Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 2010, p. 23

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Sale Opprtuntes Sales Opportunities , ,o----MEDIA GROUP Carguide et Warld ai Wheets hoanodian AuoWarld a Baatgoude e Boatung Business * Parts a West ni the City II deat Home One of Cunadu' leadîng pobliohers of consomer and bosineos magazines, vnd a divîsion ot Metroland Media Orsap Ltd. bas on immediate openîng for an: ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Baating Publications n rnis roje hon mîi 0e costomer fscoond ana v il nual otrong refattonahIpo mîlO new and eoîstîng cliento by noorng that thnîr adsnrto- .00 needs are met for ost Bootittg Publicationo, Trade Showo and Webaîîes. ou will ander- stand thn importance nf actîoefy proopectîng for ne busoînesa and prnoenting udoertîuing opportonitîno at bath thn clîent und agency leoni. You are goal atîented , resoocnful and drîvîng in meeting and nacadîng regulat publi- cation oalea targeto. To quaifp 000 need ta On o motîoated, inde- pendent, and a oelf-otartet. Koowledge in the Bsafing îndaotry mouid On an adountage. n addition, y00 wîll pononon eocellent wrîtten ana verbal communîcation okîlia and On famîliat mîth Micrsoft camputet applîcationo. f yoo wsîîld lîke fa wsrk for a leader in thn media înduotry tOto opportunîty muy On rîght for yoo. We offer a campettion compensatian and bnenit packuge as meil as opportonîtîns for t tote caret gtowln. tl ioterested gitane tnrward yoor resome citing "Formata Media Graup" in sobject tise, ns tater titan JoIy 3lst, 2010 ta: taorette.mabaraj@metraland.cam We appreciate tOn internat ot ail applîcanto bomeser onfy Ibaun unlected totoan interview wili On contacled. No phone ca//o on agencts y/case, SALES CONSULTANT Not gettîng thn truffîc and appteciatîsn for yor tîme and effortn s yoor manafacturer and dnalnrshîp seling lesan Thîs Os pour opportunîty ta loin a progresse dnaierahîp wîth record sales ineies. Pieuse send yoot resome ta Newet tieSooza ndesooza@bartingtonhyondai.ca OMVfC Certîfîcation a must. We Ptovîde: An noceptionul eocalutîng puy plan, medîcul/dental benefîls, car alîsmance SOTWR I 1'OP Otowîng company tegoîrno Jr. Software deonlopet fot neot genetation ERP software. Thîs is an nntry inoni position as a technîcai support onulyst. Reqoirements: * Dîpiomu or degten in computer ptogtammîng. * Ptofîcîenî in dnoelspîng applications uoîng Mictooft Vissai Basic .NnI and SOL Semver * Fumîfîarty wîtO Crystai rnpota, and Mictosoft Cetiîfîcution deuirabie * Eoposute bo manofactoring orgunîzationa woaid On an osnt * Caceptionol communîcation okîia - bath anîbal and wrîoten Em . . . . .*m t clbac@ea.1 I C q'Fr[IRITY PERSONNEL Required immediately for Country Night Club located in Norval. West 7 Entertainment Centre Cail 905-703-1118 0 c DREAMWORKS CON- TRACTING i., - i, ýi;ýt ', -ie Penovatjori' Kitchen ý,jtfrjoms, Basernent Iý1 , Il Fernandoà ,,476789007 *Free Esti rnateý *Qualdy Workriian bfIp *20 Yeats Experience Jrearriýorkscontracting.ca JP MOVERS- ýhýýrt i rýtiý 0 OK,,,F,,,ee Estir,,dteý 4 ý3 ý our and jr Bonded. Prc,',),, A f f o r (i ,i ý. P 1800 408 7011 ý 1jý THE JUNK IrIji,, ,D yo,!r gjràý,ýý nie , If, Y.", - - " , (J,,n t ý,art I, ng "rhideý âIl 1 ji'l 1 dispmai cmtýý ,ý, 905 M2 371 5 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL S 11F'ED E*M jr jr NTERNET! a, ~ rObituaries CARUANA. M. Assosta (Sanfta) set Vetta February 241h 1951 - Juiy 2410 2010 Peacefully and gracnfully, mîth fam'ly by Ont nîde, Sunta paooed amay on Satarday, July 241h 2010 aI the Cradît Valley Hoopîtal in Ont SBth year, atter a couragnoas OuIlle mîth cancer. 