Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 2010, p. 20

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Ij DRý RON STROHIAN ~ e ZWakefield Professional Centre i E106 WAKEFIELD RD SPEECH AND HEARINGCMENTEMc Laser &Cosmetic Centre c o. u biu MLTNONARO, 9T2L e WJudith E.Fint -Diroclur 25 Yoars 01Gptomstriast PHONE: 905-878-5882, FAX: 905-878-7158 Yonne &raiEprec DRY EYES THE RESULT 0F POOR HYGIENE NUTRITION H TEE.C ONR &LSR ETE S AND PERCE1VED STRESS WHICH ÏBEGIN EARLY IN LIFE. 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton A It ECC. Lsr&CosmeticCte&Ls.LAS E ergRadi S The eye lids cont aln glands which produce a wvetting agent for the 905-875-3345 wwwhearsa".caAtheEC Lar&Comtc(nrLsrsLit ngyRdo * eye turface, a vvater or aqueous layer over the eye and a Frequeney ate being used for a multitude et dilterent services sncb as E wtiich prevents the wvater tram evaporating. an y ye Q: Wuli heat and moisture affect the pefrac Permnn HatimvlhtrjvntoRsraig hrae n o pCrOPmalCe ki Tightenmng. Ail services are offered using hoth technologies wltich as 04 The eyelashes serve ta catch doit andl other part ides tram enîering of my hearing aids? needed tei accemmodate the client's nerds Special training and in-depth th ye. ktsowedge are reqmred in tItis specialized field in order tea properly assess and Q. Poor hygiene results in bacterial formations an the eyelld margins A: Most heaning aid users becomne sadly aware of the treat each individual. Ail our staff bave exceptional expertise oaver other spas E where stubborn sticking debris vivshed out from your eyes catches consequences of ear wax embedded in a be.erîng aid. and dîmes. ad buteds around the lash follicles.beadfîutsnh ngads Wfct5o uc an ~~~~~~~~~~~However, moisture canib ifclyi ern is W ou n . This can obscure gland openingi causing them ta becorne a el osueadeetoisd o i.W .Cnutto dé cysf unctlonal and possibty Infecteel. Eventualty develoaplng a as welMosueadeeîrnc ofo hni cso esulin aay nl reduction in bear quality and quantity. you are out in your garden, on the golf course or just2Mirsocoknaass ,0 Many people lit not ahl i li have varleel amounts of dlrty lds because outiîn the suri, perspiration may gel înto your 3Enae rcinr 6yaseprec c 0f environmental conditions, especaly evident by the amnount of heaning aids. Customn in-the-ear hearing atds are 4. Minmstr of Lahour tnspected in Laser Safety 'sleep' or debris found in the corners ot the eyes. poeoth clecon fmosuede 0th fai5. Meical Case l-istory - fecustng on ail undertyîng concertas, Ern otecleto fmitr u otefc Inolter years the now-dysfunctional glands which have reduceel that thyare embedded in te ar canal. Moîsture in for example hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance ai arsý theïr capacty ta pertorm resut in a dry eye which vili llkety trigger ey aib edngcuefrecs hi rwh ce the Lacrîmal Gland (The Crylng Gland) ta produce vvatery eyes in the tubin of a behsnd-the-ear heaning atd wtll block aigeation aeaing ase for cates bnrais grsvh ane response ta the dry eye stimulus. Many people report they have the soun travel. addressed etnsunng excellent reshits. wtery eyes, while others vaill corntlain of son. f lied, burning eyes whch are ail the resusf of dry eye, causing a responsive flood of fears The suecess of the chute has always hinged os the tn-deptb knossledge and fa dry areas vhch seem ta burn due f0 the sait content ofth1e foots In order ta deal v'ith maisture in yoi.îr lscarîng aids a ixpertise ofîti s practiiioscrs toicsroscopicallN asalwe the skis ivdetermîse now irhitaling a non iubricated oye. dri ,tsd kit tan bc vcry elfc.