s'pestoeer Gas ÂBar Buy gas, and you can save on groceries. Itys that easy! Earn up to 4s per litre with these double Superuckscoupons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M9 z o a. z 'J z o 1- i E o .2 Q. E 'n <n 's ES o Limited time offer, December 18-26, 2009. Valid only at Milton Loblaw Superstore Gas Bar location. Coupon must be presented at time ot purchase. Coupon cannot be combined with any other free offer. No rancheets or substitutions. Not avaîtable on Pay-at-Pump transactionu. Note: Gas Bar closed December 25, 2009. Lmtdtime offer,I December 18, 2009 to January 2, 2010.I Valid only at Milton Loblaw Superstore Gas Bar location. Coupon must be presented at tîme ut purchase. Coupon cannot be combined with anly ottrerI free offer. No rainchecks or substitutions. Not avaitable on Pay-at-Pump transactions. Note: Gas Bar closed December 25, 2009 and Januar-y 1, 2010. Lmtdtime offer, December 27, 2009 to January 9, 2010. Valid only at Milton Loblaw I Superstore Gas Bar location. Coupon must be presented at tîme of purchase I Coupon cannot be combîned wîttr any other free otter. No raînchecks or substitutions. Not avaîlabte on Pay-at-Pump transactionu Note: Gos Bar ctoned January 1, 2010. il ll 1 1111 i h16 - - - - - receive 2e per litre in S p ru k 1Canadian and Loblaw Superstore. o.. 7 o. - wîth your fuel purchase, receive :double Superbck * with your fuel purchase, receive double iSuperb«Iucks « with your fuel purchase, receive Sdouble SÇuper bucks