WHEELSain bmpo SUPPLEMENT TO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2009 2010 Mazda6 has got "the chops' Story and photos by Rob Beintema Metroland Newspapers Carguide Magazine Beauty may catch the eye but to win the role in any audition, youve gotta have "the chops" in this case, the room, the performance, the comfort and capabilities to carry off the multi- tasking demands of a larnily sedan audience. Enter the 2010 Mazda6. In 2007, a second gcncraiion Nlazdaes6 lincup \%a uns cilcd comiplcic ss oh sedan, 55 agon and hatchback versions. There was no problem with looks, style and sporti- ness. No problem with performance. But maybe a prohlem wth oversized Americans trying to squeeze into them. The hatchback and wagon ver- sions, although popular in Canada, neyer took off in the U.S. cither, and, slaves thai we are to Amnerican size demands and sales perceniages, the decision was made to build a larger, more powerful, sedan-only Mazda(s specifically for North America. Which is why a new 2009 Mazda6 debuted last year as an excellent com- promise, somnehow holding on io Mazda's "Zoom-zoom n"styling and sport performance phîlosophy whîlc o[fering more power, more room and more amenities. When the car was launched, Don Romano, president of Mazda Canada satd that "with the introduction of the new Mazda6, we are poised to capture an even larger share of intermediate sedan buyers." And with its dramatc design, driving dynamics, quality and value, the new Mazda6 is a fresh alternative to the bland offerîngs in thîs segment from other japanese and North American brands," he added. That's a pretty cocky attitude but, lîke ils first generatîcsn predecessîîr, the 2009 Mazda6 took the award as ' Besi New Famnily Car ($22k s$3Ok) ai ithu Automobile Journalisîs Assoicatiotnî oi (anadas (AjAC) (ar iof ihe '(ar coin- petitton. More imptirtanily, it proveccla scîccessîtîl follow-uîs t thcelîtîsclar Mazda3 lineup. [tir tIse 2010 mîttîcIycar, itli Mazda6 flagship sedan carrcne it iih Indel changc savu Itîr soniîe cclîur pressure mnitorciing sysiui (c \Im palette tiinkerîng, moîrc îechiouligica l Itir-\whecl .\BS disc hrakcs sîiih edc- content andI nmore ll mnclIusive jîaukag- îruînîc lrakc' force cdistribsution, tracttitt îng. cotttritl. six air hags, aniti-iliti alarnt 1 lic 20 10 Mazclalîis ticreclii iin i o sysîciî iih etîgîne-iiuiitlilizer, trîni -ec's tht' hase (,u andcl tîj-ul- pow'r xc iticlusss, air- coitninig \\iils ilîe-lîîîc' GTImicrotn air lit'r, iili/ielc'scolitstc i'ng tAncl sîscîsIsas "base" lic ascirc wih cricîsc' cnrîl aînd acdituso tcî ihai the Mazclaûôsiirts vviili a vcry cs, b0/40 sîslîî-lmîcl rcar suai and a six- iîlucsivc ltsitiIfstandard Icicîrc's îhaî sîpuakur t/ N/ DM3 uciîtsyss itîclude I 7-inuh allîts sihcîls, a tire c ttî. Th hc,-l inmlcs ciadds usi about cvc(rs'ihinig îailahle in the option packages-îlîings lîke dyniaînic siahîli- ty conirtîl ()s ,an 8-\,\a: power adjusiable driscrs scati ,\îîh lumbar support. iiiotirttif, rain-sensingi sipcrs. auîinîaîic hicadlighis and ioih in silcscls oicsu siih Ivvo cngîîc tch ocs -a 1 7o hp, 2.-lire lour-cs linclutior a 272 lhp. 3 Tîlîtr (sO Botl h O l l( ungi oc-s Icalt ccs Zril 5 ilS, il 5 01,111 r t i l .ii itiilSIii I citti Itaii ix-c lant.1,11-ds caeloadc icr OA alis dc .\uniltii111) hcîlîghîs c\ithisianual Iýci lig Mall WstsiitiIusls unItrs \ slintindicl hIuîsltititIli/tin B3lindl M iNonitori ng 's i iti NIl , BOl sl ca cîk u crrousndlsucnd, saîicîtitu asg ainatd Bhucuooîh ss îh Auci Piolîle and SI Rit s siiullîc Al'titI. is )sciued ai t t1s-l fic' lui c'l ol pocr cl îsuî Itoimancu. ihe \lîzclt(s T-\'(shaut',ojs to sîîuud nic uýls 1 ht is n6akus 272 h i &I (20 rpnsi and 2(i lb/lt of- îorquu. more than unougb iisýc lu Iiiosoc' ibis Mazcla6 Irnit o- I dkini injusi osur six scconds. I cicl uuntn is raiccI ai 12. l/811l]lOkmn 'Iîts îîaditional c'npjhi'siý%on ly naînîc drîs'îng perforniance and a fu11 sciteu of traction icuhnologîus givc thc cai- a nimble, planîtcd tee] ci îh ececllcnt corncrttsg abilitîts lcsîste-ihc see MAZDA 6 on page B4