Da>teatixâï E 0 Dateline is a free listing.for local charutable Sand non-profit community groups to lielp pro- inote their coming events. Wc guarantee One issue of publicity for ecdi event although mnore z !2 insertions arc possîie if s~CPac, emits. S Datelinc notices should bc c-înailcd to cdito- Srtal@miltoncanacdianchampion. om. The final Z lin i n Mondae for Wednesday's cdi- tinad5 p.m. Tuesday for Fridays edition. Dateline itemns wont be acceptcd by telephone. Wednesday Dec. 30 Milton District Hospital holds a une-on- onc breastfeeding clinic with a certi[îcd lac- iý.î tation consultant lrom nioon ta 4 p.rn. To make an appointment, call jilI llficks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Wednesday Dcc. 30 - Friday Jan. 1 The Singleton lamily's annual outdoor Christmas display - [eaturing ligbts and animated stor)' boxes - lighis up nightly [rom 5 to 10 p.i. at 8565 .Guelph Llle i Campbellville, with donations heing accept- ed for Hialton Women's Place shelier. Thursday Dec. 31 Residents arc invited ta gather around the historic bell ai Victoria Park in front aI Tawn Hall [or the annual New Years Evc bell ring- ing ai 11:45 pin. l01ollsed by rcl'reshmients ai t-lcgb Foster Hall. Milton District Hospital holds a anc-on- onc breastfeeding clinic with a certified lac- tation consultant frram 6 ta.9 p.m. To makc an appointiment, cali Jîll Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7610. Fniday Jan. 1 The inayor and council's New Ycars Day Levee is held ai Town Hall, 150 Mary St.. fromt 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. An induction ceremio ny for Miltons Walk of Panse is held at 2 ss. with seven prumîneni Miltonians being inducted: Bluc Man Group member and actur Matthew Batiks, world champion Scottisb bag pipe player GatI Bros,,i, Canada's singing prtest lather Mark Curtis, Amertcan Civil War battle[ield surgeon Dr. C larkson Frcrns.an pric.siorîal ariglcr bl) and international medical ductor and mis- sionary William Edgar Robertson. Manday Jan. 4 [he Milton Rotary Club ieets ai the Best WVestern Milton, 161 Chishalm Dr., in the meeting ruoni uipsiairs [rom 6:30 ta 8 p ns. Please arrise ai 6:15 p.ns. Cal! (905) 878- 4094. Milton District Hospital halds a une-un- une breastfeeding clinic with a certi[îed lac- tation consultant [romn noun ta 4 p.m. [o miake an appointient, calî jîlI Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, exi. 7610. The Milton Seniors' Activitv Centre, 500 C hilcîs Dr., holds billiards [rom 9 a.mn ta 9 p.in., Cyber Cafe [rom 1 ta 3 p.m., tap danc- ing [ront 2 ta 2.45 pin. and table tennis from 7 ta 9~ p.m hach activit>' costs $2 for mcmn bers and $4 for non-mnembers. Caîl (905) 875-1681. Tuesday Jan. 5 Calling New Parents, a lrce drap-in pro- gram [or parents and babies aged six munths and younger, meets ai the Ontario Early Years Centre, 410 Bronte St., [ram 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. Caîl (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. Milton District Hospital holds a une-an- une breastfeeding clinie with a certi[ied lac- tation consultant [rom 9:30 a.m. ta 2 p.n. To inake an appointment. calîjîlI Hicks ai (905) 878 2383ý c\i. 76]1. I he Mlilton Seioras .\ctisu ils entre, )00 Childs Dr., holds billiards lram 9 a.m. ta 9 pi.. Qi Gong drap-mn [roi 9:30 ta 10:30 a. m., Do-wnsizcrs Weigbt Loss Club [ronti 10 ta 1 1 a.m., Scrabble [ram 1 ta 3 p.m., crib- bage [rom 1 ta 3 p.m., binga [rom 1:30 ta 4 p.m. aîsd table tennis [rom 2:30 to 4 p.m. Each activ.itv cosis $2 [or members and $4 for non-members. Evening bid cuebre runs [rom 7:30 ta 10 p.m. ai a cosi of $2.50. Caîl (905) 875-1681. -0 - ý, ,, 1. , - ýI 2-iv a ý , . m 1