Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2009, p. 3

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Construction of schools delayed: Catholic board By Timn Foran ting more money back in, said Stacey METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP of the HCDSBs financial services divis A number of new school openings and old school closures included in the Halton Catholic school boards capital plans are on the backburner. Board staff have confirmed there will be delays in constructing the new elementary schools in west Milton and northwest and northeast Oakville that were originally pro- jected, to open by the next school year. The opening of a new high school in Milton and a new replacement school for Holy Cross in Georgetown, both projected to open ini 2011-12, have also been pushed back. The Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) submitted ail five projects to the Province's Ministry of Education for 'Growth Schools' funding in 2008. However, the Province has exhausted that funding enve- lope and hasn't announced if it will bc put- Zucker ion. "(The board) already has a number of projects in the pipeline," Ministry of Education spokesperson Patricia MacNeil said, explaining why the HCDSBs future projects were rejected. She said the board, which has growing enroîlment, also has access to capital funding flot available to others through the ministrys New Pupil Places funding grants. The board had earlier received such Growth Schools; funding from the Province to help pay for three schools that recently opened - Our L-ady of Fatima and the new St. Peter elementary schools in Milton and Corpus Christi Secondary School in Burlington. Its also using such funding to help pay for two Oakville high school proj- ects under construction. The 210-pupil place addition to St. Ignatius Loyola and a replace- ment school for St. Thomas Aquinas arc both esee NEW on page Al15 Torch bearer knocked dlown in Guelph A Milton woman carrying the Olympic torch in Guelph yesterday morning was knocked down by a protester. Police say it happened as the 28-year-old woman was carrying the flame and was approached by a group of protesters just before 8 arn. She was treated by Olympic GORRUDS Torch Relay medical staff at the scene. The flame wasn't extinguished during the incident, whîch happened as about 1,000 people had gathered to, watch the torch relay. A Kitchener woman, 19, has been charged with assault and ,vill appear in court in February. Tl i lx a IR L - v - - - - -- -M VOU aME YOME VBIOE FOM TME -VI MAINYBVANCE POA5AE9 WE MUL: 1. R 11, c laEna.su e àFRo S. Ra IIsUSWIudrnUID 2. R.mssW! 1uu. U.AkFU 10. cm*.&M Uvle ia mm ShTNaha & L*Id Look Loiahu il. bsknom catMfI & ~~cm ak~cs.,klIUo gim *o 4.~ urnes Wuqw M. I ' 0 iU U pE idW -IIl t bomm.sdamage orleioeg. th j M.iaflShbdq ms .1&. lm Pm.wwleson a PtoudUs I km m or duIIU Exadurgefor <havs. Coupon flot volid w1h any othar offer. Must present coupon at fime of porchosa. bimit one coupon per person. Coupon dues flot apply to pulor puchaoeo. Restrucbons moy opply, Void where puohbuted, ---------------------- - - - - -- -- -- -M------- SERVICE CENTRE OPEN MONDAY TO FRODAY BAM - 5:3O3PM. BATUROAY OAMV NOONI & bbý6,TUEBOAY EXTENDIE1 HOURS OPEN UNTIL. SPM. M G0RRL 327 Bronte Street S,White Oaks Plaza 905-875-0303tf @ Prises ln efetWodnssda Dhcombor 30 ta Tuosduy, January 5 . HOLIDAY HOJRS: Muin Stro.t Mony-ThursdaV1 8:3L0 am-7p tarm, - Frday8:30 amr-8 p Sunday 9 arn- 5 pm at lA,Àwq1 I r I I [400'4\Dý41 0 STEELES 41 El p-888.854-03691

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