Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2009, p. 19

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To Plc An Ad ai 905-88-34 e Emil -lssfe@hatoeàr e Fa 905632816 classif lods AD SUB3MISSION: By mail or iv persan at Burliigton Post, 5040 Mainma Unit 01, Buniiegn ON L7L 7G5. DEADUNES. Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesdap publication, Wednesdlap 5 p.m. for Peidap publication. Speciat Peature deadlines map nary. PAYMEMlr 00e mutl accept cash, cheque, lnteeac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accouons map be opened mdkt ae approoed credit application anaitabie froon voue Sains Consultant. CHECK( VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS vo ensure its accuracp. The Caeadian Champion mili not be responsible for anp errons appeanin after the fieet dap of pubication. If an error appeaes in pour ad, contact pour Sales Consultant witkin 24 houes of publication -Pidap puhlicationerors must ho repcated before 5:30 p.m. STUHHING HOME in Mii- ton, 4-bedroom, dowvsize and don't compromise pour liar living. WW.Pror)ertyguys.com i O 6262297 SAVIE UP 10 $400 on your car Insu rance. Cieun driv- nei record? Cail Grey Pow- o r to day ait 1.877-603-5050 ton no-oh- liîatîoo quote. Additîonui discounts auaiahie MILTON- LARGE 2 bed- roomn apartment auaiabie January lot. Caii Jan 416-723-4801. WANTED TO rent Town- house or Detached ome, Milton. Feb.15 or souper 3-ehedroomo, 2c battis, 2 car parking lside-by-sîdel. Up 10 S 1500/ mn. 905-875-1905 1 rileSl TREADMILL. ELECTRIC, tells lime, seed, distance, calories, heartrate, incline. $295. Aiso 14k White Goid Diamood Rinig, eliptîcai tramner, exercîse bîke. 905-614-1415 * *A BEST CaShS Pa i Coins. Jeweiiery, GMtd Sitoor, Diainds, China, Crystat,. Si vtur Pigurines, Royal Pui- ton, Swarouski. Ait A",tnta fueuisliings. Art, Aire i rimos Tloir iasir 905-331-247 7 www.tjtraders.com 1 Cars 1994 MAZDA MX6 Mys- teIe 5 speed, new tires, ciutch, eohaust, onuý cared ion, original none. Great winten car. $750 as is Caii 905-630-3821 1997 FORD Probe GT wrth entra set ni nîmo and tires5, $2.,000 obo. Caii 5190853-4061. 2007 TOYOTA 4 Ronfler Siluer with gray iterior, rosi. a OL V6, 57,000 Mr r', sdIs I. rerified arad elr $21,900 Caul 9058645 3364 inave message, CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 amn. - 5:30 p.m. For Circulation inquiries, please cail 905-878-5947 I Zýj Wrk.rf/ YOUR BUT SOlJALR à.'L oCML JO" NJORTH WEST C OM P ANY The North West Company s5 o leoding retodler nf fond and everpdoy prnducts and services ba rural cnmmnîheo and urhon neiglhourhnnds in Cunada, Alaska, the South Pocfic enîd the Curîbbvn. jInventoryl IssocitesI Fatpaced Senvironment Please appty toa Iburlingtontobs@ L vsinti comn ww .tit em e hltoad THE Jg, -p y rgrge ae Inupyir anen, bs mreyS yawr cd have you do t a n i nl oe Prî ý C 1g 8cun ail ab7or ad ob 9057023795ot. Adiioa dris orcount v id a vle y $$$ AAA WANTED $$$ WE puy TOP $ fer eld GOLO and supver JEWELLERY. rings, chuins. dental; G01O & Silvor cnins, watctes, WE BUY G01O & SILVER tN ANY FORM'! Beying MettaIs. badges, swunds, any MtLtTARY items ANY Natio!! SelI tv estabttshed tocal deaIer. TOP $5 paid! EMADALS 760 Brant St. 117. Burtînqgton 905t-634-3848 [ Lesn a " esigI Retb j1 .jti DOWNTOWN Sae MILTON 1 CO u Miliside Towers BRIGHT ROM nde 82 Miliside Drive. tached home near Laurier Attractive quiet Piano. 5 appliances, A/C, wnTV, DV02 movie chan- building. Spacious n l nenefe D brighttclean P arking. S500/mo, No 1&2 bedroom unuts smoking. 905-699-9210. witt laundry tacitity and social room on site. Rag ular resident Arilsf Se evenits Open 7 days 1Atce Wsl & eveniflOS AIL NEW Beds! Plus/ pi- Cai 905-876-1249 otops, 10-15' thrck, nec 1www. realstarcai in plastic, Double $250., Orreen $275., King $500. 2 AND 3 bodrnomn apant- Vîsco Memory-ioam mat- menis auaiiabie in Gere- tess cr16 couer, Quenr ton ak toManSre $750., King $950. Cao De- and GO Transit. Siuercreek lvrue 0-3054 Tocens. 905-073-6080. wwc.reastar.ca CARPET i have sevena , 000 yards ni new Staîin ACTON 1-BEDROOM. Master & 100% nylon car- $040/month utitres rnciud- pet. Witt do lrvîngrnnmn & nd, 200 Churchrill Rnad, hall for $389. Inciudes car- South. Cali 519-8530087. pet, pad & installation (30 y a rdosl S teune ACTION APARTMENTS. 