Town budget "includes $32 millilon for roadworlk By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF While Milton's rapid growtb continues 10 cause traffic snarls and gridlock, nexi year's planned road construction projects should bring at least a bit of relief for frustrated local motorists. Mure than $32 million bas been ear- marked for roadwork in the 2010 Town budget, which was approved by Milton council last week. Topping the list is the road underpass ai the railway tracks on Main Street, casi of Ontario Street, with $7.9 million set aside to gel the baIl rolling on the much-needed grade separation. Town Engineering Services Director Paul Cripps said the bulk of next ycar's work will focus on cleaning up and removing contam- inated materials rom the former Pigment Chemical Company site, adjacent to the Milton CGO station on Main Siruui, to gulIlt ready for use in the underpass project. The steel girders needed for the rail cross- ing xil also be ordered nexi year. Constr uction of the underpass is expected to continue throughout 2011 and 2012. Some major road projects are also planncd for south Milton to help keep the traf[ic flow- ing out of the new development areas. More than $6 million xiii be speni nexi year on the design and reconstruction of Bronte Street from Louis St. Laurent Avenue 10 Derry Road, with completion slated for 2011. "Tbis road will be the backbone of the transportation system through that area," noted Cripps. Work xiii also get underway on a new section of Louis St. Laurent Avenue [rom Bronte Street to Regional Road 25 ai a cost of $5.9 million. Whiie the project wasnt scheduled to start until 2011, Ward 4 Counicillor Paul Scherer pushed to have the timeline advanced. He was supported hy the budget committee and council. With new home construction on the hori- zon around the Bronte/Louis St. Laurent intersection, Scherer said geîting the road built is absolutely critical. A project thats already well underway and scheduied for completion next year is the section of Louis St. Laurent Avenue between Regionai Road 25 and james Snow, Parkway A $7.5-miliion coniract was awarded hy council cariier this vear for the two-iane extension o off i.~'-iSI . ir uni [roi *itiu-, Dnv Ixuo lRugîoîîl Rojd 1. ic b 'soî k ,îl'o includes a bridge over the Sixteeni Mile Creek. "Cettîing ihat finished in 2010 is crucial," said Cripps. I w ill providu a niex linkage [rom the new dux'lopment area 10 Ilwy 25 and an alternativec route io lamnes SnIow ParkwNay" Over on Main Sitreet Wus.--4.4 mnillion bas been set aside to realign the streicb lrom Bronte Streeci b Tremnaine Road. -'liebu work xiii also include the construction of a round- about and a connector road romn the nexs, e see KINGSLEIGH on page A9 on ail our upright & grand acoustic pianos! Large selection of Quality New & Used Uprigh t and Grand Piano's Yamaha, Kawai, Young Chang, Samick, Hoba rt M. Cable and others! 2 m IMPORTANT 2 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALES THE ANNUAL ANTIQUE BOXING DAY SALE Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 10:00 arn Sharp TUE ANNUAL NEW YEARS DAY AUCTION SALE For Barb & Gord Rank(28th Year) Friday, January lst, 2010 at 10:00 arn Sharp BOTU SALES to be held in TUE AGRICULTURAL HALL, Robert Street, Milton Fairgrounds, Milton Ont Previewing & Registration Starts at 9:00 arn Terms are Cash or Che que with proper I.D. only For more complete listing Auci e - o Cling-' 0587-01 InStr or visit us at 470 Bronte Street South A*' email us at U ,Rd Retirement Living ini the Heart ofMilton at rIhe Marian Courtyard Independent iving * Non-denominational 137 Martin St., Milton Tel: 905-878-1951 Web Site: