CD E tel* Bein the clear Don't slip up when it cornes to shovelling y our sidewalk iImagine an elderly woman slipping on your sidcwalk left covered in snow or ice, and breaking her hip. Imagine anyone being hurt - a disabled person, a par- ent pushing a stroller, or a young Champion carrier- because you shîrked your responsibility. jEnsuring your sidewalk is promptly cleared of snow and ice is flot only the night thing to do, ifs the law. jDid you know, with accumulation of 5 cm or more of snow, the Town of Milton will plow designated sidewalks and pathways associated with schools, transit routes and Smajor pedestrian travel? But the rcst is up te residents and businesses te look after. For the Town to do it ail would just be too costly. According to a Town bylaw, the property owner or occu- pant must remove snow and ice from their sidewalk with- in 24 hours of any faîl of snow, ramn or hail. If's also up to the owner or occupant to saIt or sand their sidewalk if it should become slippery at any time, and for any reason, in order to make it safe for pedestrians. The only exception to the bylaw is for a physically- handicapped person. So what if you're able-bodied and fail te clear y our side- walk within 24 heurs after a storm? Responding te a coin- plaint, a Town staff member will pay you a visit and ask yeu to do it. And dont think none of yeur ncighbours will tell on you. The Town of Milton apparently receives numereus cem- plaints about impassable sidewalks. Now, if you're a re-offender, the Town will clear the snow itself and bill you. Finally, the Town could take habituai offenders te court. For more information on sidewalk snow ciearing or te complain about sidewalks that havent been clcared, cal the Town's clerk's department at (905) 878-7252. MAKING TRACKS: Paddy Finneqan 1onkS Out on a pictoresqJe vie'w of the (3reek island of Santorini on his hoîieyrn)oon wvith wvife Km Finnegan déaking photo) Tdke yoor community newspaper on your next vacation and send your 'Champion Tracks' photos to Be sure to include destination information and everyone's names. Readers Write E-mail letters toedtonal@rmlis .>na h in ,iinj ln.coen k tc sv ich ayiho eit- Wd mustt mclude thte wnter's rrimeadcli ( mphone îîu1 bei Acts senseless and disappointing DEAR EDITOR: I have te ask,, what was itlteoveu? Yeu breke mv car wîndew, and fer what? 'tome pocket changc and kids toys? That's ah Yeou feund. What -,,as that te us? A menth ef greceries. What was it te veu te cestrev seme candy cane decerations on our front lawn? What was it te us? T he disap- pomnment of eur ight and five-vecar- oîds, who'd takcn the tinie and effort te put themn up. What was it te yeu? Yeu smiashcd the emnaments on eur lawxn. \\ at was it te us? [he final strawv - the rcaliza- tien that veu think se utile about the feelings et a laily ai Christmas,. er ai any ether tîme ef 'car. Our two children are now cynical and wondering what the point is il if', ust going te be taken awav. How incr-cdibly sad that there are people in our texvnýi that care se littlc fer tlheir neigbbeurs. LAELAR GUNDLACK MILTON zbe aîmbîan apion Milton's Communily Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industrial Dr Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Debbi Kopp)ejan Editor in Chief JiII Davis Managing Editor Karen Micel: Production Manager T:m Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metrotand Media Group Ltd. Adventîsing is acictnd ioiithe condition tiai n the eoint ofa typogîaphicai erroi liai portionofinhe advenuis iog space ocupied îý ihce econeous lem, îcgnther witii a reasonabie aiiowance for signatureaii noi be chatged for, but the balaince noflthe aderisemnen wii be paît for at the aplicable rte The publîsher reserves lier ighl to categorize adueniseneents or decine CCAB Audited OC a onlaîîo Community CM Newspapers Association C C A Canadan Concmunrly Newspapers Association M1" Suburbain Newspapeîs nn i ofAmeîîca Aroundtown A crystal clear view of how drinking and driving don't mix My legs were shaking as I îook a few Id hate to see what littie co-ordination I'd One 14-year-old boy who tried the gog- clurnsy steps. My balance was off and the have over the legal limit. And yet people gfles commented, "If ifs lîke that, there's no ground seemed like it was curving. For a drive in that condition far too chance l'Il ever drink and drive. moment I thought I was going down. olten. Walkings hard, driving would Nope. I hadn't imbibed in too much pre- Many of the students trying the be impossible." Christmnas eggnog. goggles were likewise surprssed by We can only hope that I was at a recent RIDE (Reduce Impaired how they could feel so impaired resolve remnains a few years Driving Everywhere) 101 program at Bishop while under the legal lîmit (that is, down the road when he's leaving Reding Secondary Schooî and was trying - under the legal limit for a'G a party with fricnds. not very well, evidently - to walk in a licence; students with a Gi or G2 These students, many of straîght line wearing goggles that simulate must have a zero blood alcohol them in Grade 9 and looking the effects of being impaired. level). forward te getting their licence The funny thing is, those goggles mim- And many were unaware that in a couple of years, learned that icked what it was ike being just under - even though they couldn't be 1 any amov.nt of alcohol, when thates right, under - the legal driving limit, charged with 'over 8' driving in that condi- mixed with a vehicle, can be disastrous. the equivalent of about two beers, an officer tion (with a G licence), they could be With New Year's Eve approaching, I can told me. charged with impaired driving. only hope adults in town are equally aware. Halton Heathcare lA/LCONE jngle Bell Fond UNITED WAY OF MILTON 5.," SYYMÇA qdLSl wardn 6OîiiSrî GALA A.ards The Mlton t'aiadiai Champono s a RO odabin 55,1 c MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE