Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2009, p. 36

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Wl V NEWS &-INFORMATION Selimg in December! Every time the holidays roll around, the age-old question arises in the minds of people consîder- - Ofim buyers have ing puîîîng their home on the market. Should 1 self now or waîî unîîl thc holîdays arc ovcr? Thr * I cnders are not as Christmas perîod is a noîoriously sluggisb trnte for thc propcrîy mnarket. Wiîh consumcers pouring Showings scîli their resourccs into oîher arcas, is it rcally worth îryîng îo sdil your hiomc in Decembcr. Wîll you gri qualificd buyýcrs. the prescnit you were hoping for -the salc of your home'!ti Sou se made the if a gond properîy goes on the markct, therc wîil always be a huy'er for it Thic wînicr period can licre are soinr holiday' c acîually be the bcsî lime îo self - whai you have t0 rcmnembrr is ibai pceople buy, according io ihcir tu/ns ti a niiiiiniii Nr nccds. Traditioiîally, îbcre have been four major reasons why, and when people self icir homes: fi- up importatnt sclling fra nanctal and market conditions, employnieni changes, lamily mai/crs, ancl ltfesivlc changcs IThr ast Rcitibrii)r ti tonc lu ihere will always bc someone wanting to boy in Deccemb)r 'f here is no reisoni not to self yoîr boosec sonsidcr a tablctop îrcc, during ibis perîod, except prrhaps the inconvenience of has'îng peo pie risting your honte duî ing a made Iromn pinrwoics or busy holiday season. coor ancd dccoiiie soo If you're in a position wbere you miusi self, it could tomn oui well for you lwe peoplc put îheîr and thr holidlay lighîs fit homes on tbe market so -less compeîîîîon. Mvany tend îo think îb,îî noîhîng happcns nr Decsrmhýcî, Other useful tips but the reality is people stifl need to move ai tis lime. Becausc so mianyý peoplc tbînk it s a bad tiic to - Siack As rapped lire put a propenty on tbe nmarket, îbere is ofien a shortfaîl in thc as ailabiitr s/f ccrtin >ipcs of homtes. * Gùc rîd ol thr clout Reasons for Selling During the Christrnas Holidays fiUsc more spIltsbe * Most Decemiber and early' January- buy'crs arc paîtJcularls' seriîius aîîd arc s cîy lîkcly to lbc faciî/g Rcis tbe urgc iii somte sort of dcadlîne. - \esc asccncîl * Serious buycrs base fesser bouses ici choosc Irom during il/c holida-s. Most sellets su iii until * Sýci a plaie of LokpigoIurne ols hi oe hsncn ht uigte\itrnotsý(u rprý vl ým sc tiof face lar less sornpeîiiioi/ set sus ann, oihct tinte tif il/e sear îî I , Il u() LI ht t t//s \ tus Cilf \5 li il (Ict b/[ ']l i // t 'i s /5 I ]U tii/ 1 1, 111 1\ I iti 1)( i I ul 1i ' il1. f f 1 i tion aînd eniotin sclis ittg îtoI)l/ets useb ]c S *You can b c/n ithe mtarket and sIfl havse tbe opticnr ts/ resî r/ci s.httssiigs sîstiig tîel tla foti t ai/i 1 g1" escii/ e ands your spectal family ocscastcons. rsi/e i icesîs The Oakville, Milton more îîme io look for a home durîng the bolidays. busy, ansi san process i/rîgagc boans faster. bc fessecr and less inîrusîse, but n/sre likeiy, to be Imîithol wîîh motis'aicd, dcicsisîn and havre decîsfcd to gît abead aîid put yoor hosme on the market! lcîîraîîîîg tiqs iiî keep tiinid The tîcmber c/ne rule us îo leeep tbe decora- set mnds itangittg the sttcleitgs su îîl/ ars, 'tou dit i snt t/ i/lt/ch t/r c/lier [ores susb as fireplase initels, stairs, aîid sîaîîîed glass ssi//do5s. lo\wn tbe size o thie tise, îîyý CLestrLiting scth a sntaii fsour-lhtirc s/r es en Titis is ,îlst a /erfesî iine tif y cîr ts/ eestîre y\,our homne svîth cenîerpîces otbe wt/i icf/es of nîaturc fang beautiful arnd naîturai ss reaibs frontî the enitrai/ce seîîb gai-laînd. lase soit hsiiday, mosis playitig iîn ibe background seýlien pet/le entcr yu tome S//ie'ii the stage tir selliig, senis in a cl//set s/r tii t/i/ coriner ci ttf , raping paîîeîi. Chi/stm/as sirsls rilîbn ansI tai/e tiof rcs tiin gri resi iin ctt/ttitnaiiy applilng st/lt/r t/set, fcsttraie S I/sut iîîîîg siiiatttlesIL. t,/e t th e (t)/itueCr. îe-\î ts/ lest/seC IXiair t11ikins cîr gUe-sis le s isiet on il/s t/s s, atnd set t/i ssiis andi lasie hl tIi ui tii, \s I Pl t/ t, 1, I //t l t t/t fi, i I1I1h ý (f pc ' o i - i f ! il mI, i u tu l.