Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2010, p. 15

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iliPARTNERS IN PLANNING FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. *Easaael Plaanning *RaaetirPlanning *MutaSd Fuads R AR.SPa' G G.C.s *R AF *Lita Insuranoe Mai (M0) 87-0120 Fas. (000 870-2934 420 Main Street Eat, Suite 203, Lou MuRngas Milton, Ontario LOT 1PSI MA CIFR AI,CUi, EPC QUESTION: 1 missd dim RlSP dolidhne ageain! Is dmr anything that 1 con do ? ANSWER. Many people have the desire to contribute to their RRSPs each year, but in spite of their best intentions, they get caught up in just living and the deadline slips by. Its only fitting that right afler the RRSP deadline March starts off with "National Procrastination Week!" I thirsk this must have been set with Canadians in mmnd. The best way to beat the RRSP blues is wvith a change in mind set. Many people ask the question "How much dol1 have to, put into my RRSP so that 1 don't have to psy any more taxes?" This question invites procrastinstion. At best ils a guess based uapon estimsting your taxes snd is only available laie in February once you get your T4 slip. lGads! Why isn't National Procrastination Weele in early May -just after the tas deadline!) A better question would be 'How much of my income can 1 defer the taxes on until retirement?" By stifting yosr forus to savlng for retirement rather than minîmîzîng last years taxes, you bave yoor answer each June when yuu receive your Notice of Assessesent. You caoi spread your "RRSP contributionflb minimization strategy" over 7 months. The end result is that by automatically putting a little away esch month, yeu gel your RRSPs done witls leas effort, seithout s last minute cash drain, seithout having lu borrow and without having te worry about your investiment decision. Msontlsly RRSP contributions tale the. bite ouI of National Procrastination Week and help you achieve your retirement goals in a more orderly fashion. So nose that National Procrastination Week is officially oser, atarI off on a nese foot! Cali us today 10 begin your 2010 RRSP invostin strstegy. RaI 905-876-0120 AFFILIArFO WITH PARTNERS IN PLANNING INOCRANCE SERVICES INC. Humer Salle la. Agoncy lac. HEATHER SOLIE, AGENT 420 Bronie Sireet South, Suite 210 www.heaherolle.com Bus: 905-693-1400 Fax: 905-693-1403 Emait heîtlrerheîderolie.com LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FARM IS THERE.Tm Keep Your Cool on the Road oes fl seem to you thal the hîghway is a moch more hostile place thon 4 used to te? Do f00 notice a lot of rude drivers fatlgalsg y05, curling yss off, blocling f55 whes you wanl f0 pass, weasing frsm larte l tante le lest the fi0w ut traftic, mayte eues malng ufnrendly gestures? If so, you're flot alose. Aggressise dtioisg tas become ose of the moisi lalked-aboul I raflic safely issues. On occasion tl may med 10 road rage'-ouse of violence to selfle a dispute related 15 driving. A major reasso for loday's aggressve ddnig is lrafhic congestion. Construcion ut sew mails and wlidening nf exsing oses tas lsgged far behtnd Ihe evel-increasing oumber ut cars otte rmail. In some metropofitan areas, Ihe concept 0f'rush hour is oirluafy outdated lecause île ruadu seei lo be packed aI ai limes. Asother factori s lIaI mainy of os lest fsf-paced tome and are alwayo in s hurry lu gel somewhere. This rsay led lu speedîng and oggressve lehootor loward molorisîs we belteve are isspediog sur piogiesu, In sostie areas, special law enforcemeol and public awsîeeso programo hase largeled aggresuiue dnoving. Couoselîog las tees trieul wilh sostie