T.C O M ,1 *total sales transactions were 640, a deerease of 23 per cnt otcr Septemiber 2009. Overall, the 2010 secar t) date total sales transat- lions bave also ectreased whcn totnipared to 2009 transatioTns by a ttîînistule mnargtn of.] per cent. Itt Septemiber, nr'w listinîgs arc stili tomting ontoT the nttrket ni healthy nunibers, iflsentTiry is op hy 9 per cent when ttnipTlrs'd to 2009) "Restdettal re'sale' nuimhTT at lh'lt ITa/tvillT Mitn anid Dîstît.t Real E'TaiT' BoUTrd have fTtllen r/arpls Tdluc ITo ci TIumbi of JaLii'TT, TT'/itl include thte HSI- changTes in mTrtgIge IT'ding Tue T rITI dT thT' rush Tsf fip.TItanT' hTsTic'/u ers T> lik ITn iOTT mT'rigagt' raies T'5TT'ict' IthI% IT'ITT, TITIT OakillT, MitonT Iand Dtsirk i Real FITtT' BTTardT PtT',idiiCTT JT') MTt/tTîTTT "HtTTiiipg iti/TToTThilIII s TaT issTu' fI mfltUT /uiT5 lÏMCT hT'TI ITIT arc dealtrtg tvtlt ltigTi mîrstage Tailes in taTndTTm witlt tIhT appr'TIatiTîI in hIITIT pT iTT', a,% TITTl lis ,tIhT inTT'2TI5T in IIITIt htTTT'ItI mTTntll ITTsrs MAH NNA brougltt oTn bs lte 115T1 di clti t TiTTT tts TT'l'T'TTfts an imnnTt tltreaîiT iT' mTTtTI Ine.t îTlIT211TTT'l T'UI'T'lTgTJ T IT OMOREPT-T5TiT pntces omlîîned ilt incrî'astng hoTisehTîld i'TTmT's 10 TIffiITt tIlT Tffett. The total value oI sales prîîtessed îbrough îhe Board Ml S® Systeni dctîtotO în thte monîb o) Scptetîîbet. bot oserîlI >,car to date nve art' rîtil seeîng a very healtlîy intrease. Ibe tiakvîlle, Miîlton aîîd area resale nmarket iepTTrîed $251,468,27L0 tî "total tdollar vorlume ofI sales for sepienîher 2010, a dec rease o) 25 per cent compartd to 2009, but Ton a cumulative year la datîe hasts, there 15ts a 12 per tent intretre, atttîring To Multiple i stinîg Sers'ite@ (MLS®)» statiîtis released by l'i heOaks'îlle, Milton and Distrit Real Estate Bosart. Resîdential resales tn Oaks'tlle lar Septembr 2010 are down by 33 per tent oîser September 2009, The average and nîedtan bîrtb retcord an intrease. wtth the average sale pnece 8 per cent hîgher than Septenîber 2009; tbe average sale prtte is $550,961 the medîan prîte s $460.500, whith is a 9) per tent rtse avec the samne mnonth tn 2009. Mîlton's sales are down by 24 per tent when compared to September 2009, but ttînsisîenîly the av'ecage and median prîtes tontinute tTT nse. Tie intrease tn the avecage cesîdenîtal resale pnce was 8 per cent, betng retorded at $395,310. The median sales pnte was $363,500, an intrease oîf 5 perctent sshen eompared to September 2009. "As expeceîel we are wttnesstng apeiod TIf eorrectitiîn,"satcs Ma/tannah. "Pntces may liaive tIT he adîuteîd and icsITITs ntas lU sioiTt, bt Ithe mac/t ill %(Tirt mTT îng again as we enter 2011 " Year to date restdenîtal sales în Mitosn and Oakville show a 2 per tent detrease whcbn sîîmpared ta 2009. *T/te total saIes are .Tîmprîsed Tf aIl sales hi' OMDPEB Mem/t'rý, ier5ardless o auýi ÙtiTTT **Total dollar vTolume of saîTs Teflects "aIl prrîperty îypT'" încludtng reTrdential * îîtlrnîî ms, TTIIlTTIa piropei'TI larnland aind saT of îsnTII Your local REALTORS LIVE, CIVE & PLAY in the Neighbourhood tao! Established inl 1954, The Oakvil/e, Ml/ton and District Real Es/a/e Board (OMDREB) serves Oakvi//e, Mlton and sureoundîng communities wl/h more than 1,800 REALTORSO. Members of the association may use the REALTORO /rademark, which identtfies /hem as rea/ estate professiona/s who subscribe to a strict code of ethics. The association operates the /oca/ Mu/tip/e Listing ServiceO (MLS®) and pro vides ongoing professiona/ educatton courses for its Members. OMDREB Rea//ors/t care about crea/ing a be/tee communi/y and participiale in the 'Every REALTOR Gares' program which supports she/ter-based initiatives. Voue 0MDREB REALTORO can pro vide you with /he data and services you need to make informed rea/ estate decisions. Advertîsements of /oca/ MLSO property /istngs and information about the services pro vided by a REALT0RO can be found at www.REALTOR.ca. For more information visit wwwomdreb. on. ca or ca/i OMBRER a/ 905.844.649/ OMOREB Septemnber 2010 Sales Resuls, 2M 05,,Tdt. 00 T'T ST"b O ome 0 " D Cag T ~ ~ ~ $9 MT.T T. T '4T S-1 0kqWNikT-dDi STS.TI5RW.-1,B .. d OMDTEI Ye SOTT RE.4LTORS*LV MEOT PLAY TT b»S NTSSTOTSSSd 5051 - - -. T ou Il.. - *T. ~T. *OT - T 5 '.0T T ~~fr Qfiaitaîî (Damptcun Here's our gift to you- #,U y ý re e You Can Buy a HaIf Patge Ad 7_1 for only ci~10We ouprhs n Illg 1 Ha0 age Adu ors o599 ~~ AVallales THat Pen $37 fer ea599ai Ç Copynbroo ueaanhe: Cl-br1. ,Ial hf ny$7 o ahhl sigi tUP page, inciuding proees celeur! Full Distrlbuted: October 28th. 2010 'î.0dy ($1000) & Quarter ($389) pages aise availabie. Please contact your sales representaM 905-878-2341h Ds4bsvýred to over 29,000 Homes In Milton! or emal dlanew@m1Itoncanadian'c I Wh- itlldm,1 Te, Vft $,W Te,, u1Msjdbý il ýn

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