50e mdJl On lanîngiy temnmbered Oy her b eloove d hus b a nd COuar 1ie , Onte daughters, Karen /CliffIl and Trscey, and her tande ihIldren, lsi elia ind Etontieît Sfic is thn citetîshei sîster of Maria, Frank, Tbnresa, Esther. Joseph. Mena, and het laIe Orothet John, and a trnaoared aont 10 many nînces and nephnms. Sonla mon an influnttai piano reacher in Mîlton for 20 years, and nias a nmentor and ftîeod 10 many otudeols yod famtîlies, Recenîiy. sOn snas bonored by pasî stodents un a Trîbole concert deducated 10 Cet and Ont tny years et Inachung Scola ,as an inspiration Io so many unl the cvmnity of Milton and vias oonifufshiy devoted 10 faniy and truends SIte vull te reotenublerea for nier v-undoiiu conmpassion ana 1he suries bhat she Orosgftt 1o en'ryvie arosnd frt Fantîily yod fruendo are învuted ta vsst ai 1he McKE 051F- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-070-1452 frvîni J-4 pm ano 7-9 potin ciToesday Vigil Prayers wiii 0ie prayed aI the fanerai honte vni Tusday evenno aI B J0 pro The Mass ni Tnrftniarn Buiai vili ne .eprae rvit aIv Rssary Latsnir Ci orciit139 Martin Si, Miton vni Wednnsday JoIY 20. 2010 aI 10 0O air Iurterutueurt 1v ivllv an Evengreen Cemelet y Letters vt condolenca ntay 0e lot for 10le tfanily ut mcim mcknroîn kocher.ca The Canadian Champion moold lîko Bo nxpress siocero and hoart-fnbt condoenocos ho tboso mho hae lost bhnîr lovod anas. rObituaries CLARKE, Joy - Pasoed ooiay aith1e Kelso Pioeo Retirement Home on Owen Souod on Wedneoday, Jaiy 21, 2010. Joy Clarke, bnlsved niîfe of the laie Bob Clarke. Loviog mothor to Ross Clarke (Katbyî of North Boy and Cedrîc Clarke (Rhonda) of toîieo Soond. Sadly orîssed 0y ber grandchildren Soaah Katie and Adam. Soroîoed by ber sioters Carîoen McKerlie et Whitby and Betty Holm-es ot Port Hope. Family and frieods oisited ai the M cK E RSI1E -KO0C H ER FU N ERA L HO0M E 1 14 M a in S t ,M ilt o n 905-B7B-4452 on Frîday. The fuoeral seroice stas beId in the funeral borne cbapel on Satorday, JoIy 24ý 2010. foterment follonned ai Eoergreen Cemetery. If desired. memorial donations 10 the Milton District Hospital Foondatîoo or the Charîty of your choîce vnoalnt be apprecîated Oy the famîly Lettero of condolence mna y b' e eft f or 10he f amîi 1y a t rkprs I-kocher ca p( COXE, John "JackÈ (Bars Dec. 22, 1922 Miltas Ont.) P a ssedI awvay. Jo uj 25, 2 010 ai 1001 Nortbrirtge Long Terni Cvre hboote nl Dakaille. Ont AI tee ag' of BT yeatst 0elntýn Iiîtann of Joyce of 64 yevr t ater tof WalIlace, Ken, and Nvocyt Loaed grvnofvtner of Mîchael, Kevîni Steve, Nicole, yod Amber, Sisters Etr nd voit ri ey A veteran of W W Il ano a loved gentlemtan by ntvnaý trier os yod revîtivest Ar the rg vent of nhe tvitîy Inere niff be visitation ai tbe J Scott Earlj hoinorai Hontie 21 Jantes St. Mllion Ont Wed_ Joly 28. froin J-4 pot ano 7-9 pot honorai setvices virit be bield ai the saine Fanierai honte Thors ,J îfy 29.a 12ý00 pm Fofloining, the