Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 2010, p. 31

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New Year's resolutions for homeowners John Cavan, Mortgage Agent L- # M080080 A1sk your local mortgagre planner By the time we pack up the holiday decorations, we're getting into the New Year's groove: that fresh-slate feel- ing we ail get this time of year. Harness that energy: make this the year to whip your house - and your bouse- hold finances - into shape. Keeping a home running in tip-top shape is like keep- ing a car in fine running order. Its best not to wait for the tires to wear through, the brakes to screech or the muf- fier to faîl off. We maintain our vehicles on a regular schedule and they reward us with good service. Your house needs the same treatment. Develop and impie- ment an annual maintenance plan for your home; regu- lar attention will help to avoid larger, more expensive repairs later. 1. Get to know your plumbing. Take an exploratory stroîl around your home and get acquainted with your plumbing. Look for slow drains or drîpptng faucets. Do you have any pipes that go througb an unheated or an unfinished room? Make sure they're well insulated. Going away for a few weeks this winter? Don't let your bouse temperature drop too low; pipes will get a lot colder than the inside walls. 2. Be alarmed. That is, make use of smoke detectors, fire alarms, andI carbon monoxide detectors so prosect your family and your home. Then do wbat you can to ensure you neyer need tbem. Cbeck your electrical sys- tem for worn or exposcd wires. Cbeck your beasing sys- sem and appliances for gas leaks or cracks and for ade- quate ventilation. ilave your furnace, boilers or beasing stoves serviced eacb year. Clean vents, baseboard beaters and cold-air returns. 3. Keep the heas in. Fake a walk around the inside of your bouse and check for drafts. Tbink you feel a little chilI? Ligbt a candle andl move it around to check for the entry poins of any breezes. Keep in mind thas cable ensry points and electrical outlets are ofien sources of cold air. Wbile you're down at floor level, check for breezes com- ing frotn under the baseboards. The objective is to tighs- en up your home: repair, replace or instaîl an>' wcatber stripping and caulking aroond windowit and doors. If you've got cold walls, cold floors, or very uneven heating in the bouse, you probahly bave an insolation problemn. You may want to check out the Ofice of Elergy Efficiency website at http://www.oee. nrcan.gc.ca. 4. Do an outside home inspection. Walk aroundi the exterior of your home. Twice. The first time, look up. Inspect your roof for damaged or loose shingles, gaps in the flashing, or any other potential trouble spots. Check your chimney for damaged mortar, and inspect the walls. At least twice a year, dlean out the eavestrough and check any downspouts. The second walk around the bouse, look down. Watch for any water pooling near the bouse's foundation. And check your walkways, steps and bandrails to ensure they're safe and well-maintained. 5. Get your home finances in order. Your mortgage sbould be the censerpiece of your financial strategy. A mortgage planner can offer yoo an assessment on bow, yoo could save thousands of dollars on your mortgage - or how you might tap mbt your equity to pay off other debis, or maybe to access cash for thas renovation or landscaping projeet voure planning. if you're reFinanc- ing, be sure you also tbink abead so any tax liabilities. Now's the time to take these shings into consideration; interest rates are still at near- historie lows. Wbip your bouse into shape this yecar. You'll live hetter. y'oull pre- vent costly problcms down the road, and youlIl be build- ing a more secure financial future. Thats a New Years resolOtit)n wssh somne big rewards. John (ooa ois ant A oXei'c M't gtigt Milttioli i gt,go ii(cui hu i i tui îttslion M0 tti titi iw uts i 1t t 10i (lti 4111iti ( ima <iri ijii tý lit otil tiil 1-4 \tiliii 'su \ilitu John ean be reaehed lby phone: 905-878-7213 or by emaîl: johnl.cavon@rnîngai-.to.,John Cavoans wcebsittc uss osisfonoggoci itiîtîh îdtix abot it sticssji-ct iotilgagc tppoiltoii tics. Need information about mortgages? Witb the recent drop in interest rases, many con- sumers are wondering whetber tbey sbould break their current mortgage agreement and negosiate a new mortgage at a lower rate. To make shis decision, con- sumers need to calculate the penalty they'll bave to pay if tbey break their currens mortgage contract, and work out whether any savings from a lower interest rate will be greater than the penalty The ABCs of Mortgages, published by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), can belp you gain a better understanding of the conditions associated with the various mortgage products on the market. Information is power Mortgages can be very complex. When you're try- ing to decide about buying your first home, renewing your mortgage or applying for a reverse mortgage, it's important to take the time to gather information and explore your options before you sign anything. FCAC offers a variesy of tools and publications that can belp consumers make informed decisions about mortgages. e The ABCs of Mortgages outlines the ternis and conditions of your mortgage, as well as your rights and responsibilisies. It also provides sips on how to pay off your mortgage faster. a Shopping Around for a Mortgage explains how mortgages work and looks at the advantages and dis- advantages associated with these products. It also offert tips on how to shop for a mortgage. *The Mortgage Qualifier Tool helps you calculate Ài [ i take.nAdva"taeoof 111 wbetber yoo qualify for a mortgage. - The Morsgage Calculator bool belps yoo calculate wbat size mortgage you can bandle. - Shopping Around for a Reverse Mortgagc explains the mns and outs, and the advantages and dis- advantages of reverse morsgages. You can consult shese publications and try out the mortgage calculators by going so FCAC's website at moneytools.ca. www.newscanada.cirti DWDAS AND M APPEH GREATr OPPOWRJNY G SOLD 3 d unao and 500OSqFt Shop on Huge FO[3fl R 140OO/0 Possible Commercial Use. $599,0O0. Sr ý:d Ï-10 -:1 Fý ý F ASINGCalil ait 905-617-1217. 11È s er .iao D wdeaôloO o Sadliam et uf er ea 1i 9 a mi Fiosot aitdrMOosa coooafato Medrafai aSt orne e GoWeg Roda Ltid.1 PlamiWio me udson the oNr Best wishes for a healthy - &prosperous 'Niew Yearl ,,,,, 199 52Q 5m4%* Cadi the ai dreain tearn "for great rates. fast friendiy servioce & stress free morigages. a~~ Mo rtgage 14 martin St., PAArchitects Milton, ON John 0= 707912OM Cuvan. AMP LU ý' 78 - 21 6508 MI"ass Ro&. Osreoro www. stre sstre em ortg a ge. ca MÎss.-aisaaON AIL Real Estate% Ads AR E wwwmiltoncanadianchampioncom

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