Police try to track down sex assault suspect By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Police arc seking tile publics beli as tbcy continue io investigate a reccnt sxual atssauil on a womnan catî for a waIk,. i bey' re also remind- ilig residents tu be cautiocis when cott waiking or jogging afonte On Saturday, Acîg. 7 aboutt 11:45 p.in., a 23-year olci Milton womnan wsca waiking alone soutbbounci on the east side cof Brunie Street, approaching Vanier Drive, wben a maie jogger passing her grabbed bier buîîocks. He contînued running scacti toxcarl L)ctt Rtat, poilice saîd. Thle xx'caian xx'asn'i injttrcl. Tht itacîident ix faeirig invesîigai- ed by Halîcan poclice,, O bilti ,\lacise anti Sextial Assali (C ASA) Burteatu, and rtxidtltas arc askedtl c repcort any in-formatiton tht> naay bave. CASAs Det. Tamara Santlv said ibis seetus tca be ata ixolatec i mi- tient andti ieres nac neeci îa lie fear- fui. But being car-fcil ix always smnari. fi ,s a malter cri bting tautiaci," Sanly saici. "Thlere's been tata tîer incidents ibai arc sinailar ai this tile.. This case sttms ia lac ~a tant tiff. Man's robbery lac'iîag \,îgi lnt caîa irat lilftr- it tfatngs tct diiferc-nt preoalei, Satacy said. Carrving a cell pbhane ioci aîl pluuîe inib thexeni of a j-irIa- It-ta is a1 guacîc itla, btît îaaigli ircot bc piactital foar a jtagger, slat xaid. A fil everytane tan use, whetbr waiking tca tht sîcare, going f'or a run car btating ica tht' bcîs stop, is tir icil scainecane exatly wbere y'oci'l be. Antitie icla, partictilarly if yocu're prttîc ia running the saine roaute evers tlay is tca mix il cîp a bit anti take cliffiri-ut paibs. [bai way, in tire tinlikely eveni y'iai e beîng wathed, y tacr xN,iereafl)ocitx xxo tin bc prediciabît, Sandy saîd. attempt fails, ioa.ay s fJflarr.pion Polite are iuoking foar a mari f[lis cicnaîal xxcreti' i iat anti xx'o minay be arnaec afiter ata tiat maa lefi tlic stuort trt xxixasit COMMUNITY A8 atienapteti rcabt-ry tcack plate secri walktrg brîxklv tri air caxîeriv Sunday afierrtn. diretion. Noarcti s i itajtitct DATELINE A10 Just befcare i p.m. ai Shiappers -fic sa uspt 'ix describeci as SPORTS A15 Drcîg Mari tan Kennedyi C ircît blacck, ii lais tamis lxtrisiaot lirat flarîsîr Th l ips caic andc 1 ýlatts St. fIsli\ i fis' xxîîbh a 1111 tit i l( î clft CL.ASSIFIED A18 Laurent Axenuie - a mrtit xc a black t-xbtrt xxith sîlver eti wwwmýonanaiachmpin.om appruached the pharnaacy ciactier îerîng, a sîlser luogoa cit ft thexi w~vm1tocandîanhamîoncom anti prcadtcecl a notîe tiemanding a and a silver paient cii- tire frack, Inserts: quantiiv oaf a prescription crug, brfack _jagging panis xxath a sîlver e.PARTIA DISTRIBUTION.. [lton poliice said. sîrîpe dcîwn the sîde, xx ite rt.îîîrîîg IKEA - REAL ESTATE - SPORTS CHEK Ht indcted be \vas arrnied. sbc and a mtastiy brlack -likt-ls *BOUCLAIR - RONA CASH WAY - OSI "lis beliexeci lae may bave liaci t Chiago Wbitexeax -aaxlaf cap. BUSINESS DEPOT - OSH KOSH bandgctn îutked inside is I)lt,' (ail poalice at 1(05) 825-4777 oai said Dem. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter. Crimia Stappers ai i 800-222-T[fPS. At-ic, as aIways. stick tcî xx'lf-lit, well-travelied paîlix, sbt saici. i fese safciv larecacitiai-i arcift trialls' ir xx ciin, sbe saiti. Althtîci metai are lexx lîkcl>' Ii bc xt-xually assacilt-ti, ihey caa bc targeied Itîr ciîfferenî mhotivex, inclciting rtabbcry: Jucsi lasi iaaonth, a y'cacng tai \vas walking bis dcag i tht c'arlv miarning ai Roatary Park wlaen he was chasc-d fax thîc men who pushed hit tii tbe grtauntl. assaulted hîm and îcaîk bis walleî. lie sus- tainetf rntincar infjuries. jcîst hetaucix a persîîn ixca«t physi- tally tnjuciin at- incideat - as in ibis maxit receni oaccurre-nce - dcliiot micat lae car xht- isui a vic'îim, Sanly said; tltc negatîve impacts tan bc lcang-lasîitg. "I tan (feave) a feeling caf heîîag unsafe in y tacr cawii Thla Brini Street scîspect is decciibetl as tiark b)rtiwn-sknned, i17 tii 20 vears <alcidtt'faa 10 ica six sbts'ct xx Ir shortn clark haîr. He xxvoart a rt-d siairi, black sfhorts and wxhite rcîmnnag xhces. If \tici bave aay infoaratioan, cail poalice at (905) 465-8(970 car Crime Stippers ai i800-222-1-iPS. Si'/ari luîuiiîac/c an ,.e 1<'attet hi tisilni e// oi(O tatiik/jdith/til/)i- 011ill.î i Praiu t: Pioneer Car Dock. Oni Dis week's flyeo page 20, please bie advised that ibis producti 5 NOT haods-free capable, The correct Pioneer car deck wiih this feature cs Web Code: 10141555 for ' $249.99. SKU. 10135633 0 z You've seen hlm as the WEONESDAY, AUGUST 18, at 8:OOPM & THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, at 8:OOPM Gambrel Barn, Country Heritage Park 8560 Tremnaine Road, MiltonON 905-878-8151 or 1-888-307-3276 Tickets: Aduilt........................ $33.00 Groups of 10 or more..... $28.00 Seniors/Childreni 16 & uoder. $23.00 AYARU MMUE AT: àryph at C 1 477-7OO413u I