Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Apr 2010, p. 17

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University, Boyne comnmunity subjects of open house Mon. e The Town will host an open house Monday to unveil will accommodate 50,000 residents and employees after green technology business parka, a residenuial community ~ designs for the Milton Education Village (MEV) and the development in the area begins in about 2015. including an eco-tech village, and a Wilfrid Lauriera. adjacent Boyne Survey community The MEV is a 450-acre area on the west side of Tremaine University campus focused on environmental sciences. The Boyne Survey is the soon-to-be urbanized area south between Derry and Britannia and backing onto the The open house will be held from 6 to 7:20 p.m. in the of Louis St. Laurent Avenue to Britannia Road, between Greenbelt and Niagara Escarpment. In December, Halton lobby of Miltons Town Hall West on Mary Street. Councils Tremtaine Road and James Snow Parkway Designated for regional council approved the area for urban development planning committee will review reports on the designs at its future residential growtb in the Towns 1997 Officiai Plan, it starting in 2021. The Towns plans for the MEV include meeting immediately following the open bouse. BATHROOM TRIPS" atSa. Inc ntne ti Happuness for couples lis a satisfying sex lite. P~ STOP Bladder Infections and UTIsI i. Ig,* j STPInconinence In days! j STOP Woaring paills and diapors! dîna' Bell Bladder Contrai Tea for Women #4ba 30 million women are suIfering neelsl n3of jAmerica. Avoid pin and embarrassments wi1h înNdays aller drinking Bell BladdOs Conrol Tea #4bh No sideI effects. Risk tree. If your social lfe aid lave lte was anI hl ecause if ieîk ig, this lea w i heip yoo ta stafl 1 ErexITM holps mail mon ta partir like in theer EroSynw la thm anly praduct that bolpa mai j living agaîn and iead a toral aife. Go shopping aid 20I 2. Evideice ot a ftw huîdred testimoniais on eut wamen ta restore libido, desire and the ability ta traveling again with confidence. Gaaraîtee printad on *g ,tweb site with tull ames aid towts. Ail 1001% trua. climax. There is ai drug or natîra pradîct like if. every boa. Large box 120g lasîs a moafh or two. Bell has a Eraxitla ibth bout of ail the supplemeats tor Evidenco tram aur wmb site: *Eromyn sivmd I buta helpiag teas ot thousaads af womea for years. Bell imai lie tried. Baasts my sua drive atd l'm able ta my mîrriage. f'm averjayedl My libido is back. s tht aily compaary that suppliles EVIDENCE. Literaily 1 faîction anylime. Anges Gutke, 45, Ca/gary, AB Words caniat describe haw gratfeuli amn. Car/a hundredsoif trie statameats ai tht Bell website tram deiighted womea that coi bu telephoaed for reassuriace: '! a Regalnmd vlrility in 3 dayu. My libido was Daunais, 32, S&-Huber, OC a Intimacy l1ke 35 *Na mare wettlng accidents. Withina oweek 1 wîs la camplete contrai. No s/de affects like with drigo i restored tir good sta. lNe givea it alo ta trieads yoir. alla whea we were datiag. Erasyt ls j taok. Debarah Haigh/, 49, Ca//inigwaad, ON mincredible rosi Il's hard ta believe a aaa-drag item is i with the same resuils. Oie af lhem is a diibetic aid awesomef Ci/maies like whea 1 was la my 20's. pradiciag sîch quick relief. i suffered for 20 years wilh frequeacy aid ambarrasornts. 1 aow sieep tbraigh 1overweighf. Or Louis Rai/and, 72, St. H/yacinthe, OC Swiurina Strafford, 55, Essex, ON a Ny sxel tht aighf. Linda Kléber, 62, M//tard, NJ z1Firsi surgery didntI wark. Afler driakiag tua for 12 days, Giary ta 1* Having argîsmu off tbm Richter soue. lits; deuire ls greiter naw thon il was for 30 years. Ils; bo, ad relief. Caacelied dreaded second sîrgery. t'm eternally grateful. GaillF Moore, 68, Round Pond, ME 1like l'm a teenager again. Tht world owes yaa big waaderfui fa have sîch ecsfatic joy. fie tried others el Ib tis embarrauuing averactive biadder prabiem for 30 Ifears. Had