Annual reality check for your rnoirtgage Mos o u tndtoîhnkorg cgAge st e cer, ad ten o o actae pl n tecîî due again. ou 'might ri your. ...c... ery't Mth fncs. ten yoti four rîtgage sstsi sethe chir thnot eacltely Infcits ? a o gret la INci î,s an annual î'nurtgage review to sec if ils rcsIly xx crk- iîig for yuu - cspecially in the cuntext olth îhc 'et oil sour financial picture. Afer ail, a lot cati iiusîiîii ti a ( 'ai 'ic' u d ii' îig itt MIî 10,10c C 'il when we tend tcî be jciggliîg miatis c eîîîîîîîîîîîîeîî ili oi.r btus\' lix es! Tiik ol ail the l'iiiaic ai coîîîîîîîîî nienîs sve carry cltring these yeusrs' earc ol oti- c iii- cîrei. tuiticît tir scilcîcl exlensc., ttc osi iitic (ai s vacattis, hontîîe renticstons, trax ci... ltt' lisi c'c'iîs lu go on and on. Chances are that somnetbing iin vour finaîîcial life lias ehanged sinice y'ou tocîk out yotii mortgage. Life clocsn't stand stili, al-ter aIl. The mnortgage planners at N'ortgage Arcicecîs - an elite lirni (il Carsacian niorîgage brokers b ave iclentifieci a list cf the miosi comicîn reasons xxhx' a miorigage nia\, need somte acijustiîsent: e You're consideriiig a inociv Ic a nexx hcome iin the nexi s ear or tsx o, - YOL xIde if x' tiican iap- intci some cOf 'oo1r eqti ty fcsr a spcial renuxvalion pro/ect to tipgracie vciur - Youie xxoumncriiig il- sýocstan aliOrcl a xvacaticon prcprity, - 'tOcI're c îsîssîcîi iig ilt' beueists il- i îs'c'sî nîtIlt plilc'rix eîxx nersbiiî. - YOLIîc' a bit cucc i iabout s largccie uc booii ing liu 111 xx\ut k, a iit'Sx c r aiaiu tsitcs. big' x aud licol or a icx x chic c'. tir c'\amlt'.le Yo'utc ilaiiig il lc le or iî's sllcx t, coï asliii svîuxxclo(Ii o \()il- i clii icili i andc x ct x"C lic'arc l ici-c's a5 way to convert yotîr non-deductible mortgage debt into deductible invesîrnent boans cssing a re- acîvanceable mortgage. You're interesteci in eollect- ing annual tax refonds, pa\'ing off vour mnortgage l'aster, and baving an invesient portfolio for the [Lit i cie. Il an\! of- ibese socinc failiar- ici y'oc- andl il x ou havec fielcd x'ur ii'ortgage loi a vear or more -then il's xxîibblel c'ontact a cîualisc'c ii rtgage plan- nier tu gixe y\oti- î'ioitgige a reality check. At Moi cgage .\rchitccts, the c'onsplany\'s nîurtgage plannc'rs proîxicle ibis serv ice lrc of charge and xvitb nu obligatuin. I bey tailor mlortgage to tbeir client's ccirient niecs anci bing-tern lgoals, witb an oxeraîl locucs on muorcgagc' planning. Vlcrtgage plan- tiers bel iec tbiat a iîîoi gage i, Ilutjcstasn itranîsaction donc ii isolatisi il ocîr goals anti o\er- ai fiîanciai siiciatiOn, but dia a mlorltc cati accu0liiiisi S0 Oiticl bmiore xx ieuI piopc'î i\ su tc ttîîecin lmliieiacisit ii xc il i ic iai planO. \isiggcîiioi". looks/ il ilic 1>151enut a lI[OiI lu rw sti xx Cali Il. pi ttcc t u 1 st i l 1 si a i1 lia555c ai iîixx \ lt lî anid saxc tlotisiocis o lîs la 1 I batl \\xxl\ aul atîttui aimsa c\ cx cxx slpasit ol tieit oS ci ,sii cxcc usliagi ts tsi, iii 5 ilc5 51 s jolin (a hci iiiîeacii lix l /n ie 90ý5-878- 72i it (? bx tîliîîîh r jusi n a i Iýl 'il(d'o s s ilJi it e ussu (nu sx islî si airýl%1 1% slti /)1 us/usi0t \iIý Ili \n oil ss/ ,Il sc l1 (0 5//5 j ll t lîlsi s Create unique and Tired of shopping? memorable table favours W' eyu (NC)-W1k ;Làcaton bcn reate a place setiiing caid foi cach(i persona[ shopper.. raised by decor gurus Martha Stewart y oui guesis tisalil oui l\ unix oCuds tieir and Debbie Travis, decorating the fami- iaonu siebog'sibl îe ... for tree l iy table at Christmas bas become an art about cach persuis. form. Even the most seasoned host or Ille Make it incaoiiiîg'ii. Ratbier tban If you're mortgage shopping for hostess can be overwbelmed trying t0 àà spend a lew dollars un a table faxour a renewal, new home, cottage or create a unique and memorable place * i at migbt end tp in tbe garbage ut for- investment property we can heip. setting. But the best clecorators know or gotten by the encd of' dinniet, conisider We have an outst.anding range of wbat makes a settîng memnorable - ' providing a small donation in ihe naine morgages from overSO banks and sometbing [rom the beart. Here are of your guesîs. Crganizaiions like ienders. some tirs lu set a table thai will leave Christian Cbîldren's Fond of Canada We'ii be your personal Mrgg your guests talking: 0(CCFC), an internastional cbildreni's shpe fnngyuM Get personal. Ratber tban iaking a cbarîty, offers dozens of' affordable gift mortgageforyotr neMscs one size fits al approacb, tbsnk about eacb guest indi- donations - lîke providing an emergency food basket vidually Tbink about what tbey love and wbat makes for families-în-nced or scbool supplies to cbjîdren ibatCa t tbem special. Use that knowlcdge to create a place set- you could offer your guests.C l o a ting unique to tbem. You can vsew tbe gift catalogue onlinec ai wxxw.ccl 7~" Say more with a bomemade setting. Have your kids Electronte or prînt gi[t cards arc available.M m a , 1 AS AND APPLED GREAT OPPOR1IN[Y SOL DU. 3 Bdr Bungalow and 5000SqFI Shop on H.sge df i ot 185X199 Fi ai Trafalgar and Tests Sdrd. PR 0W Possible Commercial Use, $5999000. 0F SICNGCali Mila ait 905-617-1277. 01n.uL osbCo< Lr1o m i ý whch5 cLdi e oes ' r more dei'sss or t5)5c ut,. Md CoýFnq In MWI..t-d Onl*,. FS lx O.1 d A Be~ Homes VUt on the net... 'î . si5 PLUSE~ ~~ -AL USFO .½ALS