vwww.meadowtowne.com > z Hem' tmoplnçp thit your holiday, Leaves yoS laughlng ai the. way And for your visits ai yar through, W. send our thanks to ai of yi --PR -Mattamy' Springdale e model (1357 silt. is B ~ Energy Star certified. SOpen concept Iayout witb walk-out to the patio. iust steps to the park. Move in and enjloy! $299,900 NMattamys Ashfield model '(1051 sqft.) is the perfect starter home. Energy Star certified and located across film the park. Parking for 2 cars in the driveway. $279,900 Sundials Magnolia 5 bedroomî moie situated on an oveize lot. Double car garage Fronts) onto park. Gorgeous Brazilian hardwood on the main floor. Open concept lotchen bas centre island and stunning cabinets.,ý Spaeçig5 piece ensuite. $629,,900 AW Gorgeous Greenpark home located i desirable Milton: rlsâ. StunningIlce boasts ,mported floos thick grtanite counter and much more. Sparkling master ensuite includes soaker tub & glass enclosed shower. $649,900 Gorgeous 4 bedroomi home situate on a corner' lot close to downtown Milton. Completely reno- vated from top to bottom. Beautiful yard has mature trees, hedge for privacy. $699,9O0 This 3 bedrone tuwnhuuse is the pertect starter hume. Located in a popular cumplex close te sckeols. shopping acd public transpurtation. Large cumbined living ruom/dinng room with laminute fluors acd a alk-u te the rear yard. Lots ut room te cook in the bright ea-mn kitchen that includes ail appliances. The apper level bas 3 gond sized bedruoms acd the main bath. Master han a double cleset. Partially finished basement with 3pc. bath. Den heuitate on this une. Cal Paf te set ap a personal appointment. $199,000. BWLD YOIJR MRM "OEl Great sîze and location te baud yuur dream cuuntry hume. Jaut meut ut Guelph Lite in the hamiet uf Mntfat, this aimant 4 acre building lut bas a nem drilied welli n place. Lncated acruss frem Tuscany Ridge estate subdivision. This pruperty is a newly created building lut -a rare tînd, un den't miss eut un ibis uppurtunity. Cl Paoirtfurther detais, $319,900. BUSINESS 18 RELOCATINS COW.WIGAL/RTA SPACE Rare opportsnity te purchase cemmercial/retail space en the domutomu coe. Great location mith hîgh visibility and traftic. Building ls 2400 square fee on the main level. Zoning lendu itselt te a midu variety et uses. Cl Patteor further details and te schedule an ap pointment te viem. Listai at $699,900 Iii Il-j,,TH I~I: I TOP fa Nadtiona//y agai» in 2009 THE BRAZEAU TEAM WWW. BRAZEAuTEAM .COM 905-878-8101 JBB.çh Brazsau, Sioila Braseau JBdiO Near Kim Ceuder Ili BA* Sales Rep BUILDING LOT IN Excellent location with quick occess ta Carlisle, Woterdlown, 0 Y Cambridge & Guelph.** 1 1/2 STOREY 3 bedroom updofeahom on 12 I Ocre lot Modern Go ley kitohen. Sepae ving/dinngoom. Main floo Sunroom, an oaundry. Go k o deck admatuelot Sepoote 2 coi garage with studio loht Amozing Bookvelocation Mnuteso4l . BUILDING LOT FOR SALE IN FREELTON Excellent location with quick access ta Carlisle, Waterdown, Cambridge &Guelph.~ .88 ACRE MILTON HEIGHTS NesteO between Kelso & Country Herioge Pork UOOaed Country home ih town oaer 2 stoey 4 bdrmc with moin ol"miy'oom oage 'County' kt h w/. o. deck xool& oabono iII 10+ ACRES -GA1ID COUNTRY ESTAlE Spraw ng rach bungo wa bosemect cndxx sotoer poox/Spa w th attoched pat oorf 7 bed- nooms. Gourmect ki w/ oo theort oppoinces 2 pxnds, sock wih our Numerous outbldgs incudingeo workshxp. heoted 185' x8goa (iden for motohome) Sophs coed 1.01 ACRE INFILL LOT ON EXECUTIVE STREET IN FREELTON Buîld your Dream Home. CEN11JRY HOME Stone 5-bdrm w/al the char mý of yesteryeari Wood tIoos, hîgh ceiings, lrg principal rmc,> 3 fîrepl, Bank barn, d/shed dbl det garage, tennis court. Creek, woods, meadows. Incomparable!',S2,60'0 i s For turther intormation and photos oh these properties please isit BrazeauTeam.com BLs RiPBSB1IflV ..Mme 0 z El (- O- (D r, (D 1