THIS SEASON, WE'RE MAKING IT EASY TO GET IN AND DRIVE THE BEST VEHICLE WE'VE EVER BUILT. .e..0 seece. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .e. ..00 0 00 009009 '8,0006OR IN PRICE ADJUSIMENTS PURCHASE DOWN DUE AT FINANCING PAYMENT DELIVERY up 10 60 MoNTfHS PLUS $0 i ST MONTI PAYMENTS Offers vary by modet. Not ai t combinations apply. See Gallinger Ford for details. JiAJR' iif5 Town Iooks to connect roadways Town council recently author- ized staff to enter into an casernent agreement with a private landowner so tbe municipality can join togeth- er two ends of a roadway that has been split intor separate cul-de-sacs with the same name for years. "This will finally allow us to open the road and make it safer to residents," said ares Councillor Paul >Scherer, referring to Andrews Trail locsîed esst of Thompson Rosd and immedistely south of the CN/GO e. railwsy tracks. Andrews Trait residents have complained the disconnected pieces of the road have caused confusion for emergency responders. Town Engineecring Services Dircîor l'aul ( iipps said ilic municipality is cur-rently waiting for the landowner to revîew and sign the casernent documents. Once the e Town receives theon (its not known ai this point whcn that may hap- pen), he said the roadway could be open in about a week. Designed to be a U-shaped road- way, Andrews Trait bas been in a state of limho since the twn straight- aways of the road were built as part of the Sbipp South subdivision in the middle vears of this decade. The municipshity planned for the prop- erty owner and developer nortb of Sbipp, Bevcrlv Huis Estates. 10 build the ctirvcd portion of the roadwav as ot builti Os townbouse subdivi- S sioni. Tbougb Bever> HI-bs completei the underground servicing and'road base construction, it neyer went ahead with its dcvcboprnent and asphait was neyer applied to the roadbase. s THE HOUSE 0F DAVID, MITON PM, Fromn Recession to Possession Welcome 2010 with przyer vese. MortonS 5.1.5 Aotioty Center 500 Ch10J Dl. MIROS eve M. 500m aL. GALLINGER < =ecm-d > LIN C 01 N Z;111111