Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 2009, p. 28

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To PlaceAnAd. *l 95-88-241 Emi :cla sied&altoear.co S Fa CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOiJRS. n Monday to Friday 8:30 arn -5:30 p.m. E MclassE lodsQ~iba D~ww Z AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #11, Burlington ON L7L 7GS. DEADUNES: Monday 5Sp.m for Wednesday 0publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for riday publication. Special Feature deadlines may ay PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, lnterac. Visa, MasterCard, FoCiclt E American Express. Business accounts may be opened eith an approxed credit application axalable f rom your Sales Consultant. CHECK VOUR AD TH1E FIRS rOCrc lato inquirles, please cali M DAY IT APPEARS no ensure iirs accuracy. The Canadian Champion esîlIl ot be responsible for any errors appearing after the f irst day of publication If an «C error appears in pour ad contact your Sales Consultant eithin 24 hours of publication- Friday publication errors mut be reperted before 530 p.m 905878-5947 Zon the following Monday. - $$EFC .2 t 1""Il i ' ,,- I oa a.p1 1 A ) s) I "t-%D CA"t-88 lt vv.ntrovs qSOE$ OSLI DAEDbsMriae DATEmoetrgageio.o in re N corne, C adIl re daw ge etî0d9a 1-7-0050 82 iîC9 mugaim ugaeondtas c dssAav pb S50u yu cArprsusefilea ra îgRecsilCrlGs o Msite er sd ME T d ealto Wn mtr Ad tra/cv anquie t bueldigetumoCu/în SuighCleanrlo 1 2D bedoor niats ments alab/v ry George and Goca TranîtmSiuonvv Calvis.9058738080 ww ivastac ACO1-BEDROOM AT apar,îrnent foi matunt, $80/motSpeuse ca/o.In st90545-7661. vow. a ChurchîiSredt Towrs. Ca9051-873-8080. PUSoi OIom Fîs/ai Ir g/SO lil.519-83-42.co ACTON IAPARMS 1,s 2 1na3bedroom an $mot value.sivano analud. 4 MNiapt ret fr.519853-43721.ra MILTON- LARGEN2 Ce ro2ans dom apartrnn-îar 51a-8a3-4l7i. wwSal a 41167234801. ACTON SPACIOUS i Cdnm apt. Wurm +0 Sesîde the gas ru place. Soilahîs îmrned.5750/mo/if nutî/îi us. nevnîko 647-4090/59 CAMPBELLVILLE- BEAU. TIFUL unny 2 Cuiron aparimeot, second blonr Stove and fndgen îc/ded. Own centra/ air anS gas fun rane. No smoking, nu pet- pnelerred. Souirusre /00+ 51000/mu. Sa/r 905691 1/08. CAMPBELLVILLE- Fi/lI fuannsSed/ 3 Sedroonr apatmvni, 51800/mu Sable, inter/et acceso Stepo io /oca/ euteny, otCer umenîiîes. et C day, week or mon/S Suai/aS/e Januaru 1.Sal 9058546175. escarymrentliîvîg.com GEORGETOWN -BEll ROOM apartment ii quis building. ASaolab/v Januar, lot. 5775/mortS, acrosi tnom iSuperStore N( pet/smokinig, reerncv p/vueas e . CSur 416 8885720. GEORGETOWN 2-BED ROOM, 1-balS tonouos, xth gas Cireplace. beautîft ardmond fluors. All appl ances încludvd, tai/y fui nîsbeil if needed. Laie basement for storage. 