Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Dec 2009, p. 10

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~vi~~' r p9~> tiirn0946Wp 200 Main Street December 24th at 7:00 prn Candlelight & Carol Service December 27th at 10:00 arn Famlly Worshîp Service Ail or@ WIcoeme www.MiltonBbleChurch.ca 905-876-3586 SALA INARM sunday worship: 4:OOpm sernîce at 170 Main St. E. (Knox Presbyterian Churchi dinner foiiowing the service- everyone weicomne! TO KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOIOT 01155 TO KNOW WHERE YOUVE COME FROM FamUIy BuIlder SChristian Church A famly-lntegrated churob Sunday Worahlp: 10:30 arn Nassagaweya Community Centre, 11264 Guelph LUno Cameron St, Mîlton. (Noe8tofi15 Sida RomI, 8Skme toHwy 401.) Tl 14890;469088 Rev. Abert Lee www.farllybulderchurc.h.cor I St. PauI's United Church December 27 - 1:3Oam Supervised Nursery during the Service Sunday School returos on January 3rd Coftee & Converstaion after the service Weekly Tuesday oftsite gatllering Café Deda lpm 123 K4AIN ST. E., MILTON - 905-878-8895 wwv.stpauismilton.org PRAISE CATHEDRAL Are you WORSHIP CENTRE searching for: *Truth? *Hope? *Peace? *Purpose? *Empowerment? *Transformation? Join us at il1:00 AM every Sunday At The Lions Club Hall, Milton Memnorial Arena Major Intersection. Thompson Road and Main Street District Pastor: Bishop Lennos Walker Lead Pastor: Nigel Ricketts Viil us at: www.prisecahedraL.ca Conact Nigal Rckalts @(905) 363-2576 for more details! NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SUNDAYS i.niir Everîrsa >rvin rn i Chddens'Ministries Available n oIE Services *Capioned for the Deaf/Hard uf Hearnn Held in brand nest Childrens & Yat iCentre y Christmas Fve Candleight 5:30 pim Christmas Day IMorning New Year's Eve70 r 24TOTPOiRoad South, Millton, N 19- ?M. Visit Us Onine www.NewLifeMlton.com 1oT AI aoh anRoqqe at90ý8783 May ths holy season renew your faith and deliver an abundance of blessings and glad tidings to you and your family. We thank you ail for bringing us so much joy this past year. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 a.rn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study There is one God, and one medialor between God and mnen, the man Christ Jesus -l1st Timothy 2.5 t T MILTON SEVENTH-DAY À090^ CHURCI- ln% ites pus lu nur %ncektv Sabbath sCfliucN dl Hugh Foster Halli 43 Brown St. Milon Sai. 9:30) a. m.-Sabbatti Schuu)l Sat.1 H) am.- Divine Service BIBLE SCHOOL sudhc 'nuici n i huppî nuli PO. Box 23012. 21 trunîîSi StainiMain . Mikin.Ont 'Iii 554 lri hn N IRNE> I iip n nu îp uonIlaj 1581T0R Mi lxIna691 1;4 7le, Fr more infnti,,nau i u crusun nud privrair. plaea dIJ St George's Anglican Church (AInglic an .\etivirk Il ininda) Rector Rev. Ray David Gienn 1evies yeu to wor li&with us this Sunday at ne Crswoe cenre i B lington at 1»5 North Servie Rd. BACK IN MILTON: Vîcekts e%îcoing sers tces un Sundavs. ai 6,30Tin. (,, Stîltun Bible Church Nurîi'rv anid (hildr et Si hrnl Prîîîided offîce@stgchurd.ca - www.stgeorgeulowviUle.org (905) 335-6222 ILCJACe anqjtican 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 www. gra ce chu rchnilIton. corn Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist _ + children's progra ms \St George's Anglican A nzlican Chuîrch of Canada /051 Guelph Line, Jusi Yýoh ü! Uenry Road We I»v/9/lleOI/0 WfSl/lb I/ s Christmas Eve Children's Service - 4:30 pm Candlelight Service 7:30 pm Christmas Day 9:3Oam - Quiet Reflective Service Sunday Dec. 27 - Morning Prayer 8:30 arn Please note that as of ian. 3, 2010 Sunday Service wl/I commence at 9: 15 arn T/fie 9 Ssa /g/e//s (g905)8g78- 11/2 www staeoraeslowvil/e.com - Knox Presbyterian KNOX "Unified by Christs love, we share Him with the worldO loin us Sundays: Christmas Eve Service Thursday, December 24 at 7pm "SINGING CHRISTMAS TREE" Blending traditlonal & contemporan/ styles C, Main HS.. ; M,' 1'Crn 1.-lar, Street CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9850 Bnitannîa Rd., Milton, On L9T 7E8, 905-875-2939 Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Watch for "Key to Kingdlom" Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV GRACEWAY 1BAPTIST CHURCHI 10 atnStreet ~k' 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak Sunday, December 27th, 2009 9:50 arn: Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn: "The Truth Behind Christmas" 5:00 pm: Family Christmas Evening "You'II always find a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org &?,ess in9 g5th e e~rison TO Advertise in the Church Directory please cail COLLEEN GORMAN at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 cgorman@mitoncanadianchampion.com 1 1 - - 1

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