lmpaired rivingImc ddharges laid in three incidents -ing and driving charges stemmning romn sep- Sarate incidents. 9~Just before 8 p.m. Saturday, police pulled -over a vehicle on Ashbrook Court. A 46- Syear-old woman was charged with impaired Sdriving and'over 80.' 2 Monday at 6 arn., police responded to a à single-vehicle collision on Main Street in xfront of Bishop Reding Secondary Scbool z and charged a 21-year-oid man with Simpaired driving and failing to provide a ibreath sample. * And Tuesday at about 8 p.m. in Acton, Spolice conducting a RIDE spot check pulted over a vehicle after it. turned onto a side street. The driver, a 44-year-old Milton man, was arrested and charged with 'over 80.' Home broken into IExpensive electronics and jewelry werc stolen duning a break-in to a Nassagawcya ~home. Your local leader in Home Security - I ' 905-878-4634 unknown suspects lorcedi open the i car door of a Stokes Trait bouse. The thieves made off witb about $10,000 wortb of property Police are investigating. tdting vehictes stoien Continuing a trend, thieves have stoten two more vebictes lcft running unattended in driveways to warm up. Just before 6 p.m. December 16, a 2008 Toyota Camry idting outside a Hiowdcn Crescent home was stoten white its owner went inside for about four minutes. Its POIi'ceià.,> licence plate is BBMJ624. Insîde thebc shicle was a tapttip worth $ 1, 100. The next day, jusi afier 7 a.m., a 2009 four-door Honda Accord wortb $32,000 was stoten wbite teft running for a few minutes. Its ticence plate is AXM F329. Vehicte stolen A vehîcte was stoten by unknown sus- pects [rom a Trudeau Drive home twemnight Sunday Police saut the car is a white 2005 Snowmobile stolen from compound Hatton Regionat Potice are investigaîing a break-in to a tocai business. Sometime beiween midnîgbi andt 6 a.ni Decemnber 18, cnknown suspects eierect tht' gatcd comrpoundt of Truck tonnSr shop, 8201t Laxson Rdl., anti siole a snOss 1mo- bite parkect insitte. Icîrtherins cstigatilon 1)\ litcc Ls valu stO Sliîl lt id, l,lcs- d I 5 It tIm s! î(i I 'I tadîng in a hole cnt in ithe tenue ati itcal of the pýioperis-. Itis bheeclthe stoten s chice5-snst through the hk drorigbî îîI-\\s ,asndiitihcîî tcaded onto a itradter on tihe casi sidc(A EsqciesingLI lue -ice snovvmohite is a 2008 ianmîha \îîîn with icence plate ()83726. The vehîcte bas a black and -white cos ci- offliato etil \ i ii[ - tB a c1it 'I. /E %,,urtii aboUt ~IJUc Traiter stoten A ftatbed traiter \vas stotcn from a local coltisicon sbop. Unknown suspects made off wîtb a 16- foot traiter witb modified duat axte ramps sometime between December 8 and 18 from a Regionat Road 25 business. Machinery swiped Buitding equipment was stoten from a constnriction site overnigbt December 17. Potice saîd an unknown suspect entercd an unfînisbed buîtding at tbe nortbxcest cor- ner of Scott Boulevard and Derrx Road and stote a six-foot bucket for a ( aterpillar bob- cat. tts vwnrtb $2,000. Police are investigating. Waltet stolen from cart A vuman shopping ai \\alimari iad lber \ ,llct stulcn ti cc nil% \when sue icitlicr pin sc unaitendccl lu a cart. Police sai the incident occctrrecl 1 S. liE, I )cst\\ uilt P 11 t 111 t llc 51, t c // i '(,ii hi ii-nti i/',,;tîhîuu,ît/uit /canE toum 11cr ss altt c onlaînecl crccilî andl cehît o; u"t 1/1titi, o iii o ut/t; nutlt t utî/nu11i bc arcîs andl a v/ iteloi oi lt 1,/isll )/ IOuiîi/itv i ii iv i0 ..'I t011 Iiioitîv >1 t tiVI //t il01111. C unît- Stopy/;S 0/ 1/il/olî e/t'Ot f o/*1 subii,, lt ti/i a %hý//01. (oi/I/ -800- 2> i/Ps 87> o/,Iisit ii il iotO inut //i5ioMi Nehicte cntcred s ehîclc pa keci on 1Biacliock "Street îu l)ieenlssilc \\as broken imb lasi 55 eek. 'Soint/elnicc rnighî )ceuiiier I i. an uîikuts n tîpe tcieredth ie unlocke cIiib cie and stole a ceii phone anti an iPod nano. Dont l~oi eens ONE DAY SALE ONLY Çaturdky Decenhber uth