ni ý1 DJJi ai -- kr k1,ý4 1 1 -' ody Coulson, BSc., BE d., Cps Assodate Advisor <Sos) 875-1850 65 Ontario St., Milton àInterest Rates are KIlIng Us! Current tnterest rates are wonderfut if pou have a mortgage, but what if pou are a saver ar worse, a retiree? An interest rate att . 25% for a tyr GtC, ar 3.35% foar 5 yrs hardty keeps up with intlation, let atane taxes. Fortunatefp there are ather methods investors can use ta satfetp generate incarne in thetr porttatios. Cnverrtible Debentures are ane apttan avattabte. They are essentiatp bonds issued by Canadian campantes. t'hey give the hotder the right ta convert the 'bond' ta the campany's 'stock' at a set price. anyttme betore maturity. For esampte. one of the major Canadian ait & gas campantes recentlp issued a convertibte debenture whtch pays incarne af 5.0% per year untit 20t5. Currentty the company's stock trades at $7 per share. the holr ot these convertibte debentures has the right ta convert ta the stock at $8.60 which may make sense if the stock trades abave that prtce in the caming years. Otherwise the tnvestor hotds the debenture and cottects 5% incarne Olvidend paylng commrron shores are another option. Large, wett managed, Canadian campanies wvith gaad cash tlows which attow them ta pay attractive dividends. can be used ta enhance the overatt yietd ot a conservativey managed investment porttatio. Nat anty do same aI these Canadian campantes pay between 4-6% in dividends, but these dividends quatty far the Federat dividend tan credit. Far enampte, a Canadian investor in the top tan bracket earning a 5% dividiend tram a qualiited Canadian company woutd have ta earn 7.15% an a GtC lwhich pays tinterest" incomet ta have the same maney tett in their pocket alter paying the tan. The anse, Iax rate on dtvtdiends rnattpy doos moka ci big dîltaience. These are just two examptes oI alternatives io iodoy s tow tnterest rate options. Pleose give us a cati bo discuss ihese or other strategies which con increase the overatt income pou earn within pour tovestment portfolio. RBC (95) 8751850 Dominion .M .Securities tidy t'i..5 ,i ani Assmte Adii5sWi PBt't00--s Sevi'es Isi M-eres.t.P ieçs~~ stere . "a iiyi 8- f canda. .sed siier 1ssse BCDm, rtnsssse-tis - tseiieeid-a -i id" ar Canda stedisse -ssie e.emss.srih a09rts t .nsî PBiiîssssni es i', - rd oya 6 icf Cnda r e"e5,OC=eýt.u sniuui "iii .Mem bers CIPi Pii DS F-oi ric es iuîis esed as a ssiesi- fris , t-e ,o ieo j e Kenneth C. Mitchell, MBA Graduelle Certificate -Court and Tribunal Agent Advanced Certiticate - Mediation Canadian Securities Course Certitted Fraud Examiner <1992) Hflger Limt for SmaUl Clam Court On January 1, 2010 the jurisdiction cf the Smalt Ciaims Cosurt wus increased ta, $25,000.00. This long'awaited change makes if casier for businesses and individuals te use the court process for the etiforcement of contracts. the collection cf dett, and for compensation for civil damages. The Smal Claims Court is the peoples court. designed so that every pence., reguediess cf meuns, eue have ber day in court. There is, however, a difference beiween baving yoer day in court. and winning se court. Lord Diplock once staird. "The beauty cf tbe tcmmon iaw is tbut it is a maze and noi a mctorwup." At Parallax Parelega Services we have the skills toi navigute tbe maze, assess your t'use. advise you cf pour legai options, manage the court process. negotiate settiements. and te argue and wie pîsur case ut triai. Pieuse cati for a free cosnsultation. courts Mdi Tilbmneh - Smaii Ciaims Court (for damages and collections up to, $25.000) * Landlord and Tenant Provinctal Offences und Munictpal By-iuws *Criint Court (foîr summuey conviction offences ontyt *Workpiace Sufety & Insurance Benefits - Hutoun Rigbts Accident Benefits *Seul BeIt Offences .Speeding -Fuit T5> Stosp -Lîphi & Signs -Fil To Yieid* Fil To Stop -Schooi Bus -Foiiow Toc Cisseiy -Cureiess Driving - Fail To Reiain / Report -Drive Under Suspensiuon No Insurunce Parallax Paralogal Services Suite 105 -174 Mill St., Milton, Ontario 905-699-6590 i.