Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 2010, p. 8

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COMMUNITY EJourney of ~Siblings travel to Poland Sfor new MS treatment B tephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF For 28 years, Sonjia Vascotto watcbed as ber brother became a prisoner in his own body, losing bis ability to walk, speak and cventually even mnove at tbe Sgreedy bands of multiple scierosis (MS). Last x'ear, sbc cngaged in a batîle of ber own wben sbe was diagnosed witb MS after Sfalling to tbe fluor in spastic convulsions. Ioday; she strugglcs ssvitb cbronic fatigue, îîu1îubncs, in lier Ixîds and icci andc dî::î- ucess. So wben Vascotto and bier brother, Luciano, beard about a new treatiment tbats been making plcnty of beadlines - ancd cre- ating its sbare of controversy - and beard the testimonials from MS patients wbo satrl tbey'd experienced a dramiaîîc turnaround, tbey wanted tu jump rigbt onboard. Tbere was just une problem. Tbe prote- dure hadn't yet been approved in Canada. But tbe pair wasn't about to let geograpbic boundaries stop tbem [rom undergoing wbat tbey saw as a potentially life-changing treat- ment. Sunday, tbe 50-year-old broiber, a Brampton resident, and 48-year old sister, along witb their motber, boarded a plane for Poland to bave tbe endovascular procedure. Tbey don't bave mucb to lose - besides a financial loss - but everytbing to gain, Vascotto said. "We're going lu bave our lives back," said tbe long-time Milton resident last week. 1 really and truly believe ils going to work." Vascotto and Luciano will bave the surgery over the next couple of days and rcturn next week. Tbe procedure is essennially an angioplasty to open up narrowed veins in ibe neck. A bal- boon is in[latcd in tbe vein to open any block- ages, allowing tbe blood to flow frccly l'rom tbe bratn. Tbe recent surge of MS patients undergoing tbe treaiment stems [rom some recent studies - the most notable dune last year by italian rescareber Dr. Paulo Zamboni - that sbow a possible connecîton between MS and insufficient vein drainage (known as cbronic cerebrospinal s enous insufficicncy, or CCSVI). Tbe sîudy results lefi Vascotto and scores of otber peuple wtb MS - an inflammato- r>' disease of the central nervous system - incrcdibly uptimistie. And Vascottu said sbe can't refuie tbe real-life testimontals sbes beard [rom peuple wbo'vc bad tbe treat- ment. But peuple wbo want it must go to tbe United States or abroad. Tbe Multiple Scîcrosis Society of Canada states on ils website ils optimistic about tbe new rescarcb, but tbat, "As wtb any new bypoîbesis, there arc a numnbcr of questions still tu be answered." ' 3-5 kiiemetre "Country Experience" sireil along the scenic walkways ef hustornc Country Henitage Park. Hot seup, biscuits, fali apples and cider. Entertainment, tracter rides, games k q'l and more! It states a possible relationship bctsscen MS and CCS\,I docsn't neccssarily mecanth former is caused bs' tbe latter. It recently comîittcd $1 million for a CCSVI clinical trial for wben sucb a tuial is approvcd, but continues to bc criticized by mnany MS sol- ferers for not doing cnougb fast cnougb. Tbe MS societv's stance - and tbat of tbe Canadian governmnent - bas left Vascoîto and mnany otbers frustrated, believing tbcy sbould be able to undergo tbe treatmenî in tbcir own country rigbt away 1k« Výascottos hope the procedure will enable ber broiber tsi once agairs walk and talk and that bier symiploms will also sub- side. One of tbe tbîngs MS bas affcctcd is ber voice. As a singer, 'Vascotto said sbe bas noîîccd sbe canit sîng as ivell as sbe used tu because of problemns witb ber jaw. lI'm looking forwýard lu getting back the vuice I bad wlicn 1 was younger," sbe said. \'ascotto knows tbere arc nu guaranîcs of the procedure wvorking or even that she bas tbe sort of bluekage the procedlure could [ix. But stîll sbes excited. Tbe cost for Vascotto and ber brotber tu bave tbe surgerv, plus botel accommoda- tions, is about $9,000 eacb. lncludsng airfarc and otber expenses. tbe tnip will cosi a total of about $30,000. But that. sbe said, would be mnoues wel spent if it meant a better qualiîy of life. Her fainily is in a position tu bc able to afford tbe surgery; sometbing sbc realizes isn't tbe case for many otbers \ tb tbe disease. Vascotto said uts important to sbare ber story to spread bope lu oîber MS patients tbaî rcscarch is indeed making sîrîdes. She bopes ber excitement is in[ectious. "Evers' time 1 sec an article ibat talks about Ibis it gives me a ray of bope." Stephanuii Huisi-/1 can bi, iicc/d at A fun, easy way Iu faîse tonid. to support IM-1 bis ast (arts-i is;i RE65M1 NOW AI TAIUNGSTMP.CA Sunday, October 17, 2010 Country Heritage Park 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton (jusi south of highwey 401) Registration: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scenlc Fali WaIk: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. lie Catering Site Spce», Focd Sporifc, Register anine: wwwcancer.caltakingsteDs or cal Nancy at (905)845-5231 Shane Dalioy NCanadian SoCiee ILsMleCnr it ICancer canadienne i c' aeCne itr Society dui cancer t 8M8 939-3333 i uwwcance.ca

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