- i l fu i ' u i i.., 1II ý '11-11t if 0 '/5t tuutt lstsl i'>cîl ti lîsîs as/Ctfs i ctitl/CsL Rf I IsOR> lit, il/s iii/ilItc ktisussIccige i lis rh ICl est/te iatltet 1)teedesi tut aîSîsî stsu s tIi su/o)r Your local REALTORS LIVE, GIVE & PLAY ini the Neighbourhood too! Established in 1954, The Oakville, Mil/ton and District Real Estate Board (0MDREB) serves Oakville, Milton and surrounding communities with more than 1,800 REALTORSO, Membeis of the association may use the REALTORO trademark, which identifies them as real estate professionals who subscribe to a strict code oft ethics. The association operates the local Multiple Listing Servicerti (MLS4i) and pro v/des ongoing prof essional education courses for its Members. OMDREB Realtors4t care about creating a better community and participate in the 'Every REALTOR Gares' pro gram whîch supports shelter-based initiatives. Your DMDREB REALTGRO can pro vide you wîth the data and services you need 10 make informed real estate decisions. Advertisements of local MLSO property listinigs and information about the services pro vîded by a REALTORO can be found at www REALTOR.ca. For more information vîsît www.omdreb.on.ca or caîl OMDREB at 905.844.6491 Great hostl h ~~WO1 os es g ft Wiih our clients, family & friejida a this holiday season As the parîy season gets under- way remember to thank your host or bostess w/th a thoughtful gifi te, express your grat/tude. Sears has a selection of g/fis that are guaranîeed lu wow the recip/enî and ensure the g/ver another /nv/tat/on to the next get-together. Holiday Glitter AOTTW 0_ Sears Whole Home Taper REALTY INC., TOLL FREE: Candles/P/llar Candles You can BROKERAGE 1-888-472-5313 neyer go wrong w/îh candles. Holiday Bowls and Platters They're a year round essent/al and Hol/day mot/f bowls and platters are perfect foîr sers- add drama, warmth and sparkle to /ng cheeses, pâtes, m/xed nuts and other appet/z/ng n/b- any occasion. $4.99 - 24.99 bles. $7.99 - $29.99 Powder Room Elegance Edible Treats Sears Whole Home A select/on of boxed teas /n a beautilul wooden box Monogramrned hand towels with is perfect for the tea lover. $29.99 silver initials add a personal and ele- For the chocolate lover, a God/va Ceramic Fondue gant touch to the powder room set or a Godiva g/ft basket with an assortment of choco- decor. They are made of coi/on and fate cookies, chocolate pretzels and bot chocolate /s can be mach/ne wasbed . $7.99 eacha always appreciated. $29.99 - $44.99 Wine Aficionados Chic Salt and Pepper M/Us Br/ng w/ne aficionados a bottle of A host or bostess tbat loves t0 coi/k w/Il rave about îbe/r favour/te w/ne with a new set of Mark McEwcn's chic silicone sali and pepper m/ls red w/ne glasses. Sears Whole Home wh/ch corne in wh/te, black'or aubergine. Tbey are a w/ne glasses. $29.99 sophisticated addition to, the kitchen. $29.99 each. c C) ~ The Oakville, Milton 2010 Board of Dfectors: Aziz Kan.lee F)iressir, Heaiber Tîlley Direcior, Chris Ahbotî Dircîo, Jacks Mckrudden Presidrni Fleci, Alun Eians Direcior, Jelf Nialannih Presîdenî, W/ali Jurgcn Direcîoi, Diaiiia Morrisstn Pasi Presîdenî, Aiexx (,oeiho, Direcior, ien Thotmas Diresîor Trudeau Cheese Serving Set The ternpered glass surface is the perfect place to, cul, d/splay and serve ail your favourite cheeses. Thc cbccsc board cornes witb three disbwashcr safc kn/ves. $49.99 Festive Bloomis You can neyer go wrong w/îb flowers. if poss/ble, send flowers beforc the party This w/Il give your host t/me to arrange and dis- play tbem. If you choose to br/ng the flowcrs w/îb you, make sure you arrive w/th the flow- crs alrecady arranged /n a s/mple vase. Flowers by Sears arc ava/lablc online at www.sears.ca. Ail items are available through Sears retail stores, online at www.sears.ca and through the 2009 W/sh Book catalogue. www newscanadja.coni 1

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