Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Feb 2010, p. 23

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ToPaeA d1i 0-7-31eEnî:cýasfe@atnerh.oneFx9562 6 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday ho Frîday 8:30 am. S 53 0 p. m. Cl llassi lds cua~n2 AD SUBIIIION: Bp mail or in penson an Budlington Post 5040 Mainmayp Unit ci1, Bxnlington ON L7L 705. DEADUINES: Monda' il arn. ton Tuesday publication, Wednesday t1i a.m. for Thunsday publication. Opeciai Featue deadlixes may oxto. PAYMENT Wve wiii accept cash, cheqan, InIeras, Visa, MasterCard AmenicaxExpress. Business accouons may be opened mitS an apprsoed ceeddt application avaîlabie fnom pour Sales Consultant. CHECK VOUR ADOTHE FIRST F rCruainiq îis laecl DAY IT APPEARS t0 ensure its accuracy. The Canadian Champion miii non be nesponsibie for any eneors appearing aften the fiest day of publication. If an 9 5 7 5 4 error appexes in yoxr ad, contact yoxn Sains Consultant wbmthin 24 houes of publication -Thuesday publication errons must be reponned before 5:30 pm .9 58 85 4 on the foliomlng Monday. $SMONEvS$ CONSOLI- DATE Oebts Mortexees t0 95% No income, ead credif 061 8etter Option Mort- e aiee # 1 0 96 9 f80 0 -2 82 -1156 9 wwmortgageontario.com SAVE UP te $400 on pour car insurance. dlean drîo- ing record? cxli Grep Soc- e r t odapy aIt 1-877,603-5050 for no-ob- ligation qote. Additionai discounts axaîlahie Hous SHOWS LIKE a 10. Open boose Saturday and Sonday, Febroary e & 7, 24m. 341 Wilson Drive, Ui7490693-8885. rof-BD try: ApaRT. MENT, fi wntoI n Gere cone, ht, 1c, parki s- MENT, DwalktoMan Seore- twncineaistrc bidig Acîhe îmedaly N nei hbAed parking.n s5,00/month.plus. Aino lANe 2 bedroom apart- ment, av750/mo nh pog. tonCal 519-85-5352tre 519-8539-58 800 ACTON APAERMT. metavalabim e 't. CeNo pne. 40eene Mra Sireet, 519-853-37. ACww.eantar.caO sei înaitoîed pearng.i dîateiy nt edro . A775/ mland 2-bedroom at men,875/nr Feeoknepu. Coul 519-863-5834 or 5196853506. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers. 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive quiet building. Spacioas brighî dlean 1&2 bedrsom anifs with laundry taciiity and social roomn on site. Regular resident events Open 7days & evenings Cali 905-875-1249 wwwrealstar.ca BRIGHT, VERV spxcîous 3-bedrosor opper munil of house in quiet anea of Georgetocn. Hardwoss floor, gas furnace, xppi anices, bnîgiri kitciien, pri- vaIn iaondry lacîlîty. No Smoking and No Pets. Auxîlabie Match tnt. S1,300/mo. Utiîties înclad- ed. 416-578-3081. GEORGETOWN 1 or 2- bednoorm apantmenit. 1/2 bout drive f0 Sheridan Col- lege cîtb stody on coorput- et rosor. Foul accenss te laundryrsoor. Nice bxck- yard, ianrge deck and mxny trens. S900/mo utîlîbies in- cloded. Cxii David 908-877-0793 GEORGETOWN 1-BED- ROON apanîment in quiet bouding. Asaîlabie immedi- ateiy. S775/oro. acnosv InoorSprtre opt smoking, relerences please. Cxli 416-888- 5720. GEORGETOWN- 1-BED- ROOM condo in beautîfl building. Imondiale. Fîrst/ last. Pool, bot lob, under- ground parking, sivrage. 416-7078276. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM apuntment, park iîke vettîog. Sl,000/month plus hydro. Laandry and parking încludnd. 905-459 6561, 905-457-2989, GEORGETOWN 3-'BED- ROOM apantment. Necly renoxated. Close Il lfigb Schooi. Ail applîxoces. Auxîlabie Febnuxny 151h. 51,350/montS inclusîve. Cxii 647-309-3453. GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROON, modern, main onr of bouse. Fnîdge/ vsone, casher! dtyer, storage sbed. Inciodes otîlttîs. Cxii 647-2081925. GEORGETOWN DOWN- TOWN. 1 and 2-bedrosor apartorents auxîlabie. Nec- py reniovated. Pankîng, ixon- dry, beat îiciuded. Startîng xi 5875/mo. Cxii or tx HIai 905-866-2627. LOVELY SPACIOUS 1 bedrosor apariment, cen- traiiy iocated, Mion. Stone lîrepixce, appliances, cable. Wonkîng maie pne- f er redci, r elfe ren ce s S950!ms. aul inclusive 905"78-6069 alter 5por MILTON- I-BEDROOM apantment, quiet buding, close t0 Docntocn. Availuble Fnbruany 1. 5900/ms. otliîtîes and parking înciuded. 