One challenger so far in Ward 2 Poitcal btoggel nouliccs plan to run against Boughton By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Incumbent Ward 2 Councillor Mike Boughton alrcady has some compe- tition for bis seat on counicil in this falî's municipal election. The local barber, wbo's currcntly serving bis second tcrm, on counicil, will go up against ncwcomer Jennifer Smith for tbe spot on October 25. Smith, a known political blogger and woman of many trades, said sbc Jennifer put her name forward because sbe's tircd of simply talking about local issues and decided its time to do sometbing about tbem. The mother of one is also moi- [ vated by ber concern over tbe lack of affordable bousing in Milton. "1 bave a 17-year-old son, and 1 don't know wbcre bes going to live mi in Milton," sbe said. "Wc nccd to do Boug somcthing." In addition to wnîting a rnovic rcvicw col- umn for tbe Champion, Smitb is aiso, a semi- professional singer and entrepreneur wbo runs ber own on-line crafts business. Bougbton said bes running again because be tboroughly enjoys bis job as a councillor Milton in Ward 2. "I like serving the people and trying to accomplish something for them," he said. Wbile new growth isn't an issue tbat faces Ward 2, Boughton noted it will sec some intensification (infili development), and he wants to bc on counicil to make sure "ifs donc tbe rigbî way." Bougbton bas operatcd Mikes Barber Sbop on Main Street for more tban four dccadcs and bas hecn a major tundraiser for cancer researcb and tbe Milton District Hospital. Witb tbe faîl clection cornes changes to the towý,n-s ward hound- aries. Under the ncw system, Ward 2 will largcly bc framcd by Tremaine Road, No. 5 Sideroad, Esqucsing i me and Dcrry Road. Wbilc tbere arc currcntly two local counicillors who serve cach of the town's four wards, that will change as wcll, with one individual being elci- cd to represent cach of the cight new wards. One regional councillor will hc elected to serve the four nyorthcrn Smith ke hton xvards' and1 ,nothci xviii iii foui otîithi cmn wards. Check out upcoming issues of the Champion to sec who cisc is running for courn cil in the Ocioher 25 election. Melanie Hennesse v i oin be rchcd cil mlienP- nesscy@ýnîiltîoncanciîcuhampion.comti lORRUi$!IS1 RILU3 IE [ENTR GORR UDS I .1 HeaIlthWATCH OC,, My Health. My Way Renu Choudhary and her pharmacy team welcome you and your family to their new store. We are dedicated ta helping advance your health and wellness and are committed ta meeting your health care needs. Visit us today ta Iearn more about the many HeaithWATCH" services we offer and how we can help advance your health care through: *Health knowledge and advice *One-on-one private counselling *Health and wellness seminars *Tools and services ta help you live weII Health & Wellness Seminars Join your Shoppers Drug Mart Pbarmacist for an informative seminar DIABETES & MEDICATION January 15th - 1:OOpm to 2:OOpm DIABETES & HEALTHY EATING January 22nd - 1:OOpm to 2:00pm NOW OPEN DERRY & BRONTE 6951 Derry Road 905-636-9064 Open 24 hours, 7 days a week SHOPPERS i1 DRUG MART COLD & FLU SEMINAR January 29th - 1:OOpm 10 2:OOpm BLOOD PRESSURE SEMINAR February l2th - 1:OOpm to 2:OOpm