3+ý S$1, 1 O/montS P/au utlties. Sailable Jasuai lot. Sali SCamo a 905-703-4496 or Jessîn ut 1-905-290-4319 fi more informaton. ËR ortgages/ Loans 1 Mortgages/ Lonfi ILTON FURNISHED CARPET i have sevenai corn ton nenr SovaîiaCle 1,000 yards of nrw Snaîî imediately. Oonny ana Masien & 100% nylon can rmoinong. Finltand lunr yen. Wîil do liiingnooum & iOO0 Sali 905-89186314 Sali for $389. rnIlescar pet. pad & installatin130 WILTON- LARGEbCviiyeanrd s) S te ve, comn, ulrîie inter/et. 905633-8192 )aklg, 500/mo. indu ae. Finst/ ast nequired FIRST CHOICE Billiards îaîlabie îmrnedîateiy, 905- oeling nvm and used pool 299-2171. tasres, cues, dlants and un cessories, tonsCari and SMmdgarnen uni mune 925 oemmodatlon Main Street East, Unit 2&3, Milinni90O5-536 1i2 EEKING 1 pers/n ns 1HOT TUB (aSpavrs rare Milton Cnand rex de- bsulprice. Pest quaiity Cii tcCed Mattamy 3 Ced- sCapes & coiouns Cari rom Corne, avatiabie i 8 66 5 85 0 0 56 ebruary 1d $1000 mnmo ue n4. ai n- .0il Cc i HOT TUB/'r-/i - arry 905 22C,1 d4d a/uS ni d i ai.cl/r 1 i adcoVenrStol 1 inerappen. Flrewood Cost Sf995 , Sacritice $4750. Soir 905-971 1777 E0PEG PEREGO Ouette Sou QUALITY SEASONED Ce stîniier fon sale in e> Haln Pick op or delîi lent condition mas ramely irl Ready when youane. useda nhe sonulen nas lilii Vorume discounts avaîlaCie neciiniîng4 position bu k Tuîtmani s Garden Centre, resto & 2. position oonrest. Acton 519-853 2480. Oas wann boots, adrostaCie honodo virthzàpopenî ventila SINGLE FATHER isoking TREADMILL. ELECTRIC. fo sîSter to pick op cIiiid an te/lstlime. .ueedils/unce, .pm fnnm0Daycane Pieuse calorîrs. reuntrateinclin/e ai, Mike 647 23-00/2/ S295 Sisn 14k Wmieu . i O air id Ring. eillur nul Sffl&l u.n tl eesnnse O ke Spelalervces 901,81451d1 Apfïnmn or [RU GEORGETOWN, 2-BED- MI ROOM apaîtmenit. cose to nsc GO. No pets. Sepanate en- om trance. 5880/monte pus ASi ý as aid ater. fîst/luot. St( vaila Ste Januaîy lst ni - Februaney t st. Cal! MI 90558774416. rc s-w GEORGETOWN 2-BED- Siý ROOM asernent apant- 29 ment, separate entrane, eus Cirepace. parkng,. aur dry aid utlties nclxded. - No smoking, no pets. Frst PA and last ririeil S9 0 0/ m on tCh C ariSE 416-708,9338. si GEORGETOWN DOWN_ Fe TOWN1 f nl 0>0r1 in apar/n ierits uuiui e.New ý y renovted. Parkng, laun a dry, eat il uded. $900/morth. Cair Jeniter, r 9055873-0438 or testI 647-894-1831. MILTON- -BEDROOM H plus dur & liig-room, er basement apaitrnent. rex-V le yienovted. Avaîrabre Tu immediateIy. 5900/mu In- y cludes tiities. separate enranice, parking.' mreess internet, berI sale/rte, onI Sus route, crose to GO.L Preter singe penson. ro smoking. 9058762857. s MILTON, ACCEPTING Sp 6C plcatos for 1 bedroom Ca ap. avaîasre FuS lt rate of $875. No dogs. osr a p p oîn tm e nr cari1 9056991398,I MILTON SHORT-TERM gi reotai. 2 en/oms. Park ni îng. casîe naîd or Ri ncluded. 5950/mo Sur ig 90529929OO0 9 RURAL MILTON- bewiy reniovated i Sasemeîîr aparrne/r ouit si/gle ner son, arr uiiiî/es, fCsi asi, $95'S/mn Credît Chreck and reerences, cai Keoin 416n-9907016. h1 OR 2 vE13000M. Iur anished/unturnished apuni m e ri t w ain/tilod i i 1.Georgetomn/Actuni/Mîltr ii irnmediuiely. N/n omoker, MoCer wi/0 /00/g idS 416-807 634 7 ý5WANTED TO ren: own 1 oose on Oeiachnd ///me, 1 Milton, Fen /5 o/i /0/en 3+0/dr//ms, 24 na//w, 2 rai /arkng fds e Y