- he h plrd tiI -ÉSHOPPERS ZDRUO MART C Opa to mIéiItv 7 d.ys a welil Kenney Chie, 1020 Knnd Clrcl I'harmi'st Why do 1 smoke? You are a smart, educateu sensie person. You know the harmfui heaith effectu cf smoking. You itke Ici be in contrui tif pîsur tîfe. Ycu know smoking Is bad for pou. so wsy do pîsu chîsîse t0 smcske. isihy does this cigarette control pîtur life? Smoking may seem tii put yîîî in a good moud un pou feei that immediate "hit" cf the nicotine. But selon after, pîou fýeIcl own and tired, caustng pou ta crave that rush agaîn. tl hecîsmes a sictîtus cycle. Manp omokers trulp believe smoking heips lhem relax. In fact smoking makes pour heart beat faster. pour hreathing quit'ker and ruions pour hiuîîd pressure. Yîsu feei relaxrd hecause the cigarette stops the intense crusingo causeu hp nicotine addition. You ihink if ycîu quît smoking pou wîii gain weight. 1 in 5 snîîkers wusn't gain any weîght. The average weîght gaîned is 5-7 pounds. ft course. some people aiso gain weight whîie they smîake. The key here is lu drink extra water. have heaithy snat'ks on harnd and gel some enercine. liol' substîtute food fisc the cigarette. Oserait hecomning a non-smoker eating heaithier andu esert'ising wiii gise pou more energy. You map think the ssniy person pou are hurting is pesurself. Il is hard to beiieve that something pîsu enjîsy su much ct'in uctuallp hurt cîthers. Second-hand smoke is sery harmfui tsi psur frientus. fumiip and îîther people around pou. Su when pou are osut with frientus or famiip puu hase tu think abosut where puu cani gis tu have that smîske pîsu crase and this is getting more difficult as more andu more accus do ot ailow smoking. Manp peuple quit eserp peur. and pou cunt ots if pisu want li. Smokers Hieipiine is a great wehsîte for heipfut tips fosr quitting. wwsv Speak tîs pour Sheippers Heaithwatch pharmacint for mure atusice. Make 20 10 your year te become a Non-,Smo/oc' towne 1 i ilst iss , '5, isu %V.,s Dr-ucrs 0 876 1188 B.Sc. DDS. ýý-towne îssm ssi uts311 Kr.ToeywÎ B.Sc., DDS. 353 Main St. E. Milton ON L9T VP7 TIFFINYKISHITA (Besîde the Guitar Shop) Owner & Cîrtititd 905-864-6360 Groomer Why should 1 train my puppy? A well traint'd dssg is a happy dsg, Dos like tsi plt'ass thictî onrs but tht'î requir' uinststency 1 always s55 'y a trt'at s aur dlog like tht'> wert' s our on nn child". By training a puppy they It'ars disciplinet and re'spectt for tht'st ownters. When should 1 star( training MY PUpy tOnce they hast' aIl tht'îr hoosters tht'n tht'î art' red ,or training Yisu should stani tratntng ysiur pupps as sissn as pssibssleto visd id is.d habits What should I dofirst when I bring my puppy home? Vihen psitt ge't piur puppy tht' itrst thtng tisa îhsuld tin and dis io ge't thern used tea tht' crait' and tsi gosi t tht' ssas.hrotont tdt (a :itt'l sihedî' is ont if the' kt'y bing'11 N\17i'ifI. 'i 111EF t kiýt[ FOR1 PIJNISHNII Ni u l'se ast t or psssts'it' t'îsiirteîîtt'îtt t1 dos n t'i.iitttttit d puppý i îa'fs Wltti s ii cmî'u lt ilti ot l'arssi w hild tîr urnit or biissl miist'ttittits ,o ttst' suiI pstii oio the' satu i ti t'ît't ht'/sht siaissi ta Aussht'r rt.s.sstt tý tsc il hs-,osits.t otht't sinislar ssiit'tt' thas loos ltkt' a puppi pit d nd ii goio tht'ni as ist'll 1or cxasiit thisald lit ditg the a.siitc ilisii .iî ali 11tis hl i, àî ssril I tt iî i li( Ipp suit ht' ssii, ciili ll tl tH ss I idilr loii titi) i ts It nuv îîhs.tlîtt riii sL, gos iii' 1 iiie u IiI'tiiiiii iha ut [lit' putppu sut riosîlý 1 do> Lodiftioni ttiiuttsiig uliit' fi tisa lis Iii, i S i ioi ,!