Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 2010, p. 6

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O1ePINION z ',Say hello to 2010 '~~ a WeIi, now that we've to hydro. Luckîily that cup zkicked 2009 to the curb- of coffee and newspaper !i side, how about we take a that you soi enjoy escaped l ook at what 2010 could the dreaded tax. P% E bring us? The HST is scbeduled 10IN »U N For starters, Milton res- take effect July 1, 2010. idents wiil likely see some Unless the Liberais have new structures, if not comn- another resolution for pleted, at ieast under con- grabbing more tax money, struction this year. we bet Ontarians will have 0f course, the poor tax- ta spend just a littie bit " ithanks t0 Premier Dalton After an election-free McGuinty's harmonized year, residents wili go 10 Ssales tax (HST), which the polis October 25 to suggests anything but bar- elect their municipal lead- mony ers. Could a federal cc- The FISI mergcs the lion aiso be in the cards for current eighî per cent 2010? After a close caîl in provincial sales tax (PST) 2009, will the poll-leading with the five per cent and suddenly emholdened goods and services tax Tories force the opposition (GSI), translating mbt an parties' hands? extra eight per cent tax on Stay tuned... it could be everything from bair culs an mnteresting year.____________________________________ Read'ersWrite.q E-mnal letters to editonal@msltoncanachanchampîon.corn Letters, whîch mnayhbeeeui, must u clucit the wvnte' b r sm a Idros, ri pl one riomb-r. Support during crisis nothing short of amazing DEAR EDITOR: A few months ago, Milton was visited by an Fl1 tomnado. This was the second tornado experience of my life. The first was in the summer of 1978 whiie i was driving just east of Winnipeg. i lit- eraiiy drove through a wall of water foliowing a car that vanished in front of me by the time 1 cieared the edge of the funnel. I wonder what ever happened to the people in the car. For Milton, this was also a second tornado. The iast, i was tlid by some of my long-termn Milton patients, was in 1954. It happened only two blocks south of my practice and property at Wakefield Professional Centre. where the storm removed a portion of the roof structure, allowing water ta damiage the interior. Fortunately no one was hurt b> ibis latest natural event. 1 can only imagine how that may not have heen the case under diffcrent cir- cumstances. 1 was the last to leave thc building that day whcn that wouldn't have normallv been the case, as normal office hours exîended beyond the 6:30 p.m. lime that the stormn hit. It's odd to experience the chaos of the dam- age and the turmoil of keeping one's sanity amidst never-ending decisions for myself and others affected hy the damage to the property. However, there were many blessings or posi- tives to the then negative event. Within the building there was a social bonding, which in my 30 years of practice i Letter by HST supporter rather hypocritical DEAR EDITOR: But, and thats a big but, neyer once does he This letter nls in response te, the December 2 mentton the net effect of the HST. Champion letter ta the editor by Halton Sure your income tax will go down and sure Provincial Liberai Association President Paul you'ii get a cheque for somte money ta start you Virdo ent.itied 'Editoriai doesn't give ail the on your way Hawever, Mr. Virda neyer once facts on tax reform.' tells us when it's ail said and done if aur net tax Mr. Vîrdo accuses the Champion of present- obligation will be more or less. ing a one-sided view wben it comes ta the har- Will that additional 8 per cent on ail those monized sales tax (HST) and then goes on ta, items we don't currentiy pay taxes on make up do exactiy what hie accuses the Champion of. the maney lest on personal and carporate That is, presenting a biased version when it income tax? We bath know the answer ta that, cornes tai the HST. Mr Virdo, and you sbould address tbis if you're Mr. Virdo goes on about ail the tax cuts and going ta make dlaims of media bias. incentives we wiil get under the new systemn, ROB BLAZIK which is ail weli and good and accurate. MILTON hadnt taken the opportunhts to Le inovdn. My caring went froin seesng patients te sie mng coentractors, and other office staff in tLe building, meceting or discussing the announice- ment wîîh the (ICampimon office staff, evaluating insurance issues and areas thai likel\ nieeded a review of mny personral needis as well as the needs of others. 1 felt 1 worked harder than 1 did in routine daily practice. 1 personally have to thank, the experience as a reminder that we're nlot immune from imminent disaster. Property can bc replaced and businesses can rebuild. However, the concepts of communiîy, family and friends take on a higher value in the wake of an aci of 'nature.' I'd like to personally thank aIl the people in the practices involved, as well as the contrac- tors, workers and patients of our community, who have helped out during this inconven- ience. Also, thank you to the Champion in heiping our advertising by putting a litile colour 10 our voice over the past few weeks. And thanks to all the peopie who were empioyed and kept busy in tough limes, put- ting their hearts into heiping me and others struggle through reconstruction of the profes- sional building we spend haîf of our day in. There are simpiy too many people to list. It's often said there is a silver iining, toi every cloud. Thank you, Milton, for being my home. DR. RONALD STROHAN, OPTOMETRISI WAKEFIELD PROFESSIONAL CENTRE 19br Caîîabia Cb~ampu Milion s Communuiy Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industrial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mùltoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional Gênerai Manager David Harvey Generat Manger Debhi Koppeldn Editor in Chief ii Davis Managing Editor Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sdrliy Pare The Canadian Champion, pubîished every Wednesday and Fridayit s a diviion of Metroland Media Gmoup Ltd. Adverlising is accepted on the condition ilcai, in the eveni of a typographical ero. that poution of the adoerlis ioq space ocupied by the erroneos item. togetheu wih a ueasonable allowance fo, signature, wail ot be chargeS fo, but the balance of the adoeiusemeni wull be paid for at the applucable rate, The poblusher reserves the right Io cateqorize advertuemnents or decline CCAB Audited À pcS Newspas Aciato Canadian Community CC A Newspapers Associaion ,uuban Newspapers of Amenica The Ciàdiu 'Iian-ipicii is aproi ilie uîs' o r Halion Healfuhcare wLCM.* Jingle Bell Fond MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE UNITED WAY OF MILTON CANAISA DAY THPi4 Thb C<Sir, MiMe, (n GALA Awards lbe Milon Cnaa Champion neopouale Podoua

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