angry drivers, bst many people seers lv regard rude drivîvo os ite stes suvos prollers. Accordîsg 10 the National Highway Traffîr Safty Adminstoration (NHTSA) Sort arr a few Ihîngs y05 car dolto avold becooîog an aggressive-drîvîog vîelîm or offender D oolt tailgale, *Avoîd oye contact wtt an sggnessîue driver. a PnIt mole sîscene geoluses or relurn tose of oChers. *Use youî hors spaningy *Dont Iblock o possîvg lavte. Avoîd hloclung a rîghl-turo lave. *Signal before swtlchîsg larles. *DontI wove in and oui ol lraflîc. *Allow adequale rst tor ysuî trip. bReae lIaI you cari I conrl tralfic -osly ysur reactior 10:1 aIf you Ihîrk osmeose i0 dnvîrng toogelouss and may le brealîsg the iaw, corsder repvring 1ha1 diver follhe authortifes. If you hase a cellular phono and con do su solely, cal Se police. MWent parking, don'I tale up mono thas ose space. Don t shlow coul o to hg Ith1e car pashed seul t0 yours, Il someone pisooes ysu, tale o deep treat and resisi the urge lu retlate, The impostant thvng s lhaI you oect your delsolnator saf ely, MrlnJ. Samuels, BA, IPHE, LLD, LLM Lawyer 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Maeiyn J Samais Fax: 905-854-5211 Q: 1 arn separaeing fromn my husband. What should 1 know about our finances? A. A, Wten il cornes io îdivc, lo cil adages are \ ort reîîemherîsg: Knowledge is power, hut ignoîranice is n01 hlîss lr e sital fîrsi sîep III a hîsancially-laîr divoîrce is lîr gel îîegaszed as soco as possibhe. If yo bow lîîle ahbout yîoîr famîls 's îroeoeî si loallilî, Vîoit musl galber informiation anod ake cter imnpoîrtant lîsarsal sleps * .aopy and uodersîaod ineome las relurns and losesîmeol repobris * eu iew Lurreol pay sîuhs wiîih deduetiîs hoiiîses, anîd exleose reimbuîsemenss * tablîsb a eredîi loisicry in yose cwn Intme * Order a cpy of u jo0intI0 eredîl repuort * Researchr and verify the ossnershîp (if ail assels le g stckts, boIds, anosîsîrs) and hom îbey are regîsred * Revîcr îile, medîLai, and dîsabîlîîy insurae polîcies * Undersoaod employer henrfîis stimmaries, orgage lermis oî the lamily home, vacation and reniai propeelles *Clarify the terrms cf pension and profîî-sbarîng plans, Tbis level cf organîzaîîoo wiul tnlp your lawyer le more effisient wîîb your rime and may save you money in ithe long lerm. Il also will begîn the proLess cf empowerîsg yos seit fînuncial decisions and allose yos 10 control your divre. Orfore spliîîîng yoor asseis, you stosld thirk about wbaî yos oeed: gos must creaie a budget, îdensîfy sehiet assels seul bnlp esore your bonanecol sresnlty, and negoîraîr for ibis. Wbrn yîrs sndersîand the finances yourself, you arr briser rquîpprd o bc objective. Tbis saves limne, whîeh lrads to cosi savings. If gos are soi prrparrd le look ai rrality - wthouî the emotiosal rsîanglemrnîs - he oxîcome wili seer be wht gos nerd, let alose whaî gos seann. If ycu do gour firsascial bomework, you wvill be able to recognuze a fate offr rathr than sriilîng for îoo litile or rejeîîsg a reasonable olfer. Hawkins Animal Hospital F1Debbîe Hawkmns B.Sc., DVMI - 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza lue Plaza> limon Phone (905) 875-6888 p oeMaeSewau Fax (905) 875-6853 a. Sc., 5001 THE HAZARDS 0F CHOCOLATE For diose cf yoo Obus read my srticles on o epulse boots, tbis is s repsut article thot 1 sas-île every ysae at Eauter time. 1 apologuze for my epeti- lion, but 1 feel thal dis is s sery important subj ect. Ftrslly, East ts in Aprîl dis ysae. but if you are ltke me, you sell stars stocktng up on 'chocolats suppltes' vsrv scn My advtce seould te te place dicos chocolats eggs and bunntes cul