Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2010, p. 20

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'Milltown FC Iands topnotch coach in Rafael Carbajal * fromn PRO on page Al17 -their own bometown. In addition, SMYSC coaches will gain amnazing >; experience through the joint devel- «9 opment programs that are involved Swith tbis affiliation." z True PC Ine. began pursuing a 0 CSL franchise nine montbs ago and togh it îemporarily shelved the Sidea, it renewed its push for a teamn z in the lasi four or five weeks. Tbe !CSAs endorsement of the league was a big factor in pursuing a team. S"'Ne wanted to be under the nation- al umbrella," Rossi said. "Part of the program and the pathway to the national team program." jAnd wbile True FC Inc. is based in Mississauga, Rossi said they pre- ferred to, set up shop in a smaller community "We wanted to position our- selves in a community tbat was close to our borne base. We wanted Sto be in a community we could reach out and toucb, a comrnunity we could be a part of and conneet witb the population," lie said. 'Wben we met witb tbe Milton Youtb Soccer Club, tbe vibe was really super positive." The teami is off to a good start, hiring Rafael Carbajal as its coach. Carbajal was named the CSEs coacb of the year in 2008 wbile with tbe North York Astros. Hes also one of the few Canadians who holds A- level coacbing certifications from botb UEFA and tbe United States Soccer Federation. Paolo Pacione, wlîo bas worked with tbe Ontario Soccer Association as well as tbe womens Under-17 national team, bas been bired as tbe îeam's strength and conditioning coacb. "Rafael is one of tbe top coacbes in his country," Rossi said. "Hes worked professionally in Europe and bes committed to making a dif- ference on tbe Canadian soccer scene. Paolo is a bit of a task master but the players like it because tbey know be's making tbem more suc- cessful on tbe pitcb and Rafael's style of play demands pbysical preparation." Now tbe task at band is to filI the plas îng rosier. Rossi ad[nit'ý, t bat tbe tcam is at a disadvanîage because it must start from scratcb wbile otber teams already bave estallslîed rosiers. "Obviously the CSL is elite men's soccer and competition at the top level is going to be stiff, but we're not limiting anyone by age or experience. There migbt be some- one out tbere wbo migbt not be in an organized league but bas tremendous skill." Eacb team in tbe league bas a salary floor, but nu salary cap - tbougb Rossi said it is nîucb like tbe National Lacrosse League, wbere players are eitber students or bave fulI-time jobs away from tbe sport. "Players are not gctting ricb," b e said, "but tbey play because tbey arc su passionate about tbe game." Milltown [C will also operate a reserve teamn that will play in tbe CSL reserve league and Rossi said that will be an important part of tbe team's development model. "There are a lot of quality young players wbo need to be exposed to the big boys, tbe dlite players. Tbat's wbat motivates tbem, inspires tlîem," be said. "Tbey necd to know wbat it takes to play at tbe top level." And wbile thîe CSL may not be tbe top level - Rossi equates it to AA basebaîl - be believes it can be an important step for players in reacbing tbeir potential. "If you bave an 18-year-old wbo bas tbe talent, you want it to be a sîeîping stone,' be said. lIn soccer there are so many avenues. We want to be there to prepare them to compete at whatever level tbcy are able to compete at, wbether its the MSL, Europe or Asia. Theres -a global market for soccer players. The opportunities are as wide as their commitment, skill and desire allows tbem." Milltown FC will play most of uts borne games Friday nîgbts witb sonie Sunday afternoon games. Tbe team will play a 24-garne scbedule fromn May until October. Tbose wisbing to ury out are asked to register at www.milltown- fc.com. SCTA playdowns await midget'Canes Look to reboundfrom shutout loss to Guelph By Steve LeBlanc from virtually ail of thetr dccisive CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF losse-, this year wî-th an iînîn1uclîatu \ 1 toi 5 Gary Abrabani cc uldn't i lic fluxrrcancs find niucb piositive about coach cati oîilv hope thc way his midget that trend continues Hurricanes closed out i '7 g ' ibis 5% eekend, wcn the regular season Saturday.bvtae t avle But if be rieeded sormething Joshua C -reek Arenas for the eîîcouragiîîg to dling to follow- SCAlA league play'dowý,is ing a 4-0 burnhling to the G~uelph -We didn't corneC ready bo play, Jr. Storni at Milton Sports Cetntre, anîd gîving up the first goal gave if's that lus ieam bas rebounded tberni (Stormi) a lot of- momentum. JOIN US FOR A FREE INFORMATION SESSION Sports Center - Banquet Roomn 605 Santa Maria BIvd. (off Derry Rd.) Milton, ON CONTACT US (p) 519-885-9021 (f) 519-885-3717 (e) info@greengrid.ca WWW.GREENGRID.CA LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR #7003392 green~ s'grd Service You Con Count On, Experience You Con Trust. 'Ne can't takec any inferior opponeni liglîtly,' said Abrabam, just momecnts after bis tbird-place squad wsas hlanked bsv a tearn thai Iinishs' 27 points bhhtnci tci in the tand- ings. Sportiiîg rne Milton plax crs ibis season - including înjured (broketi collarbone) defenceman George Kopas - tbe Hurricanes cougbed up tbe puck a few times in tbe early stages of play and didn't put enougb pressure oin visitirîg neiminder Taylor O'Keefe until the verdict had long been decîded. Also of some concem xvas an 0- for-5 powerplay wbitewasb, wbicb continued a ratber inconsistent sea- son effort in that department. Said Abrabam, "'ee got to gel more traffic in front and get pucks tu tlhe net. 'Ne don't need to make tbe perfect play~ Sometimes ifs tbe simîîle unes tbat are most effective. Halton sbowed strongly on a couple of penalty kilîs and actually out-sbot Guelpb 26-23. Tbe clefeat snappcd a four-garne win sîreak for tbe Hurricanes, wbo finisbed tbe season ai 24-11 -1. Ibevîll take on Burlingioti. Bramapton, Si. Catharines and Welland ini SCTA rouîîd-robin play, wlîicb begins tomorrow afiernoon. The top two fiîîisbers from tbe 10- teani tournanietît advance to nexi weekend's OM HA cliampionsbîps in Quinte. 9W.- ? LO**T Pçn

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