OPIIO CD atFc0o ~~s4 ~~t ~ 'm~'- 45P~ ' x. ~ 4 ,Millions wasted, zagain and again Ahthougbh may be the season of giving, it appears our provincial Lberal governmnent bas optcd te aclopt ibis phi- losophy tbroughout the vear. The only preblem is'it-s tsinig laxpavers' moine for is 'philanthropy Again. in his annual report released at the stars t ol ast sncek, SAuditor General jim McCarter revealed that, despite receni Sexpense scandais at eHealtb and the Ontario I.etierv and Gaming Corp.. the Liberal govcrnment is wasiing millions et Shard-carned tax dollars. Agaîni Ameng bis findings: * More than $1 .2 billion bas been o\verpaid t pole ~oni disabilit\s support anui welfare Gu-iis ru îîsîîîîal effvrrt i, ia toec ge i oule>back îfa.lodwt (i rgh n Ie, lg ýcia 10 a Pic vent overpayments in tbe firsi place. *Tbe Ministry of Healîb is pav'ing exces-sive1> -hgh pria. es for devices like scooters and borne oxygen ss\,emns. * About $500 million in Provincial teces frein alcoliel, gaming andl registration services eeuld bc in jeopardy because tbev amount te a tax nios yet establislied by legislaî- tion. e Despise a dlaim in tbe spring budget tbai $45 millioni in savings bad been redirected te bospitals. unîversisies and colleges tbanks te a bulk purcbasing program called OntarioBuys, in [act only $337000 in savîngs were redîstrib- uted. Adding insult se injuryr: tbe program cost $148 million te establisb. Along witb wastinig taxpayers' nex;cy Mc( arter leund tbe Province is playing fast and loose xvih the publics sacfeî as tbousands of Ontario bridges ba-n cul Ibeen aderjuIatela' inspected. Some bridges spanning Hwv. 401 baveniit heen cbecked in tbree years. McCarter urged governmens stalfers to -spend tbe sax- payers' money like is is tbeir own.' We can't belp but wonder wby' tbis message needs reini forcing. Again. Community and Social Services Mînîster Madeleine Meilleur admitted tbe governmenî "bas a lot te do." We agree. Again. MAKING TRACKS: Aaron and Katie (nee Locke) Leppngtan lwith Evre arnd Olic ac, Pat and Don Locke, and Shaina (nee Locke) and Craig Hackerîarook visit oaterford Castle in Ireland during a famîly oeddinq vaoeîîoan Take your coiarn.ty newVspaPer on your next vacation and send your 'Champion Tracks' photos ta editorral@ryiItoncanadl- anchampion.com. Be sure ta include destination t'orniatrars and everyaîce's narnes. Readers Wrie_ Another wonderful Santa Claus parade DEAR EDITOR: O)ur fanily is eelebratting our 30tîb annivcrsarv in ibis great tiewn. and thus ove atiended our 30ib Miltiu Sranta (Cfaus Parade receil\v Once again tbe group (if selutteers wbo co-ordinatedt and puittis specia- dle iegeiber outdid tberniselves. It -sas a ,on derlul evcni 5and the oveiber couldn't have beeni better. I a t o al eof s'eu for belping mv famnilviniake mnteries. LORI CHAPMAN MILTON zbr canabian ( Dampiou Milton's Con munity Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industnial Dr, Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 weww.mjltoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager General Manager Editor in Chief Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Fnday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. AcoerhsnnI a ceptea on the cond ti n tnat. in the event cf a typcgrapnccai etrr that porton of tthe advenuis ng space nccupied try the errcnenas item, tegelner vitIr a recnbie alicavance for ]çnaiure, vii ic i be cnarged fot iebalance of theic dvelisernent avil be akd fer aithle anoiccatrie rate Th lirheron resenver the rght tn ate c I, er entsrrc r ecline CCAB Audited O fa Onlarro temmunmy Ncaenspapers Association Canadian Cemmenairy CC A ewsaprs ssciaiN Theviewfromhere Past year has justflown b>', but becn oh so mcmorable Its hard se believe that a year bas already passed since 1 became a motber. Recently my son tumned one, and l'm sure moss parents would agree that its a bitter- sweet milestone te celebrate. How did ime go se [ast? How could sbis little persen wbe 1 juss gave birth se already be sising tbere tearing the gift wrap off presents and eaing birshday cake? As 1 look back over the past year, I'm amazed as the life-changing journey thas my husband and 1 have been on. Suddenly our entire lives and schedules revolve around the tiniest person in the housebold. But Irve loved every minute of it. banging eus with friends, we watcb 'In Tbe Nigbs Garden' and attend nursery rbymne programs. Dinner conversation often turns te poopy diapers. and our evening entertainment censists of eur son cxplering the beuse and geting inte mis- cbie[. 1 neyer tbougbs Id bc se excited se watcb someone learn bow te rol ver, sit up, [ced bimself, clap, crawl and say Marna' and 'Dada:' Eacb of Since becormitg a inotber, Ive aise learned a lot about mysel[. 1 neyer knew 1 could fune- lit ........... ....... those moments is imprinted in my mind for- ever, and l'm se glad that I was there for ail of Now, instead of going to the movies or them. tien on sucb small amotînts of slcep, bold a 25-pounîl baby in my arms fer lbaif of tbe nigbs becatise lie dtdn't [ccl ovelI. or love semnebody se mnueb tbati il urts. Andi i dons îbhink 1 trulv knew what it meant te miulti-task until I tried te de tbings witb a baby' in tow. 1 learned how se do every- sbing [rom eaing entire meals wbîle nursing or bolding a new- born te applying make-up wbile singing for my sons entertainment. * see MOTHERHOOD on page A7 UNITED WAY OF MILTION MILTION SANTA CLAUS ad PARADE YYMCA rGAIA Awards 1 ) to ac oRecda Prc.lcrnj.. À 1 11%ýé