Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 2010, p. 11

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________ __ - L Crime Stoppers of Halton co-i Seigeant geanng upfor this spnngs Tour de Tîpsfundraiser Gary Gold is, appropriately, the 'spokes'- person for a cycling fundraiser. The sergeant with Halton Regional Police is the co-ordinator of the services Crime Stoppers public crime tipa programn and the founder of the Ttur de lips, an event that raises money for it. The fourth annual Tour de lips ride is slated for a May 29 start at the York Region Police headquarters building in Newmarket. The biking contingent will travel a 220-kmn scenic route toi the Hemnder Estate winery on the escarpment in St. Catharines. Riders will end day one near the Burlington/Hamarilton border and will contin- ue riding to Niagara on day two. Accommodation arrangements have been made Ulrougli the Burlington Holiday Inn for those riders staying ovemight. "Itfs mot a race, its a tour, a ride," said Gold. "The first day is the most difficult with the bills in Bolton, but day two is easier com- ing off escarpment toi Niagara. You can ride just the second day if you want." Crime Stoppers programt representatives from York, Peel and Niagara will join Halton representatives on the ride. The 2009 Tour de lips was a three-day 300- ordinator GoId ready to ride km trek from Windsor toi Burlington that Each rider wiIl pay a $50 registration fe attracted 10 riders. and make a commttment goi get at least $300 Gold said the event flot only high- in donations to support Crime ~ lights physical fitness and a heaithier Stoppers. Rtders who collect more .5 lifestyle but also promotes a program than $750 in pledges will receive a ' that is responsible for helping keep commemorative Louis Garneau communities safe around the world. -cycling jersey "This is going toi be the largest Indîvidual riders indicate onO Z ride we have ever hosted and wiIl be their pledge formi which of the major fundraising initiative for the four Crime Stoppers programs > various Crime Stoppers programs partîcipating in Tour de lips will M parîicipating in the event," said Sgt. Gary GoId receive their funds. Gold, noting he hopes 100 people take part Anyone interested in partici- this year. pating in the ride should e-mail halton- To ate th treeTou d Tis hveraised crimestoppers@cogeco.net,orcl(95 $7,000 for Crime Stoppers. 634-1831, ext. 5139. CHnEF LISIALN'S ftEMARS MARCH 2010 As I wnite thts 4*F column, -i is the Chif ra anf uttsan Thuf rda ofd Mtiad Librarian astontshing 18 r i degrees outside'- truly a sueak pek of lovely sprlng weather to corne, albeit sornewhat unusuàl for thîs time of year. Itnt sure l'rn not alone in thinkIng of spting jobs (hoUa inside and outside of the hos)that need to end up on a list. Watching a garden corne back to life le so satisfying. If you nee4 a kick stant t spring related act4vities (front garderng, cIeaning, and decoratlrsg, to trylug new sports. and other outdoor activities, to event planning like fabulous vacations, childrens birthday parties or family reunloats) MFL has the resources to get you started. 1 know l'Il soon be strapping on a pedonieter again: don't. forge the Lt r has a Pedonieter lending programn that certainly helps to encourage you to reacli the recommended 10,000 steps a day Planning and preparation for the new Arts and Entertainment Centre / Central Library continues. fi is exciting toi think this tome next year, there will be a wonderful new faciliry gracing thse Milton streetscape at Main and Thompson. lie next in the Laurier Milton Lecture Series will be held on April 14 at the Town Hall. Tbe Apsl topi is "Canada-US trade:. border issues". Thisisthe second last lecture in the