Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 2010, p. 18

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< etena.yHeIp Veteninaty HoIp Veterinary ClI/ic in a rural area, looking for a Part-Time Recoptionist Hours include 4 eveninga a week <4:OOpm foi O:0pm) and Saturday mornings (7:3Oam f0 13Opm). Excellent computer skills and a pleasant phone manner are essential. Pl8ase fax YOur rasumIII11111e ta: 905-854-1169 z I~z Required immediately for z Coutry ightClub locafed in Norcal. ~ Nauouoo Entertalniment Cejntre Cail905703-1118 %"o .2LIEZmo" oporu REQUIREO IMMIIIIIEDIATE. LV for Oermatoiogyofc 0akîePart Time RN or RPN tan Monday, Wednesdac and Frîdays. Pinase forward reoumne ta: karen@icis.ca CftC WORK waoted for ambittous lic. machînist w/ some cric eoverence. Lookîng ta broaden cric mf g. ennerience. Foul rime preferred. Wages nego- tiable. aig or smaii 0h00. Other mfg. onnortonîties consîderabie alsa. Oaa 905-336-7673 CLEAN DRIVING Recrd? Grey Power cooid saoe cou- uP ta $400 on car insu- 1-866-473-9817 tor no-ob- ligation quote. Additionai discounts availabie. r j Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers wifh a nase for barga/no head sfra/ghi for the Classif/edo. In the Classif/edo, yau cao truck dawn deals on everyting tramn cars fa cao/se compas/ans. Ix' easy f0 place an ad or t/nd the items yos muni, and if's used by hundredsofa area shappers every day. Find a greal des!, use the Classit lods today. V-h- CanaIban C-uijama C LASS iFIE DS "905-878-2341 SM-arriage IlTS A GIRL!! Miako & larona Vakocic are proud f0 anniounce the birth of their beaatifal mItte princeso Isabella Anne Born on Nocember 23, 2009 weîghîng 8lbs. isabella as welcomed by big brother Michael, and grandparenta Zygmant and Elizabeth Tworek and Kute and Mike Vukocic and lots of cousina, aunfa and uncles. Special thanko to Narse Jackie and Dr. Nodkarnie ut the Milton District Hospital. cousin, Seephatn and bigarther e Tanke Engagl e m ihtentryarviGaa ail AI/an and Wendy Jamieson are es/ted f0 Iannounce fhe engagement of mhe/r daughfer, I Anne ta Car Ison 0f Wendy and Patni Ma 0of Winnipeg. I Anne and Cory w/Il be married [October 2, 2010 [In Memoriam Jouie Collen January 6, 2004 Thoagh t/me goes by and the montho become ~ears. We hace you w/th as eneryday in our DahRo, Phi! and Eehhl in memoriam Agnese(Aggie) Bonin Labrecque Nov 119h, 1912 - Jan 8th, 2004 Already fine yeara haa paaaed since yoa aaid goodbye. When yoa promiaed yoa would watch over an fonecur. Enen in pain y00 foand a passion and loue of lite thaf yoa liced toi the falleal. You remaîn in our daily lices with cheniahed memorîea. As we cry sirent teara for yoo. Until we meef agaîn Ma.ll, Dat, Livie, Laurel & famlly Remot, Lise & tamuly Rick £ Sarah nr lonîng memory of a wonderful husband, father, grandfafher &l friend Jim Ford Jan. 1, 2007 We thoaght of you with love today, but that os noth/ng new We thoughf 0f yesterduy and the days before that f00 WR thînk o0f you in silence, We offen apeao your mame Ail vie hace are memor/eu and a pîcture in a frame Vour memory as Our keepake with whîch welIl never part God ha you in h/a keeping, We hune you in our hearfu. ilth, Michae, LyiI, Oarny & Famililles January 6fh, 2010 Dean Joe; f fs beeni a year since God fooo you home. As me wufched you ut/p awa tram us over fhe last few yearu, ail aur lices began f0 change. We thano Gad for reliev/ng you of your sutten/ng. We Miss you Joe. We falk abouf you and fhink of you oftes. Resf in Peace. Loy/cg/y remembeoeil yyour tam//y, Yo/anda, Slephun (Cafhy), Denise (Wayne), Pau/, Deug (Laura), Grandc/n//dren- V/c/or/a, Natal/c and Trevor In memory of Margaret Murray who paooed away December 31,2004 Sadly m/oued by huoband AIes Murray and sons Glenn, Michael and Fam/iieu. Alwy Fnoihruavwr legotteg 'TII weet ayait, Card 0f ThankS Wife, Donna and chîldren of Edward (Ted) Stocer, Julie, Paua nd Lîuu wiuh f0 concey heartfelt thanku to fumily, friendo and neighbouru for their support und kîndnexu darîng hiu bafflel with Alzheimer's. Ted puosed awuy peacefully on Ducember 26, 2009.