I~Ae Homeqr this 8vpr. On Saturday, December 19, 2009, the Town of Milton xNilI proudly ,Nclcome the Olympie Torch. Residents NN11 have a chance to. expenience the ORnpîc Hainc in person as it passes through our town and makes i ts way towards the Vancouver 2-010 Olympie Winter Games. Miltonians are en- couraged to lune the street along the route as torchbearers travel along Main Street and are invited to enjoy a free pancake break- fast that momning. The Olympic Torch Relay begins the dabright and early at 6:57 arn in Norval and wilI be making its way through dovvntow~n Georgetowxn and then to Acton (at Fourth Line) at approximately 7:57am. From there, it wilI be driven to, the arrivai point in Mil- ton at 8:32 arn., beginning at the intersec- tion of' Main and Bronte Stireets and then making ils way through downtowvn Milton to finish at the intersection o'., Main Street and James Sn'. \ Pai-t\\ a\ ai pi<i ac '9: 10 arn. One-m inute com muni tv Stops \"i1i take place at Knox Presb\ terian Chut-ch (170 Main Street Fast) tb celebrate ils his- torical significance and RONA (70X) Main Street Fast) as a proud sponsor. Main Street Fast \vIi1 beciosed betxeen Bronte Street and James Sno\v Parkwav on Saturday, December 11) [rom 8:15 arn. - 9:3(0 arn. Once the toi-ch relax passes major intersections, the roadway Nvi11 be openced to that Point to release tra'fic. Parking xiii be prohibited ['rom 8:0>0 a.n m - 9:30) a.rn on Main Street East, bet\ýveen Bronte Street and Maitin Street. la oin us Sat. Dec. l9th at 8:00 arn and we'II give you a FREE CANADIAN FLAG to wave durlng the OLYMPIC TORClI RUN!t 900578-2355 801 Man StEst Miato 2.51 Main Street East, Milton, 905-87S-05851 nfoaniltonchnherca FRONT END PARTS!: M imO ILE SSU Wf» li" Celebrate This ExcîtîngE vent zone 905.875.9100 ---YE LU S 4M0 kW@ St. but, Milon DINE and DISCOVER 110 1 Maple Avenue 6 905U.878.2656 L .M. contracting Lcensed Duch Carpenter O(4eiq 20 10 Nom or Me1cm fvatflo Congratfflations Torch BearersC'i (() CANADA 10L! Homeowner inurance can be your Most Valuable Possession. Dave Puers. Agent 917 Nipissing Road Milton, ON L9T 5E3 Bus: 905-816-1667 davepeers@davepeers.ca Mon-Fri t:Oam ta 5:Opm Sat 10am-2pm, Evenin & LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOU, STATE FARM IS THER PO02CN 0OiO Ste F. M nAffCSlemnu <n, 0 RETAILER &WHOLESALE0F STERIUNG SILVER JEWELLEIrRY, ANTIQUE JEWELLERY AND BEADS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. HOLIDAY HOURS: O)pen this Sunday, December 20: Noon - 4 pin Monday - Saturday: 10 ani - 7prn Double Sided Sterling Silver Pendants ~ ÂIt v epromise you wvon't bc disappointed! 15 Martin Street, #5 Carrnage Square, T.- 90.5-875-9992 D1owntown Milton F: 905-875-2598 Il