cf basins way, and in a safle place.'l'aIe dis temptatcon osa> lieroevrons, uncludtng cur pets' Meut dogu and sorme csts tove dis taste cf chocolats and tf gtvss dis op- portuoalty wuIli rat sehatever dis> bavs acess te. Eacb Ester ttil, . Wr e5ceve mass' rails frees pst eseners reportîng choc- cîste tngestion by dhie pst.'the ovvrners dtd set offrdisse pets chocoîste but esdier the pelsa% oe sîpenrd cupteards, jumput os couriters, ce actu- aill' opesrd gtft-werapped toeas cf Fastr humnes. egg and casdies. Nlanv fracrs ago. sales I sas newly qualtlled I had bers calîrd eut on us einsrgrscy. and os rrtuen toms. foorsd Rosir. mx cld black lut in the ues ederîoi Ilie sxaedeîîbe diior %%as opeîn (and daîsaredi and mîapîpeî thlat tiîed le î,îîîîaiiî clî'eîil'alotd gainîs liai \\as i reai lsaentoy conse l'oe nie Chorsilale contains a ccmpoosd dial as toe, ilestes in saictesi quansti- lics 'The quastier srrded te te pooncus is relatrd le dis body meit oîf dis cal ce dom. The rnspîcins suiv frein gastrîîinlssltnal dîsliorbasces atoenallties in dis tsar fonctions, brais dîslsirtances isei7ures) and, ins se scisre cass. dsatb lIf sou suspect diat oîue pet bas togroîrd ctuicelale. I urnze N'u le contact N iii seterîsartas iminediately It ta important dial s'eu are able le report tte aîcui and description cf the ingesîrd chocolaîeso vi dat feue seert- rainant cas deteemins h di poial Ss Cnt> .As a puîsîscnpî. Rosir surs m cd ber chiccîlats îîrdeul. but orsi> afr a lot îît sîdîcul attention. Ste suas sui cals vficen stne lied le leoLk guiltx! -IqlwweYvonne &Rui 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Miltonvir 905-875-3345 www.hearsay.ca Q: How do I know if 1 have a heaning lous? sonn seî'opiîle ar-hisi ouil b .1 arîîg ies5 su ile eters esisenene teanxg los as a n,îîsi prtn il flic iging pro, css Ia ,inicciieîind preienged espesiîre le lod soise ,a 1, us 11 ieiiariog prebieri> Sou îi, ai ba i ai ng lobssif * silu arci.tre o ithers ialieig boivesu de roi iiodersiani Ahti s teing saîd asul/er ails leil people viiîmbie sber bhei ss'ak, *Yîîs )lien esîscic( neiengirig oer othc itype et noise) in îour ears/tead. Yo'i/o baie ditlfiîslip ileurnîîsîng ou iet direcioen seîîids are cosior irom Y ou base difli îiîîý bearîog lîmîihar sonds, like the lelelîteie and doorbeil * l'u bawu a1 hber> et expesure îî' iud noise tilis coertsnst1rîlction ailes .iirIxn5, etc You'îr seuils and lîmîli îbînk l'es taie a teîrîsg los llearîng Loss ini Ciliîreii Otseri'ing),oir ibilds îeaîto to11î seiou belps identily gîsenîî.îi problems. Dors leur etîlul îespond 10 yoOI l'oie1 Dees veur cilul undersonl simple uvrls and isourds asd ty Ie iblea Ibesi? Heanng prolîleris vasi deiay the deveiuîprinîeî ol a cbîldls speeh, langoiege, andl ieamîng skîlls se ut s importavt eo drîrît beaning probienîs car> Heanng I oss rn Adulis For mas>, bearîvg loas is a normal parI et groouîng eider. Hesueser, the proîrsa 15 Ossalif so subîle bhai tose wîîb beanog iuss are ohme the lasi le realîze il Pecopie mth beaeîng ioss ean fisn îsîîlaîed anîd ioeîig Sometîmes bhey besîtaîr le geri îssolvnd in cosnversations recause bhe), are aîraid of mîsundersîaodîng andl resposdîng isappropriael>. Ai the sanie lime, finds and lamîil mth normai bearng may uomplaîs about bavisg le censiaoîiy repeal îbemselves, or about the irirsîsien volsme beiurel up teoc loud> il yen or a ioved one are expenenelsg an> of îbese sympoms yuu sbeuld buse foui beansg lesîrd by an Asdîologisî. If yoa have amy question or weol hile go hook an appolonun contiact HearSuy ai 90"-75-3345 à M

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