service, tefresb itents vriii 0e serned aI tbe honorai honte, foilossed by avniake for J ac k ai the Cvnad ian Leg ion i n Mil ton, Obitu BISSON, Sandy - Wîth quiet couage and a detnrmîned opîrit, Sandy Bîsson passed aneay peacefoily sn aoly 21, 2010 afler a 6 year baffle ovîth cancer. Predeceased by Ont parents Harry and Vîrgtnîa (McLnan) Sheardomoi Dnarly boned ocife of Frank and iooîng Mother of Brad (Jennîfer) and Loti. Cherîohnd G randmothn r sf Am ber, Michael, Scott, Merîssa and Matthem, Dent Sîster of Lersy. SOn miii On mîssed by busîneos asosciates, friendo and famîly for her senne of hoînor, lave of animais and carîng nature. She had a unîgue may of building relatîoshîpo n ber personal dealîngs tbat left a iastîng impression. An accomplihed amateur artiot hos nopresond her lîfe'o Faperience thrsugh knîfn and bro1sb painting and sculpture , A business parfont in many soccnssful ventures. Enxe c utîive Member. E duc atî1o I Coordînatot and Volooteer Driver for cancer patients for 6 yeurs sn Oehaff cf The Dakvr le COopter yf the Laviain Caiie tnt5v eîy Mo uy grolttde and thanks 15Ionnh Onait cote team ut tOn Mîlton District Hoopital, nspncîaiiy Kîrstn and Nîcole. III provîded tremendous cure and support in her final days. Famîly and Friendo oîaîted ut tOn MEKERSIE KOCHER FUNERAL HOME. 114 Main St. Mîlton 905-B7B-4452. The Maos ot Chrîstian Banial miii On cnfebtated ut Hsfy Rosary Catholîc Chatch 130 Martîn St. Mîlton on Toesday, Jaiy 27, 2010 aI 10 Oh am. Donatîno ta ton Canadian Cancer Society mould be opprecîated Oy the famîty. Lettetso f csndonce ttay 0e ieft for the famîiy at 0410Wmcketsie-kscher.ca Dn emriamrn CORRADO, ADRIANO (1936-2009) One year ugo. July 2010, 000 passed amay af Mîltson Haspîta affer a shot ilîneso. Tbank ysu fat yaur nalued frîendohip sont thn years. Thaok yso fat maoy fond memoties of fîne past. i tIîk of yao ail tOn lime. Sadly nrîsaed and aliays remnembened. Untîl vie ment agaîn. Your besi trienid, Hon [ponitie J Oppartanitiese Sheridan SHERtOAN COLLEGE INSTITUE 0F TECHNOLOGY & ADVANCED LEARNING us iookîng for part time pratessors ta teach daytumn duasses un csmputIng. engineering and okîlied trudeu caurses af tOn Brumpton and Dakouile campoano. If yoa are nopnrînnced un aoy of the faiiawung areaa, menvmite yos no apply onlune bp oisiting or mebsute a!. http://humanresources.sheridanlinstitute.ca Java Pragramlmiflg Linus/Unis and Linosx/Unis Administration Chemistry and Chemical engineering Mechanical engineering- mifO a faonu an Machine design, PLO. Ptocnao sotual and mechanicsoaf maferiao Architecture Technalaay- with a facua on building maînruolo, ,bouilding oyatema and Ontorio building code tssrninksn Ontrinn ierlninbb dn't amw roviorlstn. wrput yuIn onmsl ofnnrl ern wth a arswa ofjo anrc tnmrendis San w ia.nnto On LocaiWrkca oiwoniieactmath nnwn rslswndeoale oinsearcn bamjobtyne set jo alet notificatwon ed serce and appla tIo job iran tl O.'ont the is'te. moi imrwtant Free Agent' ri the mawrketi r yow! LOCaW<iswCioprawwnri y ewiwwMdaGourwLanis uwnsnraebnwovrw0,i,,wnwwand webnit wrroOnai Vwwnnouiati us reniwrmewweprts FAT FAX classnl'ned ads. Oakre Ber on Mnccpon a Nws~ an th ' sadnwppr 632-81u dsca s i652 FAX: rD z 3ries1r E O ZÎ 4news.ca

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