Up rie 51500/îoo M 905 8/51905 Hossfr Re 3 3 BEDROOM semi-det tacOed, cose ici arr Surn/ies, 2 car parking, Foi derals caîl 416 294- et 3386. so GEORGETOWN LARGE 3 os edîoom main four unga 11ow tachnd garage. ront poncC, 5-uppyliances and - centrar air. Si ,300/mooth )-plus utlties. No oînok- e ing/peto 9057034618. )f- ist s END UNIT Mlton tnsSed ry basemnit. ear tobiaxo,1 t GO. 401, 51500/mo. plus. a Soaîrable Febroare 1. ne Tuikey înclxded. Doris 905-854-0888. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL da@hAea Caan rom INTERNET: wm budingtospost com wwoaksrîebeaaer com PHRM,* ASISAN OE IN 25 hauts meekîy Must be avarlable for some eoesîog and weekend shfs. MINIMUM t SEAR 0F EXPERIENCE IN A PHARMACEUTICAL SETTINO KNOWLEDGE 0F NEXXSYS OR OTHER DISPENSING SOFTWNARE AN ASSET Please submît resumneio person toý Sandra Barres ut. Yaung's Pharmacy and Homecare 47 Mais Street, South Georgetown, ON 9 OOam -5.OOpm Mondays, Thursdlays, Frîdays 1 rilsfor Sae B 4-MICHELIN X ICE 205/ 5/ 16, /î/ G M ou/mIrr & otOn. o.useione /n oîOt/î Celone truce, 5400 oCo. SOS5876 19/3 ALL NEW Bvds! Plus/ ym/ /omtops, 10-15" tCmck, nex in plasticDosuble $250., Queen $275.. King S500 Vmoco Meînorv loam mat- treso xîtS covi, Queo $750.. fKing 5950. Sun De- huver, 905-730-5849 BRAND NEW Frigidaire 30' Stoan for sale 112 pricv/ mCite. Digital. Omoi vi's Manua and manafan- tarer's marrasty. SougSI fnom store 3 meeks ugo and asvd onty twrcel Aukîng $200 o60. Sali Lîz aI 905-580-7821. Arices n 3di m t-a i Or>y Onr.iqî. r îrsinsArn. /piii T.top Cash 905 131 2477 WANTED: 13" GE 7/ modv/ 13GP344, m//or Cî n good condition. Su/I Bil 905878-3646 CI1l 1 1 jl $$$ AAU WANTED $$$ WE pay ItOP Sfor urd COO aiof ovrnr JEWELLERY, rings. cîtans. destaL GOLO & Sîlver coins. matches, WE BUS GOLO & SILVER IN ANY [OHM- Buiîs Medals. badges swsnds amy MILITAHV itemts ANY Natîrin 'SeiI b estahlished local dealer TOP p îiîdî EMADAILS 760 Brani Sf 47. Burlintîgon 905-634-3848 1 cars< 1994 MAZDA MX' M,- 2000 MAZDA Protege. beige edun. a/no 4 cyri der, grean or, gu ,esno ed A/5 de i te, polt d aiiJ58253462 B5 PONTIACFi, 5 200 OOý, 00as1 SA0 n/',T - - f -4 f V,- i CLEANING LADY i - nea omt'ig hi. Hom Reoat i -- rif i I LOOKING FOR a /1a/ n en s Asîstanon Occupîa ti oîîi /enapîs/ 9'i I Opm, S days a week. Mi/ ion Sommunîty.Sa/I Ohi ey @9058752166. Oe CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power could ouse 50+ op is 5400 on car i/ou 1866 4739 817 tornoruoS lîgation quste.SAdditronal dscounts available. YOUR BESI SOURC nofrifs JOB FAIR We are hîring enthusîastic Permanent Part-Tîme Staff for our new store in Oaks Ile lAhbeywood Dr. & Pîigrims Way) Comp lio/r 1uf le sFront End Cashiers a e Produce Clerks e Meat Cîerks e a Grocery Clerks e Part-Time empinyment wilS days or evenings and meekends shitts avoilable Esperierr.e in grocery or retaîl 15 an assel, We wiIl train Apply in person: January 6th and lth 1O:OOam - 1:OOpm & 2:OOpm - 6:0Opm Royal Canadian Legion 36 Upper Middle Rd. E. (ai 6th uine) Oakville Please bring minimum 