îîv I c an htlp kucip the usderlin Lases ofi certss conditions and se perlosai the appropsiae Many toxîns fa the body such as chemnical stimulants as in alcohol, your hearing aide oaperatng at peck elticîency. Dri- (remarment Wshether litas fot cosmeîîc or medical treaimeuts ouf dîme as brr nicotine, pharmaceufical drugsi Il cause similar problemsi ch aid kits utîlîze sîlica glcrystals that cani he te belp people feel hoîrer about ibemseives Our clientele reacb us fromta coni cascade in a series of events fa produce dry eyes and turf her glthreagbeui Ontario anîd the L'S. and Einds the Medical Arts dîmeii te ho very complications. Poor water consumption and depeivaf ion of nufrlents reactsvated many limes and are desîgned ta draw central and a pleasmahle place te, conme for trealment. The chute aise provides ta produce a healfhy tear film are alto est concern. moîsture from the hearîng aîds. many oater umique sernvtees sncb as Higb Freqnency fer Sktn Tîgbteming, There are producf s available fa remove items whch are the Mafta, Ski tags, Medîcal Mierodermabrasien, Medicai peets. Pare Colers instigators of dry eye. such aillad and eyefid cleaners. Many seomen Other products and actessories available to help Minerai Make-up and a full fine of Medîcal Skin Care. We offer tend ta place eyeliner on fthe Inside of the lih lInn near the eye maintaîn heaning aid fonction and szomforî are car cempltmentary consultatiens and welceme yone înqmrîes, The dme bas coverlng the gland openingi and causlng blockage. lotions to prevent dry, îîchy cars, hearîng aid exiended bonis te accemmedate ever3sene's busy liTestyle and tbe iatest The imal blood vessels estf the lidi can also beneilt tram a gent le tcnlg nwee massage, and uses 0f a warm compreis fa dialate bloodIvessels sanitizers, ear blowers, and baitery teste s. The teboo nweeSee us on www. dailywehtv.com cani aid In maintenance oft eyelid health. Compresseel eyelid bioodi HearSay Speech & Hearing Centre tarries a \'anety E-matil us at eiectrelysiseollegeihhollnet.ea vessels are also a esuit of a streistul lite like anyvahere ese in theofhan adacssrs leefret îlrsop95840 0 body. Ask for professional help for simple methodi f0 resolve a lite o ern i cesr.is elfe ocl rso long irritation. int the clîntc to eniquire about the wîde vartety of 958400 Avold self help remedies wlth eyedrops vahich daim f0 get the red accessories that are available.6 ManS.EU i9, ilo Idc rtBudngSdenrne ouf. They coni have sîde ettectî to your health. htp: www.ecclaser.ca Elayne Tanner & Associales lnc. H~ awkins AnimallHospital a ly J.S m es Debbie Hawkins B.Se., DVM Cl~nn1 1 Doctor of Veterinary Mledicine SA, BPHE, LLB, LLM Elyn M. Tanner I5znaroStee ouh Lawyer PhD(C), BA, BSW, MSW, RSW, Dip Soc Admin 550lto (nPnizz u Sîrel 1184outhUn,,ilo E Counselling & Psychotherapy Phone (905) 875-6888 Ph. 905-854-4942 nnob.atal B Finx (905) 875-6853Maly nilton (905) 85-81fly . Samues Fx 0-8451 rElayns M. Tanner www.etasalutions.com HEAT STROKE IN PETS Q: 1 have a son who is married. 1 would like to leave 0: M mariae i avrtIarnangr an hut ad dterine ~ Our pets are more pro ne la heat stroke due la the fael Ihal they tani- hlm A of my money when 1 die? Can I do that 0:eM wha iawg tas mve. I arn wngan t a n e ~terkid to fot perepire, as opposed ta humans. The extreme hîgh tempe .rature without his wife getting any part of il if they second weekend and ane night during the week if I have ta. But ccan e h umtd ts t wecm hav he ivngwî or her pascl fe ces spaae they shauld flot be further disnîpted sol1 plan ta keep the hause. ancueurptlascmbthasroesryqck A. Yes you tan îry but wbether y'ou are suecessful or not will Aller what I have bien through, I dan't sele why I shauld have ta Heatstroke occurs when the anîmal'e mechanîomr for cooltng are depend on your son. In the eveni your son's mamrage breaks negatiate any turther. compromîsed. Because ihey can't perepire. they rely on panîîng, down and be and hîs spouse do noi have a marnage contract A: Il is cetar Ihal you art 51111 very aîgry. Vet art