E ST Hi Sta - ha Z Wl Sin. Z ha 2 W' 2 C *ai Es~ :ze c vi' Obituary STOVER, Edward (Ted) Graydon l'E PI(~ cat cs with great sadness that we an- n e w s.ca nounice the passingo0f Ted Stover a - --- ----the age of 81, on Scturdcy, December _________________________ 26, 2009 at Ailendale with his tcmily by his side. Beloved husband, father i-M-emoriam and gracndfcther. Ted is pre-dececaed OKES Graydon and Margaret Stover. Ted is OKEScadi y missed by wife Donna Stover Grandma, tas me again. 1 haven't baen able fTufford), chitdren Julie Stever, Paul stop thinking about you thîs year. This year and his wite Elcine Stover, Lisa s been so different withoat you. i wish you Coulson and Randy Couison, grand- tra heire ta do cnd sae the staff that's been children Jim cnd Dave Shepherd, îing an. i know you'd be proad. Christmas is Craig and Scott Stover, Rachel and a few days, and it'a gaing ta be different Laura Couicon, sister June McHugh, thoat yoa this yaar, l'm going te misa your brother Brian and his wife Pet Stover, nule and happinasa on C hristmas day. You brother-in-icw John and his wite tva ns dec how mach t miss the greateat Margaret Wiiimott. We share our los randma aver, and i wish yaa wara stili haie with Tadas extended fcmiiy; Donna's ith me and averyone. Wa miss yos. Merry chiidren: Dave and Kcthy Worth, Jim hriatmas Grandma, i will caver forgat yoa, Worth, Joanne and Rob Weratroh, id don't farget yoa wiii slwas hase a spatial grcndchiidren: Mitchell ccd Sheridan, pot in My haart, I miss yaa. Alexandra, Derek, Christie and LovealwysEriaStkesShcnnon as weti as mcny frienda LovealwysErik Stkeswithin the community. Ted wcc born cnd rciaed in Milton and continued ta Merry Christmas recide in the cra for the majority of Love; Phil, Paula, Erika and Dylan hic lite. Ha wcc c young carpanter building numerous houces in the crea In Loin M mory of aid Milton. Employed as c technîi- I oig ceoy ian with Bell Canada for over 30 ELVA & GARINIE HOWDEN yecrs, ha onas an active community hem cm lvad hrîamas, member beienging te the St. Clair Ma- amambarîcg c o oe Crsms onic Ledge and St. Paul's United a woald lîka ta calabrata thaîr mamory hy Church and doncted hic ime te c otacding ta thair & car friands and fainily, number et local chcritiec. Fcmniiy and a happiast cf iches for Christmas and the friands are invited te visit cf tire oming yaars. McKERSIE KOCHER FUNERAL L ove. HOME 114 Main Si. Milton 905 878- Randy Ko vin, Doris, 4452 tram 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on James, Olivia and Graham Tuecdcy, December 29, 2009. The funeral service will be conducted cf St. Paut's United Church 123 Mcin St. Milton on Wednecdcy, December 30, 2009 cf 11:00 cm. In lieu et flowers, memorial donations te the Alzheimer ýýý.n ws.cSociety would be cpprecicted by the fcmily. Lattera et condolance mcy be leh fer the family cf birthswww.mckercia-kocher.cc & obifueries If you were a speciai someone bomn in 2009 (or Dec. '08) and your birth announicement appeared in The Canadiaa Champion... THEN GET YOUR PARENTS OR GRANDPARENTS TO DROP OFF OR EMAIL AN UPDATED PICTURE BY JANUARY 15, 2009 FOR OUR4 r)e r) -, hddPlease inuechid's namne, birthday & contact number. Publishing January 29Mh, 2010 ZJjw (Eaabiau--i C&bampioîî 555 Industrial Drive e 905-878-2341 cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com *2(1119 Special Baby Edition is free te, those who published their birth announcement in The Canadian Champion claaaifieds between Dec. 2008 and Dec. 2009l. DONT DESPAIR! Ail others can proceed with a $49. + GST charge. Wheels.ca has tans of thousands of active listings and WUt you search and compare multiple vehicles at once. So finding thle rlght car is easy. And fast. The Hidden Cost of Tickets and Accidents Your Driving Record Impacts Your Car Insurance Rate just How Costly Are Tickete And Accidente? Anyone miro iras been in a car accident or received a speedîng ticket keomo the eperience cani be cosiip. Beimeen papîrg fices, i esuracce deduciibies, and oiirer oui oi-pocket ecpecses, mosi people uridersiand ihey are likeiy to ire oui hurdreds or tirousands oi dollars wiren aul is saîd and Ooce. Wirai mary people DONT know is tirai ibere is usualip acoiber b.idden" cosi icis eust around t ne corner. it cornes in ihe iorm of higber ensurance raies and c ari usuaiip ire lound cn tbe recewai letter pou neceioe en tire mail trom pour i nsuracce companp. This is because insuruoce comparlies look ai pour drîoîeg record and ensurarce irisiorp, ieciudicg aop t ickets or accidents pouve irad, as a kep factor rn seiiing tireir raies. 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