905-876- 1562, 416-6888042. MILTON 1-BIEDRO basement apartoront, or medîxte. Close I ldocn- Isen. Separate enînance, i aundny. S875/mo. in- cludes utîlitîns. 905-699- 2988. MILTON- 2 bedrotor apanîment ouxîlabie Match 1. Rate of S975!mo. Adoit tivor, no dogv. For appoînlment cxii 905-699 1398. MILTON JAMES Snoe and Main nnw 2-bedrovor bavemenit apartment sep- orale ontrance t parking lîrst r avI $1050/mo 416.473,6503 A" IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii f« A" IrtIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII; foIr Rent -J illitem GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street South, Milton 905 299 1001 - vertica.ca SI)iicjotis 1 or 2 bedrooni suites locatp(l in a serene fleigIil)otirli(io(l Renovaled fitness roüni social reoIni & ehby Steps avjýty Irofii lieafflifffl downiown Millon Eïlil y ïiccpss to filïijor IiigIliiayý', c'O liansil slioppinq and niolp * Suites based on avaiiabiiity **AI MAnTRESS Facto- ry direct, dnlîoerv avaîlabie, Ail sizns iii- cixding cotons Split boxsprîngs - Orthopedic 20 yt sers s tartîing $240ý 3Oyr tîght-top sets sna rtitg $340 De. mon n fiîlp Piloctvp &Crocn* serins. Eureo top sets frnm $390, New Waterbeds Fates. Eîrd stf-tîtlinctemitin ted i terri aoailabile: 9 0 5-8 47 -2 02 0 909 51 9491 CARPET i have sverai 1,000 yards oi nec Staîn Master & 100% nylon car- pnt. Wîil dv liringrovor & hall for $389 Inciudns cai niýt pii & s- roaî,cp il r 905-633-8t192 HOT TUB (Spa) couens bent prîce, Sent quaiity. Ali shapes & coisurs. Cai t 8 66 5 85 -0 0 56 cww.tbecouerguy.ca WASNER, STOVE, dîsh- casSer, sofa. SesI Tuer, 90".75-4256. 1997 CHEVY Lamina. black, 226,400 km. $500. 289-242 1333. RURAL MILTON- Newiy rnovated 1-bedronor base. ment aparîment suit ningle personi ail utîlîtien, tîrst/ last, ý975/mo. Credit check and relereoces. cal Keoin 416-990-7016. SPACIOUS 3-DEDROOM apaniment nean Acton lFourth Lîne / Highway 7), 1.5 batbis, laundry, A/C, heat înciuded. $1,3W0 month. Avaîlabie March 1sf. Selenenices requîred.' 888-699-1645 extensi on 225. Business boots. MILTON NEW 2-bedrovor., 2bath cono, 5 appiiances, 2aparkstiv Avaiiobin Marcs/ tt$400/mvo pias otilîSies 905-8787045i AVAILABLE MARCN lIst 3-bedroom bouse for rent. $950/mo. plus auriies. Waik 10 Main Street xnd GO Station. t Car parking. No pets! smroking. 416-774-8999. Seterences oniy. GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROOM deiached. aur dry/parking. prîvate yard, central air. Ail appliances, finish ed Sa se mn SîSSO/mo plus, Waik te schoois/shopping. No smoking/pets Paon 905-873-0902 Lohoff3f 3-BEDROOM upgraded tocnhouse in West Miton e/A, 5 appliances, $1400/mo. plus utlites. No pets preterred. A vaî 1a bi1e Fneb .1 905-875-017& GEORGE!-....an 3- bedroomn towrbouses ion rent. St .250/month plus and Sl,450/month pion. Ilelerences and credît check requirnd. i year Lease. Aisy Sage 2-bed Oui in Acton, hardwood flions, 2 lîir epi1a ce s. St 250/month. Contact Elizabeth Poeii, Johnson Associates Real Estate ai 905-877-516 MILTON TOWNHOUSE 3- bndrooor. garage, new carpet. new iitchen tloors, auaîiabie Feb.t First/tast Cali Paon 9058785444. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL daotWd@hdta-vearcrcon INTERNET: www.budingtonpost.com www oakoilebeaoercom I Level Il required for Georgetown p SoeYi * Great communication skiliu, ergetic and well organzed. 111rPlaeelo: . Box2581 The Ilndependent 280 Guelph Street. Unit #29 Georgetown, ON L7G 481 ww .tit em s .5toad 0 *Ca ~Lo7e Workea YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS. Mana ge o f Marketing Services PLUMBING MART Responsible for leading Health First Network's Marketing and communications efforts The DESIGN CONSULTANT Manager of Marketing Services plays a leader- This individual should be self mstivated and ship role in the collaborstive efforr 10 develop, have an eye for detail Previvos eoperience recommend and evecure HFN's marketing with kilohen and bath design, product specfi- strategies and avonuai plans; working with the cation, accarate measurîng and compater