~ 'R' Happy New Year! If pou haven't atready madte a New Veur's renolulson. whp ot make onu that pou can millu about? New Peur's runotalîn cao bu as easy or as bard an pou maku thum. Selting a goal of gond dental huat is easy and tl cas tien- ufît pour oserat heaith ton. Bp fotiowing thene simple tîpo. pou cao eanity maintaîn gond oral heaitit ait year tong. 1 . Brush pour teetit ait tuant inso ismen a dap. Brushing pour leeth propurtp rumovs plaque trom lthe surface beforu il hardeno mbt caicuion. 2ý Une a iluoride toothpaniu. Usng a ioothpanlu wsth iluoridu huipo to prevent decap. 3 Change pour loothhrunh euerp 3 to 6 mootho. dupundsng upun whsch type oi brunit pou une. 4. Fion pour teeth dasly. Ftonsng is tht onty nsay to rumout plaque Irons n hetnseen pour teeth thiat a toutlsbrnsh tan't reacti 5 Use a sînouh rirssus Ais astsfiicihal itnut runse tan pîtise entra heip în conirohlsog plaque. 6. fat heallhp meain and snacks. Gond nutrition ns an important anpect in masnlusosng gond dental heaith. 7 Vsit pour dentsst for regular checkupn. Routine dental cleansogn sond eoaminatsonn are tht hent wap to make nure Ihal pour tueth and gumo ntay healthy, If pou toIlons these simple lips, pou cun hune a greul mille an welI as tht satîiacionofu ksowsng liai pou are nscksog to pour News Pearns runolulson oI masolasnsng gond dental healh IIIPARTNERS IN PLANNING 'iti FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. -tussut -i Y Pisisis 1îie Toi: (905> 876-0120 Faxs (U0S) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Meltiges Milton, Ontario LOT IP9 R4, cFPM, CW, EC Qiestiutar t have $5000 mnd need to knoss sîbeihur it lis bettis tut put toimy RRSP tr aTFSX* Anewer. Why istt (lIs beith.) t)epeasting upoti pour tan brueket and the' type osf investîneni yosî sclect, ua $5»1) RRSP contribution in Juisuars or Febrntary toutsi gise back a tan refond of $1000 to $4(005 axheis u subittit ysor 2(00 uv reture Yîîu euei tevesi your retond is pîsur TFSA andI asid tsI il duning the year. Yîsu cuis have vusur cake and eutt ittio! t yssî hase ut cfîîd or gruisdcilint srder 1i 0.oiur RRSP tan refond t'sustd gis itis heir RESP ansi gise buiek sînsther 20'1 ini the fornt ut tht' 15diicutisn Schisturshtp Ciruiii.i('ESC i. Whîte RRSPs restuce sur tuaxable snottîe . TFSAs do eut. While RRSPs utrc taxauble when redeeied, yiou wîtl mont liketv be an a Iîsn er tuin bruit(et. TI'SAs aîrc sîss tuaxable when sviihdra\>n, but ties ure ssii ussubstit' tor us sas liisps accourut. Speciat TFSA rules appt> uîîtd tf sîsi lîriper> uîdhered Io, cîîsîd resuli iin tuixatioîn. RI5SP conîtribuîtiosn% gîve us 20t>/s grant iii the cbîld. Thai's morte free iintey trusts Ottuasa! Theut' straegie'. are ihete foi ielp pus reduce oue taves and reaisicaite puari is' yss uî t'lsdoluars Iii a "wîîrthy cause ut yssur chsste. '.sseitiuittp. sou sire creustiîg tisce afiet tan îîsîîîîy ihat pou cui tise tîssueser yosi sisti- TFSA. RESP. 20101 RRSPs. Chsaritble gi (and reccîve us chuariuable gîtt tuin credît i. nacuitisn. debi reducîiîîî. Why sii ose pîsur $51001 tsi vossr besi b-nel'iti Cii ua quiesions aborut hsîw ro ui yir ian doullars ito us betier use'? Ctcti Louî uit Pautners ini Pliuîsîng Finuijial Services t9ti5 876r 11210 AcFstîuTEo wiTH PTEnRueS IN PtANNINGo ruSUeuNCE SERVICES tNt'. Il .ss[5 1hcsre i, i1ývn l >e tisu oi55u i) isi uii Is5. ti i d f1, 't-' n u 55 k, 1,0gt 1111 t Il i> toi ai i i su iFicici,is ti i