senies, and each bas been fascinating. Often the topic has been a mystery until the presentation bas started, and l've thoroughly enjoyed each one. If you would like toi register for the lecture, you can do so ftom both the Town of Milton, and Milton Public Library websites. I look forward to talking with you next monti, Leslie Fitch Chief Librarian @ your libri A BOOK THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Every now and then you read a book and il changes your perspective, shifts a mental paradigru, or opens yourself toi a new %vay of living. llere is an example from a staff member of a book that made a lasting impression: 10-10-10.: A isferrwsforming idea, b>' Su:?I Welch "This process has sign!ficantly reduced mny decision makuîg stress level". Do you have a book that changed your life? WNe want ta hear froru you. Emaîl the Milton Public Lihrary and we'll add your book 10 aur ever expandîng list of suggested filles: information (îr rpl. on.ca DROP-IN PRG U SATURDAY DROP-IN FOR CHILDREN AND CAREGIVERS S----TORYTIMES VEAR ROUND! APRIL 610O MAY 28 TedmtN Bear Titae ( 'hldren 3 and Li, \iscîa'ýaiday %%t inc, Thu says (,45pm 0 ad more Fanillv PFechool Stotime 0 Rise'n Shine 10: 00 amn (hildren under 3 mus ic accompanrd hý an idlit caîrgiver 6mnh 0 er Tuesda>s 10, 30am Tuesday', 11 OOam . otst er Stay & Iiia Tuesday, Thursday & FtidayFafiVSo tmelO m play in Oiur pîogramt ronna 1h our inys and pappeis 3 -6 years Tue, Thurs, Fin Il -12 -Tur, Thi-s. Fin i1.30-12:30 MI GAMING DROP IN PROGRAM @ BKATY BRANH Thur' Apr29. 330- 530 Fidu n Join our Growlng Facebook (nnsîn- ît1 Bc inthe K,,n1 1:t s inirnr ii,s. Neus RernsSuggîrard Reads. itogaru RegLraaion IS . Magazines à Ontario Gardening <'anadian Gardening 101 OutdoorAd%,entures Outdoor F'un and (james for Kids Clldren Woodworkîng l'or the Backyard Theme Kit - Sprîng 'Rain Ontario's Bîke Paths and Railtraîls 100 Games for Sprtng Vacations House (leaning [he Complete Idiot's Guide 10 l-low 10 Cheat aI (ieaning E'cplorîng Canada Spning Cleaning 101 Great ('anadian Vacations CARD MAKING (ADULT CLAS> - ('orne and enjoy an evening out ai the Lîbraiy. Surprise your mother with a handanade Mothser's Day card & glft hag and make an addltlontal greeting card. Cost $16.001/ clans Thnrsday evenlng, April 15, 7 - 9 pus. Samples on dîsplay at the Main L.ibrary. Please regînter ai Main Library at least one week prior ta the clatss LAURIER IN MILTON LECTURE SERIES: In partnership with the T own of Milton mnd Wilfrid Lanrir University, Beaîy Branefi wîll hosî the nexi lecture, Canada - ES. Trade: Border Issues Apil 14th, 6:30 - 8: 00 p.. Town Hall West / Mlton Rouin For more details. vîsîi the 1 ibrarv's 53eh na ue 1! LOCATIONS Main t ibrary 4.5 Bruce SI. Milton, ON 1,9T 21-5 Beaiy Branefi 945 Fîînrih tîne Stilion ON 1,9T' 6118 Phone 905 1175- 26(,3 'lT' 905 87,5-15.50 (hîldren's t)ep 03287 Teens \-32(,7 Information 0.264 SVebsite:ai p nc Visit the t.ihrary or our wcbsite f'or details on evervthine WC have fin offer Online @your library" Malte the Gradetl Make Reasoned Arguments! 250. topivs Eahwt noevepit ortepit n rtcltikn ud Millions of related articles both Can.adias a,,d International Judgv tact vs. opinion Read an"d lb: ink critica ll Enhance your debati, skiIs ADULT PROGRAMS Business & ('areers Business Consaltant on site. Resunne llp Day ..... Growing in the Right Direction - Expert Advîce .. Net l Canada Seticnieni Worker on site ESI. Conversation ('irctes aj Beaty Bnild your confidence speaking Englîsl and imeeting neni people. t;verv WýÀednesdaxý 6 30 -8:0 lp. m ..1Apail 1 ..Aprl 8 1Apail 21 Aprîl 14, 21 hp Check our %%ebsle or vîsmi the Librari, tocdetaîls www.mpl.on.ca 905-875-2665

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