ARTSi Raising the New band program aims to develop young talent By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Music teacher David Di Giorgîo is hoping students xiii put the gift of music high on their Christmas wish lists this year. ICs a gift hes more than wiiling to heIp gîve through a new band program he's starting in the new year. Di Giorgio, music director at E.C. Drury High Schooi, is the mastermind bebind P(REP), a band prograni being offered tbrough die schooilor- ktds in Grades, 7 anti8. Through P(REP), students will receive 16 weeks of music instruction. They'il meet every' Mondav from January 18 to May 31 rom 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. in E.C. Drurys music room and rehearse with teacb- ers and senior high scbonl musicians. As a grand finale, the band xviii perform at E. C. Drurys annuai Bobemian Fair in june. "iî's my response to really trying to provide more quaiity arts programming in town, increasing the love for music and spreading the sense of eommunity here," Di Giorgio said, expiaining he wants to belp 'raise the bar" for young musicians in town. Experience flot required Students already iearning an instrument through their elementary school bands arc invited to participate, but so are students who have neyer before picked up an instrument, but who are eager to iearn. 1I want to make music availabie to more people in Miton," Di Giorgio said. By the end, everyone xiii play at the samne level, he said, and - the clineher - thevil sound good. lI want kids to know that anything is po)s- sible and they can do high level performing." Di Giorgio experienced first hand a similar band program run by a friend in Brantfordl CRAHAM PAINEt ANADiAN CHAMPION INSTRUMENTAL IN STARTING NEW PROGRAM: E.C. Drury High School music teacher David Di Giorgio eagerly awvaits nexi month's start of his P(REP) band program. and said he wsa aazed ai ho\v gnod tbe students - wbn'd onlv heen playing for- sx weeks - sounided. Its a model thai really lrie busaîtl. explaining theres a higl tiettintn tor ratio. The cost is $1 30, \vhiub works ont Io lcs, tban $4 per hour, plus the t ost of rentîng an instrument - approximateiy $Si12 per month - if students don't aireadvý have onc. The mioney wili go toward D (.Irurvsý nmusit prograni forthtings like nusv instru- ments, hursaries and scholarships. -'ie be entorsbip opportunitics the band wiIl provide l'or bigh scbool students wiIl be insainable. Di Giorgio said. Alter the irst vear, Di Giorgio said he hopes to u\pand the prograni to include koI', ini Grade', 3 to 6. e,\'cal i ase muic inside us. lis jusi a maittetof tappîng mito it St unts t can registut on-line ai littp.ý// tl Monla. jan. i1 or sign nip an i information sesstoni being heid that samuntIiîy ai 6:.45 p.mi. in the musiu roomn at f C Dtrr Rentaist, an be arranged ibat ntgbt tbrottgb St. Johns Mutsic. iot more nftornmaton about tbe pto- grain, tontati Di Giorgio atit,905) 878-0575 ot Sh',phtafl I-ounscIl/ in bla' tichl i t -fSyer Time, Save Money. o «s /Mmey,4lt GR CK &*i M d mm .5___ I