coîafiess lests aid endieso i lime. Lawrie Rober/s, 47, Toron/a, ON that didnl wark. Eve Jamesan, 58, Kingman, AZ i presddibed pifs. My aimerais iriaary infections are gaie. f'm glad i didalt bave surgery. E//en 8awer Kanata, 1 Wandmrful ta foei Ilke a man again. lils; a 'm 92 aid sua is geod again. Regained iatimacy ON @Atmr trying mvery mmdlcatlan la the last 5 years, tua gave comple relief an 6 days. Thak yoe for i wiaderfui ta fuel close 10 my i/ft agi/i. Gid bltss makus lite more iittrtsting. Florenice Fryer j this greaf pradîcf, aid aboie ail, for trît h la advarlisiag, Marina Rasa, 57, Las Vegas, NV i youl Char/us E Fa/en, 77, Burnaby, BC Edmontan, AB Bell Prostate EzeO Flow TSa #4a~ ARi j -,-- ~ .rashng to thef olut. If yaaare cansidering sargury try - - I tui ta first. Must work if meney refanded. 99% P a n re in z ee s j~ ~~~~~ , scceos rate. Heipa virlaaiiy everyhady quickly. The oînly4'7 wa apadt e usniy hrsufrn a er pott eeythat works so well that il cames with i hsi hthpee om esnly fe ufrn o er mon -bac guîrantme. Lituraiiy handredsoif!4 duspuraîeîy tried aiurylh ig, dnugs, nalarai prodacts,physiitherapy, j dlgtdmua testifying ourwub site: aDactar acupuntrgesan d boing wa fany ruai help. Finaliy f had suid fa kuup an drinking thet lui Prescribed prastafe .rutiet in 2 weeks by taking shark cartilage tbît was speciily j * drugs didanofhep. Luanard Puarcuy, Wassis, NB BI prcmud a rserve tbm naturel active ingredlents. This cancmilmd my prastate surgmry. Gel ap once a is tht k id wa are aow primatiag. t rualized then thot there are uver 50m m elinu night. I'm so happy nat ta haie la face thetforment ut aid women that are baftiing tht some mlless aid gel iag trealments that are ait ~ a rosateopertio ai incntienc or mpaeac. .workiag wuill otherwise we Wouid not havu this oagoiag huge huaith probiem. la a A/hurte oeatin 74, nconma c o mven aftm tht last 10 years we hait huipud tuas if lhaasaads if mua aid wamea ta haie f ess TURP proate urgmry aid microave thuropy had pain~ or no pain if ail. This is a by-product if tht laid iadastry. Na sharks are *ta gel îp maay limes. Now dowa ta 1-2 limes. Tua is caaghf becaîse if tht/r bonus/cartilage. NIck A. .Ierch, Presidont j g 10% bffe thn daga.Rahr/ . Sack~ Estai Wu haie ruai EVIIDENCEIhaf f warks. On oarwub site yaf lad over lU teutimoali wful tai amusaadtawas. FL mAfter lut year drinking toi my PSA weaî Ail 1001% trie. Skepf cs may cati them. Htre are same eampes: a Dactor suggosted knom replacment after j I g d a 14.5; otr 2ad yuar la 2.9; alunr 3rd year ta 2.3. ail bis optians failed wifh drîgs aid cortisone shîts la kaut aid iawer bock. i recammead Bell SharkçCatilagelta i highiy recommend tht tua. A ruai lite saver. Thomas thosu millions sullorlng nmmdlmuuiy liku f d/d for 40 years with orthritis in my kauts. If's a shame thati1was i M. Thurs/an, Farsyth, GA gie tcfg andijcins ail these years whei o natera mudicine could haie spared me tht endieso torture day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cldwfe ON m ----- ----- ----My ----- bip----- -4an iht a luhiCodae, NaM hpi 5% pain free. Pain killiig drigs mis aid Bull Shark AVAI ABLECartilage huais. Rebucca Hîfe, Orovillu, CAmai trimd anather brand and pain came back. 2 wetks an Bell aid B V I A lE I ILTON.-: pain is gant again. Gert Dîpîls, Hamer, ON auCîncmiied knee replacement. i was la pain aid limping. Haie A & A Health Foods 1173 Houston Dr.; no nmorepain now Caa squaredance for hars. Antan Meiychk, Parcapiie Plain,SK<. S & H Health Foods Milton Mail-55 Ontario St. S.;.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 1The Vitamin Store 500 Laurier Ave. 1 0 -333 sit5 au est o aiu or stor loatos ------------------------------------------------- VBE 1 I t our e3337o 99lusfo stonre locatio s R~IIIjf~f.,IAvailable in towns across the province and in' COul _eLfsty_.c_ over 7000 stores across- North America.j

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