> Donations towardu the Alzheîmer's uocîefy and the beautîfa i floral urrangements whîch paid fr/bute fo Ted are gratefally ucknowledged. Special appreciation ix g/cen fo the caregîcero ut Acclaim heulth, and Aliendale for uuuîotîng Lîsu and the famîly sn h/oscure, and fo McKersie's Fanerai Home for their services. Purficalar mention goes fa Ren John Benhum, Judy Hanter acd the ladieu of St Pauais U.C.W. for proeîding a beautîfai memorial service in remembrunce of smeone who wiii be SO dearly m/oued. Obitais 10 i ~ r IF&UCTimom U Chandeliers * Rugs * Lamps* MDLHOME BUILDER'S *Home Décor * Limited Edition Art* FUNTR AE! * Mirrors * Sports Memorabilia * Satuday anuay 9,20* High End Designer Select Furniture* .I. M II d1 SAVE HUNDREDS! SAVE THOUSANDS!, Pn ews.c a RothergIen Schaal CRotherglen, a pricafe PS to Gr 8 achool of r 500 students on Oatoille, seeka an Elementa ry Mantessori Teacher ou f0 start in m/d- February. Candidates must c poasesa an elemenfary MACTE credenfial. 12 Sand your resume fa johs@rolherglen.com, alt. Hiring Committee. No phone ca//s p/case. Diacocer more aboaf Rotherglen ut tir,~ www.rotherglen.com lin Memoriam Graci, Yoland Rita nr Locîng memory of oar only Daaghtur, Sîster and Zia who Puxxed away Janaary 4ffi, 1998. Au we corne into the twelfth year 0f miuaîng yoa each day We find sfrengfh in knowing Your mumoriex are here f0 utuy Twelce years ugo yoa foaghf Wîth dignity and grace But cancer fooo yoa home To Godos heacenly place Yoar nephew Joseph Anthony This year ho tarned one Had you been ut the party If woald have heen more fan Wîfh faîth in our Lord Who has you in ois kccping Sorne day vie Il renile For now wc kccp on wccpiog Love Mom, Dad Charie, Ange/a & Joseph Obituaries Murch 12, 1921 - Janary 4, 2010 Dur famîly uadty faces fhe pauoîng 0f Saoannuh Blanche Williams, 88, in M//ton, Ontario, predeceaxed hy her looing huohand George in 1999. Blanche max the third of f/ce siotero, an acîd quitter and xeamotrexu, and a fuithful membon ni St. Poul's United Chorch, Milton She spread loy like suoshîne in thc ioter, with encryone shu met and wîlh eoeryonu sihe knew, She ix sure/ced by sons Byron a rbraî 0f Strafford, ON, Peter of t ratf ord, and Gary (Wendy) of Regi- nu, SK. She ulso leavex foor grand- chîldren- Tammy (Michael) Griene, Wveyburn, SK; Shannon Williams (Dr. Cru/g Herrîngton), Halifax, NS; Durcie (Marc) Blaîney, New Orleans, LA; and Mike Williams, Walnuf Creeo, CA. Blanche wux "G.G. tof Tyler und Hannah Griece 0f Weyburn, SK, oîster fo Ermu Franciu, and Lena (Ant) Anderson, Surrey, BC, and sister-in- lawe f0 lise (Del) McCaw, Sidney, B.C. We are grateful for the upecial friend- uhip and kindnesx 0f Lynda and Nick Fluxs of Milton, Ontario. Sincere thunko fo Dr. J. Boxait and Val Dan/o, and Dr. Hui for ail of their excellent care and fhoughtfulnesx. Cremufion hax faken Slace. A memorial sercice, off/c/aied y Re cerend John Benham w/ill be held-af St. Paulus Un/ted Church 123 Main St. Milton ut 1 pm on Fr/day, January B, 2010. In t/eu 0f flowero, donations may be made f0 the M/lion District Hospital Foundaf/on or Lupus Onfario. Lefferu 0f condolence may be leH for the fam//y ut wwm.mckerxîe-kocher.ca ROONEY, Gordon Pasaed awvay peaceuly on January 4, 2010 at West Oak Village. He w/fl be sadly m/oued b y h/s good friends Larry & Barbara P/tcher. H e wIl be remem- bered by h/o cous/ns June & (Gordon) Salmon, Shirley & <Bob) Johnson, and V/rg/na & Dents Nolet. He w/fl alua he fondl y remembered by Raymond Woridge. Famly and Friendo wIl re- ce/ve v/s/tors aI the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Street, Milton (905) 878-2669 on Wedneuday January 6, 2010 tram 7-9 p.m. A funeral service w/fl take place on Thursday January 7, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. tramn the Funeral Home Chapel. Dona- t/onu fa West Oak Village would bu ap- preciated. Condolences and donations online ut www.earlyfuneralhome.com FURNITURE & HOME DECOR: froin model hoines sold from 2.4 -4.1 Million will be liquidated. DESIGNER CHANDELIERS: Diffing and Liglit 111 g, Crystal & 1ton, Ceiling MOLIIItS, Pendants & Vanity Fixtures. Save up to 90% in this category! PRINTS & MIRRORS: Assorti-nent of Wildlife, Conteinporary and Tradltional Art. Palace mirrors, Dressing inirrois, Vanity 111 11, r ors & Venetian inirroIs. Assorted Sizes and finislies! Bids starting ait S10.00. FURNITURE: Leithei Sofa Sets, 3pc Reciineis, Sectionals, Conteniporary Designs. Tiaditional Sofa Sets. Bids starting at Sl 00.00 per piece.

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