probably also feeling te oarder Ici exehange warn air for cool air. If the arr Ihat te being or cannot agree on how their manital property wdl be dîsided, beraedad isppite ad abeevnembarrassed. If is hard to înspîred tO hol then Ibis mecbanîem faîls. causîng the body tempera- iheir propenty will be handled acodn othe detaîled rules negotiat whtî you art fteling 1his way but for a varitty et reasons, you wilI ture la nise.adclutin sbiheudrteFmlyLwA. have te do lest thal. Tht law will sot let yea dictatt whal itou waît te happtî Wben body lemperature reachee 4142 degrees, cellular î'unction te The Fcimily i Au prosides thai the v\alue" of aIl propenty to yourechildrtî, houst or other assets juil beauît yoe waît if10 be that was. adversely afTected and, 'sery quîckly, a cascade of eente occure. accumulatcd as a resuli of the mamrage partnership is ta be You aid your coin to be to-spoase wiII iii suddtnly bt able 10 commenicat sbared equally bet\ween the 'spouses" on marnage breakdlown. cearly aid dispassioîaely eust because tht marriagî is eîdiîg. If you have Signe of heat sîroke include rapîd and laboured breatbing. intense On date af separaîjon, called saluation date, each party is flot beti ablt le do thal belote, il is far tesi likely yoe will suteeed îow. Letliig rediiesi 10 tangue and gums. e'omiing. dîarrbea. eseakoces., ecîzures. required to valuîe ail of his or bier assets and ail of bis or bier your aiger aid hurt gel in tht way et tht ehildreî's positive relatioîship with and aillena deatb, debts. both pareils is nt oîly a waste if your lime aid moîey, il is alo pateîlly Because Ibese sympiome octet sec quîckly. lime te sf the essence Tht Fanmilv Laiv Act allows for certain assets 10 be excluded uîfuir to tht childreî. Children îeed two pareils wheîever possible aid lhey frscesu ramn.l'o upc htvu e a Lsfe- fonteèluain n n fteei h au fpoet îeed 10 be able li ste bolh pareils in a positive lîghl. Chîldreî set theaiselves toc, ecet m Iteam eIf vo d suset Ibir vot t doi maVII coo sukt- r o the valuatisadon aIes thti a aîcted yf olrpn in eaeh if their pareils so demeaîiîg or puting dowî your ex-spouse (net ti'e lbem ftro than aad se eta asitane.ir t coaldo s pets ouut oenel ro an th r 'aliaî on ater th dasatqed mangui ori sheller direelly wîih words aid actions or passively by attempting fi lumit (notic sood sealers andr seec medler assîsiance Maud ofihe pets access or other îegalive behavieurs just borts tht self esleem if your necd la be placed on an intraenous drap and lrcatcd aggressively. r sortin în heis alr moex d af e arna eaLtnd foh children. Uîless oie ut the pareils is aelually a danger to the ehildreî, pulliîg Settet vet, ta as sud tis situaiosn, NF VER cas e vaut pet te ton- tht talculations, provîded he keeps thte monev sepîrale from hiîditolthe fray by askîng them toltaesidtir speak giellheir parent fined arca sucb as cars. outidc ssiihouî accees la cool sleelier. Aîed the larniy tssets Il he plates it in a joint h,înk accoutl or uses is, in my mmnd, cruel aid poleîtally abusive. Couîsellîng le help you gel NI:\ER exercîse ihein te igh lemperateires il fa pay clown the miongage he loses tht deduion. lhrough these very normal feelings so that you cani îegotîsle a eust aid reasoieble separatiOî agreement, wiii save you limie, moîey aid emolloiel Remembet. ifysit thtnk tIse heal is cinhearable. sacit pets lette tIsaI Ilt e\L1Cpresslyý stale in ('aur will îhaî eny, inhenitence saur -on turmoil. Il wiil also free yîu up to have a positive future. tenfold. rectîves is t bc excluded from hîs nef famiily propensy ihen hie evill be ahle ta exc (udt it. You should speak to your la\wyer to H E L P 1 N G Y o u H E L P Y 0 U R S E L F tIAVE A IIAPPY ANI) SAFE SUMMER. ensure that your wîlI tlearly states thîs ta hc your wish.

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