Mazda6 has a roomîei: second row THIS SEASON, WE'RE MAKING IT EASY TO GEl UN AND DRIVE THE BEST VEHICLE WE'VE EVER BUILI. OR PLUS $0 PAYMENTS PURCHASE DQWN DIUE P FINANCING PAYMENT DELIVERY up 10 60 MONTHS QUfers vary by model. Not ail combinations appt y. See Gai linger Ford for details. _ IALIIIj Payments loclude PST & GST &GI, 5000<1o0060 moths, 7.97% OAC. Llmited ime offer. GET IN AND DRIVE promotion does flot inciode pre-owned vohicies. Seo Dealer for Dotails. seati ng - see MAZDA 6 on page B3 sîzc incease. \nd cu-n tlîotgh the car t, higgenril dutesn t look uis hî-[-sc thtie-like hods stihn Iiîgs sckî i rod\ii,îmîîanclhandi sittîttîs lttîshed i L uîallsgot ou ndî on about hot ntss tolours miaLing a splash against the sta ut sus trs andi boring monotone shadles that f anadtans ustalis thoiîst But i must adnmit that thts partittular shade ut gres f onet G ( c\ta - ssas tompliiitntan, tii the legante and sîmiplîutîs iofthe exterior pac kagtng. t's tiasss But tset i tîunderstated gres. a lîihtt ii n-strf fte. itsh blitîg lias hcen added ss-îîh os trsized' aggctssîveiv- angitd siver exhaust outiets that inurr litil tiiiin)iiio i idiri îi L- cw inside. the Mazdab 1>1 T\ (i intector reflt ts thte\teiriitr subtIets ss îth a mono- thrîtntittpalette iii hiacl< textures,. dark leaiher and thons h-Iued ss todgrains. sparsciN htghliited bs hrushecd rneîai and chrotue higitighîs.The otls toitur tomecs from the tradentark\iazdao imostis -red iluinatioîn on citais andtin tuisttteta- Andîi tenthert arc the buttons. Lots of buttons tei n -tthe steti tng %Ns hel alone. Whtî it tranSis I1 Il take ans\-Jas io\e caitritni etnral cttntrîtlitcs that sentios ttisramiblinti tir the îssner's nmati ual. AHi the itýttittnentatittfl is sel1 ts idenlt atd tgtniitîals laidoti. Nl\ls i hatis fiotutht sport\s frott tctckpit ara i. t sitbs tîthat ttîost îof tht itîtrease n siZeanti spate sNii ntitîta t.011i ccondîî sttî-ti HICiEh Msa:îiabis dît aiblicfor Itse passengers. scs t tin-tititable tir fouîr. Behind thebe0t/40 t lititngrceai seti ite hotireat Jet i.tiltetlta ,uti- prtstitieedp trtuk \\ ii 4tit litres i 10.t- tii ti.) oi targîl pacc. \ fie retît trngite \ia:îia-11-i\ et, 1 ptiied tiser abotnthaussNas intît ensrctîrn trip tii naSe a fets ast cnites. i-iipping tii a blani. page, i satitri tht t ahin antI lîitked ai oînd, piepacet lt dlownt suggestioins fttr impciisement. l'in stîre titat tiser thteîe'.t test s-tacs, MaZila sii squeeze ouit sinali titîreinenits tif [iitwer increcases, meake tf-e fuel enitage nitre miscIs. htlipefulisadd idie-stou- tet hniiîigyat-ti max be inake a few eos- met i hanges, ifl-ly tri frcsi-en feattîces ifateif hv tinte anti familiaciti. But siîtirîg therceirîiking actitht-e page stas tii hiatus. 1Intipreie e tns? \\ lai imprits emtt? iTe Nazdib îîtîpetes against a tîttîli ciod î5ilfat iîg tiff agatist st-es thîg lt-ilt-to tht i ils ta t.amc' tii tieîla \tcttii-i andtia itvi t i tf itiîec itîtrelittit and itîli size sedlans geace(l tîlsianis tue laitîih setiati markset. lix hleniiing istttw fes efs t-f rttînti- ncss andutitlits- srth is îîadititinai stcengths tif siyling anti dynainic e tricn- ance, Mazda has ceated a i-en- viable et- tender, a famiiy sedan wîth styiing, elle gante, a long list of availahIe fuxuries and with mitre ihan just a touch tif sprts sedan flavriur. l"IM:ir 1 $81000 IN PRICE ADJUSTMENTS