41;Eai0piNi' 2Moving' X In just a few days the znew year will arrive. Amid 5 the celebrations, we're sure Sthere will bce many resi- dents more than happy to say good-bye to 2009. It hasn't been an easy Iyear. The global economy took a beating and Milton didn't escape the spin-off 5effects. Workers found Jtbemselves out of jobs as 1companies downsized or Sshut down for good. SThe difficuit economic climate strained the region's social services. Charitable groups and foodbanks watched the number of people it assist- ed soar in 2009. The need is also great for affordable housing. Consider these local stats: e More than 95 per cent forward of applîcants for social housing in Halton can't afford to pay average mar- ket rents without spending at least 30 per cent of their household income. e More than 1,800 peu- ple are estimated to, become homeless in Halton each year. Despite the turbulent 2009, residents are fortu- nate to be able to caîl this great town home. We have a strong economic hase, a comrmunity that cares and an enviable standard of liv- ing. The towns location along the Niagara Escarpment is, quite liter- ally breathtaking. Let's not take what we have [or granted and ring in the new year with opti- mism and hope. Readers Write.ý; E-rmil etters toeditonal@rniltncanaclianchamnpion.com. Letters, wluch may be edited, must include t1in wrur's namon, addrs and phone nubr. More of a push needed for hospital qexpansion DEAR EDITOR: A glossy four-page flyer entitled 'Major Steps Taken in Facilities Construction Projects' recently landed on my doorstep. One projeet was absent - the Milton District Hospital expansion. Hmmm, I wonder why? How could that be? As a 25-year resident of Milton, I've seen how a mayor should run a community, and her name is Hazel McCallion of Mississauga. Look no further than the Credit Valley Hospital expansion of the early 2000s. Now why to this day hasn't Miltons hospi- taI undergone its much-needed expansion? It's abundantly clear to me that our local leadership has been asleep at the helm since, well since at least Milton's growth plan was first published in 1991. In 1995, the provincial govemnment impIe- mented the Municipal Act that radicaîly alîered the administrative landscape. However, other towns were able to get the funding for hospital expansion, su, why wasiit Milton? From 1996 to 2002, I was involved with hospitaîs and board directors across Ontario redefining computer systems infrastructure, and was very close to the adininistrative/polit- ical processes for hospital hcalth-care fuanding formulas, administrative riders, conditions and the inside "politicking" needed to secure the funding from the various govemment agencies. It's disheartening to hecar provincial politi- cians say the expansion of the Milton District Hospital can't start before 2013 and that there are other municipalities in similar situations. I don't care about other municipalities; I care about Milton. We've béen left out of the loop. It's ohvious to me change is required ai the Thanks to ail who supported school fundraiser DEAR EDITOR: The students, parents and staff of Hitherfield Sehool would like to extend many thanks to alI tbe visitors and vendors who par- ticipated in our bazaar on November 24. With your help - through raffle proceeds, 50/50 draws, contributions [rom vendors and independent contributions - we were able to maise a grand total of nearly $5,000 in support of Sleeping Children Around the World. The money wiII go toward providing bcd- kits for less fortunate children in Third World countries. This means that 142 children will be able to sleep more safely and comfortably because of your contributions. Please keep us in mind for next years bazaar, as either a vendor or a visitor. We would love to see you agaîn. HITHERFIELD SCHOOL BAZAAR TEAM helm to redireci efforts~ ts crnsure that Milton District Ilospitals expansion is put on the top of the Provinces list, and the requircd funding will bc a reality before 2013. The residents need and deserve nothing less. Itfs j usi wrong that excessive finger-pointing has hecomc cominplace during this fiasco, a fiasco that didn't need to happen. The federal government is providing the majority of the infrastructure capital for the projecîs mentioned in the flyer for recreational and entertainment. services for residents. But where is the value for the tax dollar when one is physically unable tu participate due to an ill- ness or physical condition for which they can't he treated at the Milton District Hospital and has toi travel out of province or out of country to get hetter? 1 produce pro comedy events throughout Halton for which the arts and cultural centre would be great to have, but wouldn't a hospital that addresses the needs of its ever-growing population be of a higher priority? By the way, kudos to Milton Councillors Colin Best and Mike Boughton, who I think have a real pulse on the community Colin knocks on doors and is presenit at the farmers' market every Saturday morning while Mike has his downtown harbershop. God hless 'em. We need more people on counicil like Colin and Mike. C.J. MCCARROLL MILTON iLJje Qanabîan Campon Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industnial Dr., Molton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Ciculation: 905-878-5947 www.niitoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manger Debbi Koppejan Editor in Chief Managing Editor Karen Mtceli Production Manager Ti m Coles Circulation Manager Chatiene Hall Office Manager Sancly Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, isa division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Advertsn n acccpted on the condition that, in tie fluent of a typographcal error that portion ot the adventit tng space occupied by the erroneous item, together witti a reasonable atiowance tor signature, wilt flot bu charged fo, but the balanite of the aduertîsement wili bu paid for ut the applicable rate. The publisher tesetues the right to categorize adueriîementu ut decline. CCAB Audited t-nc>gîte.. ii citi-a Iy Ontario Comnnunity A c na C Newspapers Association Canadian Community C N ewspapers Association M ýIIIl Subunînan Newspapers ofu Amunica IPe tiCai ado, n Chaiampiin b ,a cridleia slin, cr for Ma4nHat,ý, LOME* Jingle Bull Fond MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE OF MILTON CANADA LiAY i iTHENA Awards Th i lOokti. i, GALA tilfl Awards Thn Maltou Cootdtao Chaompion s n tuopulobu fioduct