2 applicable reterences, and be prepared t0 mail as interviews wiii be dose on site. The Oakville Beaver 15 CALLING ALI KIDS! We arf, 1/ frrt/ i/cr//Q r foid// verVfC/ Wvdrrsdsys FTl'rrdaysý& Frîdàp; The tollowing routes are availabla immediately:- Springfield, Patricia, Shanley Terr, Oseen Mary, Madden, Lyndhurst, Sîoth Lite, Stratus, Richview, Heathliff, Colonel William Pkwy Monko Passage, Glet Valley, Glentîeld Mayflower, Franklin CrI, Jutland PI, Lancaster, Lexington Rd, Harman GI, Getesse ars Lane, Shîpwrîght, Osborne, Pilgrmoay Fieldcrest, Abbeymood, Deerwood Ir, Mapleridge, lngîehart, Spruce, Lakesiew, Jasmine Ct, Craigleith, Rochester Cîr, Ingletot. Valleyridge, Scottscraig, Highbourse, Hghvatley, Sfarnoway Cali us ta lind out if your street is available. Circulation 905-845-9742 905-62-816 IAuoLesig&~lAuoLatonad FINA4NCE t BUSERS.COM Buy aimost new for LESS. Hundreds of vehicles to choose from. 1-888-357-2678 www. FinanceBusters. corn dhê~eoedwns E FOR LOCAL JOBS GeealKp :] 1 eea él Burligton Post DISTRICT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The qualîfîed candidate wîli passes excellent wrn00 and verbal communication skîlls and mîlI hase workîng knowledge of Microsoft office. You wiii se customer focused in ensurîng thar Or customers distribution teeds are met. n thîs role, you wîll work cissely ilS the carrier force by ensurîng al sewspapers atd distribu- tion products are delrsered in a timely maniner. Ysu ii be organized and capable of workîng witron a faut paced. tfam orîsorvd environ- ment. If ysu are înterested in msrking for a leader in the media îndustry thîs opportunîty may oe the rigot one lot youý If interested please formard your resume: kmossman@ miltoncanadianchampîan .com Fax: (905) 632-7768 1S/u2ni ýi ul, ir riS *S F roser Direct TRANSPORTATION 8:30 am 10 5 GO pm Msnday to Frrday Support clients of Fraser Direct Logîstîcs wîth respecI to Transportation, Customs and Distri- bution oueds Princrilizedispati'h lsds, provîde service for assîgned accoonts. etc. Transporta- lion and Canada US customs esperience, cuatomer service and computer skîlla requîred. Email resume ta. humanresaurces@fraserdrrect.ca Attento:Trarspartatîsn Shipper/Recive Inside Sales Persan lodusîrral Valse Dîstrîbulor seekîng as eoperîenced Persan for 15e/r shippisg/receîsîsgl insîde sales dept, respassible fat packing and shipping orders, assemblisg valses, aftendtg phase calîs and geseral office rautine, Iechnî- cally ariested & campufer skills an asset. Please fax/e-mail your reSume to: 1905-608-2211 I central@valvsource.com Loc~[Workoe IL 1. . . . - . --l Spaciotis 1 or 2 hedrooni suites located in a serene neighbourhood Renovated fitness room. social room & lobby Steps away trom beautiftil downtown Milton Easy access Io major highways, 60 Transit. shopping and more L * Suites based on availability -J' GET ORGANIZED wîtO Or ganize 4 You, Dîsorga Re..den' a.11 >or /a/ioariol i/ce 200I 905 257 21/O aau.onga Miedni. a e Serim~~

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