905-633-8192 t, 2 and 3 bedrnomn apart __________ ments auariable. Cieun, quiet building wîth utlirtres FIRST CHOICE Briliards rnciuded. 40 Maria Street, seling nec and used pool 519)-853-4374. ecc.real- lubies, cues, dants and ac- starca cessonres, fonobali and gamernnm furnviture. 925 CAMPBELLVILLE- BEAU- Main Street East, Unit 2&3, TIFUL sunny 2 bedronm Millon. 905-636-1120. aparîment, second flion, Sînue and frîde irnciuded. Con centrai air and gasfun- HO T TUB (Spa) Covers noce. No smoking, no pets beot prîce, 6est quaiitp. Ail preennd yarîbîeeno shupes & coluns. Coul $1000/mn. Caii 905-691- 1 566 585 0056.c 1708.ccthceryc GEORGETOWN 1-BED- HOT TUB/ Spa-Brand nec ROOM aparîmnent in quiet 2009 modei c/ail options, building. Auaiahie Jarnuany and caven. Stîli nr crapper. lot. $7 75/month, acrnss CosI $8995., Sacrifice irom SaperStore. No $4750. Cali905-971t1777 pet/smoking, reforences pi1e a se. Cou1 416 88-5720. PEG PEREGO Pirette dou- hie stroiler ton saie in ex- GEORGETOWH DOWH- cellent condition cas rareiy TOWN. t and 2-bedroom used. The sIrotler han tuliy aparîments anaiahie. Nec- reclrnrng 4 position hack- y renooated. Parking, taur-nesîs & 2 positon footrest, d& heat inciuded. has worm boots, acliustable $9 O/month. Cai Jenifer, houAs with uép-opel ventila- 905-873-0Y436 or tout lion, The prîce is 647-894-1831. $350 416-919-7313 41 urgeA NORTHERN RETAIL OPPORT - Store Manager -Managers & S for GroCery, ProduCe & Fast Food Managers, Meut Cutters & Meut - PharmaCisto, PharmaCy TeChnîc LoCum PharmaCioto Regular FuI SUPPORT & BENEFITS INCLU " Almoot Cool Free Living ... ASK 1 " Paid Vacation Travel " Corporate Benetits Plans " Bonus and Profit Sharing Oppot " Abilîty ta Bank What You Earn * RetoCation Assistance Appty now ut: www.northwest.ca/career! Caer~ndlent PARTICIPATION HOUSE & NUCLEUS Now Hiring for a Seniors "Recharge" Respite Program -MISSISSAUIGA 1 HrALTON 1 FuiliTime Supevisor Requirements: Supervisory experience in a related field, flexible shifts, travel required. Part Time Respite Attendants Requirements: Experience assîsting indîvîduals with personal support. Part lime Respite Workers Requirements: Experience working with seniors Or a willingness ta learn. We offer competitive compensation & benetits; paid Orientation Program; Ongoing training opportunities; supportive work environment. How to Apply: QUOTE: NEW #255 (OB) 12 09 FAX: (905) 333-8711 or E-Mail: employment@participationhouse.hamilton.on.ca For more details please visit aur website at: www.participationhouse.hamilton.on.ca UNITIES upervîsors - Meut Relief :ians, & I Time DE JS HOW! rtunities s/canada Or fan your resumné tc, (204) 934-1696 QUESTIONS? Cati toIl-free (800) 782-0391, ont. 8862 *Northern 4Tnrmca GI ýu Min.3 yeuosEpl DZ Licence a Muos IAZLcence pefeedl Cali Mille @ 416-771-4213 FIT posItions available for Forklift Operators in Milton. Valid torkitt operator lîcenve iv required. WIMIS training iv preterred. Monday-Friday, day, atternoon & evenîng shits uvailable. Caîl Jett 905-693-2509 CaFull ,C ycle Jr. Bookkeeper Cmpbelvi le, ON based company seeks hands on individual who thrives in a smaîl office environment. Candidate must posses drive, ambition and the ability, willingnes to work in a fast-paced environment. Duties include ful cycle bookkeeping, inter-company transactions, multi currency, year end. Simpty Accounting and Accpac experience beneficial but flot neceasary. Salary commiserate with esperience and benefit plan will be otfered. Fax or email resumre, reterenices anlrd ,0 salary expectations by January 4,' 201ta 905-877-1394 or inlo@genervations.com I Y ths wanted ta deliver the MitnChampion IWednesidays and Fridays.I Ifyuare interested pease caii 90885947r frWedvesday MNAAT CPM for Fvday WDE AYAT CPM Pieuse cal 905-878-2341 v o 95632-44 fx905-876-2364 - USTERS.COM Lesse an almost new car for les.. Choose fr-om over 3,000 vehicles at LeaseBustema 1-888-357-2678 www. LeaseBusters. COM Huiti Cas U as ent a/ ol carniers Careers Careers careers SI)aciotis 1 or 2 bedrooni suites located in a serene neigtihotirlit)o(l Renovateil fitness rooin social ruoin & lohby Steps away troin beautit(il (10%gntown Miltoli Fasy access Io ilidior Iligliways GO Transit. shopping and mure * Suites based on availability

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