CEO and the Categsry Manager. Il oversees drafting is an asset. A commîfiment fo qaalify the design and production of Flyers, and con- and oatstandîng castomer service is a musf. samer promotions, esecation of e-marketing Yos shoald enjoy working in a tant paced, high activities, and the management of HFN's web- pressure envîrosment. Plumbing Mart prsvîdes sites. Sapervises a Marketing Assistant. The an excellent oppsrfanity for a faîl-time perma- position reports f0 the CEO. sent designer. Health Fîrst Network is a buyîng and marketing RETAIL ASSOCIATE (permanent faîl-time) groap for Canada's leadîng independent health We are currently recruiting for our basy retail and wellness retaîleru. We have 113 Member kitchen and bath retaîl/desigro store. Yoa must stores acrous the country. See www. health- have excellent communication skilîs, enjoy firot.ca. Our office is located in Barlîsgtsn, ON, problem sslvîng and take a proactîve noie in ex- Joîn a strong, fan and collaboratîve team, par- ceeding castomer espectafions. Plambing fis- ticipate in a rapîd gnswth indasry and csntrîb- tare and parts knowledge, basic computer ate f0 HFN's ongoing growth and innovation. funictîos, sound telephone akilis and attention Mail or e-mail yur resame f0: Dave Freeman, for detail are assets. Plumbing Mart will train Hat rsNetwork, 591 Brant Street, Suite the ri ht individa A, Burlinglon, ON L7R 26, Ïa eun oKathy 905-639-3581 dave.freemnan@healthfirst.ca. entail kdzugan@plumbingmarl.ca No agencies or calîs please. Only selecîed 3235 Fairview S. Burlington candidates wîll be contacted. e n g 0141 M& MANAGER .A NICE spacious omi uarge qaiet hoase in Milton, conuenient location, share bîtchen! bath/ parking! satellite TO. Suits mature maie, $475/mo. ail inclusion, wîreiess internet avaîlabie. 905-875-1518, 416-402-8004. MILTON- ROON for rent n nec bo use, Preler non-soroker, nu nets, S550/mo. inciodes utilities, parking, iaandry, cubie, in- ternet. First/ last, aalabln i or m e dia t ni1 y 905.339-9413. ROOM FOR Sent iv Miftn Ooaiable imondiale y $400/mv. lîrst/ ast s iriaij fo iquiiet pofrs viriai peiSs Must 0,0e dvgs Cali 905-875 1906. ROOM TO Rent for dlean, qaînt lemain pnnlerrnd. Close te mail and Gv sta lion. ,n cludes parking, utliîtîes, cabin, iaundry, Cal flate 905-978-4977. ROOMMATE WANTED, lemain prnlnrned tv sirare tocohouse in Milton. $550/mo, includes otîlîtîns & parking. Firs! last. Cal Canoli905864-2812. COMMERCIAL/ iNDUS- TRIAL unit lot rnnt on Main St, Miton 2400sq.ft. Aoaiiabie MarcS t. Cai 905 845-4835ý DOWNTOWN MILTON lwo door garagn. 1050 vo il iIdeal for car detal- ivg. isev 1850 sq.fi relxii vr office soace, vewiy rnnoaatnd. 905-469-1999. VOU ARE 100 yvun g to gion ap on loue. Misty ioer Introductions wîii tînd y00 somneove t0 spend tire rnst of four le cilS. ccsxmis- t y rîiune in tr os .coorm 416 777-6302 b<~car Looking for a Career Change? Laid off for 26 weeks or morei? Do you have some college. high school or lms? Employed with the salie Company 5 years or more? If yoa anuwered YES then yoo may quaiy for fulon fandîng. Robotîc Technicîans cas earn Op to $401 hoor. No esperience necesoary. Burlingion Campus: 905.634.9797 Our market share is increasing and we are lookîng for a falîtime esperîenced individual f0 share al business office duties. You will recog- nize the importance of 'atfenfion f0 defal", & excel in selling varloas business office prod- uctu. You Musf: be organîzed, a sfrong seller with knowledge of sub-prime, & be estremely disciplined. Pnevious refal auto esperience a must. Please fax/email resumne f0 sur: General Sales Manager: ndesouza@burlingtonhyundai.ca 905-633-8815 LAWNMART in Bolton needs 4 iawn tochnicians. Full time, Year-round caroor position. Roquiroments are Excellent writfen and verbal SkISl, Excellent grasp of customer service, dlean G-Lîcense and ability to work in office and oufidoors. 30K ta start. o-mail lawnmart@bellnet.ca i W~9~Ut~loeEwLaffi CLASSIFIED E-MAIL Cam"3 'm Fwbnm »o INTERNET'.

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